I Cant Settle Down With A Guy That Hooked Up With Many Girls He Consider Unattractive.

Pretty girls always choose unattractive guys?

I remember awhile ago I was in a cd store with my mun and we were looking at music.And she saw Fredro Strarr album and she like showed me and said something like he handsome I can't fully remember each word but I didn't agree and she said something like pretty girls always choose unatractive guys then where in the car I brought it up and she said its true pretty girls always choose guys that are Irresponsible and treat them badly have any of you guys heard this before.

Why do I attract a lot of unattractive girls?

I think that in general. attractive girls have more relationship experience than unattractive girls (this is not necessarily good or bad).First of all. if you find that unattractive girls give you much more attention than attractive girls, then you may have good reason to believe so. While you may be thinking that those unattractive girls who are always hitting on you are below your league, you might find that they actually aren’t.One thing that a previous poster pointed out in his answer is that you assume that women and men judge level of attractiveness the same. Not so at all. Yes, the majority of men want a woman who is physically attractive first and have other good qualities second, but this is RARELY the case when women are choosing men, especially when the woman is good-looking. She’s been with dozens of guys just as hot as she is who’ve turned out to be a waste of time. There is so much more to being an attractive man that a woman actually wants to be with. I hate to state the truth so bluntly, but the more status you have as a man, the better looking the women you attract will be.So yes, these girls you tend to attract might be 4’s or 5’s on the scale of attractiveness based on physical appearances, but it’s very likely that that is your “range”. You may be a 4 or 5 on the attractiveness scale based on status. Those 9’s and 10’s that you want will come with plenty of hard work, especially if you weren’t already born into a family with status.Still, it’s probably a lot easier for you to change your level of status than it is for some of those not so hot girls to change the looks they were born with.Now that I’ve answered your question, let me say this: you might find that tactic of dating/choosing a mate highly ineffective in the later years of your life. Even harder than finding a really hot woman that wants you is finding a woman who will actually love you and stay with you through thick and thin. That’s just my opinion.

Why do unattractive guys only want pretty girls?

Why don't they just lower their standards and get with girls who are unattractive like them? I always see unattractive guys who are lonely because they only want really hot girls who don't want them. They could have girlfriends if they'd talk to girls who are on their level of attractiveness.

Don't get all mad either. I'm just asking about what I observe in real life. If you get mad then you know it's true and you can't handle the truth which is: guys are more shallow than girls, even ugly guys. Also I don't think I'm all that, but I do take care of and care about my appearance. I work at being pretty. Every girl can be pretty if she wants to.

I'm a really good looking guy but cant get any girls?

ok so Im a really good looking guy, I've been told so many times by a lot of women of all ages and races and even by men like family members, friends, etc not in a homosexual way though, girls stare at me wherever I go and all of that, I'm also very smart i do really well in school, anyway my good looks do not even help me at all because when it comes to getting a girlfriend I fail miserably, the only girls I could go out with are really unattractive and It would never work out for me because I simply cant go out with a girl Im not attracted to , being good looking backfires on me and i get nothing not even a decent normal girl and it surprisingly started to affect my self-esteem now because i never had a girlfriend and I'm about to turn 20, also I've seen so many disgusting looking guys get really hot girls or a lot of girlfriends i've also seen the biggest losers and assholes get nice cute girls and i get nothing and it makes me feel like biggest failure and i feel so humiliated because how can a smart good looking guy get no girls but an ugly *** guy can?? It's being good looking a curse and not a good thing?? im not the best when it comes to talking to girls but im not bad either, im also a comic and very funny guy always love to make everybody laugh, that's one of my best qualities besides the good looks, I make girls laugh a lot but I still fall short, im also aware that there are other guys out there that really know how to talk to girls but they are usually so ugly! but however they get girls! how can just that one thing work for them??? Im really really confused! any help would be much appreciated thanks!

Are men expected to settle (for unattractive women) in the night club and at parties?

I see women turn men down left and right in the night club, yet when a man does it I dunno it feels as if there's a social conscience that is telling him that he's shallow or that his standards are too high. I've seen women leave the club when it becomes clear that the particular guy that they want is not interested- even though there are plenty of other men who are. Yet when I do the same thing, or when I'm not interested in the women who are availing themselves to me I question myself for maybe being shallow.

Is it that men are so often the losers in the club who are damned lucky to be able to get any women in the club, let alone the hottest girl there- that makes a man automatically feel as if he 'owes' it to women to settle? Guys are so often happy with anything they can get in the club; and if you happen to be a guy who has girls after him, yet the other men around you are chasing women and disappointed that they cant get anyone, it feels as if it's almost your 'duty' to snag a woman (even if you're not interested in any in the club) just to show that you don't feel you're too good. Also, I think men may just be more keen to spare women's feelings when it comes to rejecting them, so we often just comply with women were not interested in just to avoid hurting her.

Why would very attractive men sleep with unattractive women?

I am 32 years old. I gym religiously, and take care of myself. I have a six pack and v lines. My work has been more on the relationship side of things (sales, relationship manager, etc) I don't have any problems at all in society, except women. The answer to your question is simple: Its much harder for a guy to get a girl they want generally than the other way round. Its the common adage, a minority of guys attract the girls while the rest of us have to get lucky.  And the key to this all...its not just looks for men.  My one uglier friend (who doesn't have a six pack) has had over 100 women, me...I have had several. Its not only looks when it comes to attraction for women. There are so many variables in getting a girl other than looks. So what happens? The hot girl gets hit on by 10 guys for example, because she is hot, the guys who think they have a shot are usually pretty hot themselves. But only one will get her. That leaves 9 left. Then those guys will have to go a bit lower until the last one has what's left. So basically you will have some hot guys with average women. With regards to my friend, I am more physically attractive, but his competency with women will make him get the girl over me, leaving my six pack, v line, gym bunny self empty handed and lowering my standards.  I found a 45 year old mom of 2 on Adult Friend Finder. I lowered my standards a bit. She is ok, bit of a milf, very fun to be around, but for a gym rat myself, I lowered the bar. But when I hooked up with her, something more interesting came about. She had LOADS, I am talking about over 100 requests from guys on adult friend finder to choose from. I am talking professors, gym bunnies, druggies, married men, couples...whatever she wanted, she could get. I felt very lucky just to get her after seeing that.  I have a new found respect for successful male players. Its friggin hard to get a girl, especially a hot one and I never judge a hot guy with an average girl.