I Deal With A Very Negative Woman I Work With Along With The Drama/gossip See

How do you deal with a bitchy, lying, gossipy coworker?

This method worked every time like a charm for my 33 years in a professional office workplace that was RIFE with nasty "political dynamics" BEFORE Political Correctness arrived to make things 100 times worse:

Simply DON'T RESPOND to the "bitchy, lying, gossipy, coworker":

a) You'll quickly find out which colleagues are your TRUE friends; they WILL stand supportively behind you, where the poser "bitchy, lying, gossipy coworkers" will stay clear away from you ( and you'll be better off without the latter, trust me ).

b) You'll gain a good workplace reputation as someone that maintains classy, steel edged cool, under otherwise stressful office situations; bosses and supervisors really DO look for such employees, because they're NOT the brown-nosers bosses truly regard with the "3 disses": DIScredit, DISregard and DESpise.

c) Most professional workplaces have HR enforced office policies that sharply discipline employees making rumor, innuendo and/or other discrediting / disrespectful statements towards other staff, be they as a group---or individual. As your "bitchy, lying, gossipy coworker" amplifies their negative behaviors, be assured HR WILL eventually call them in for a "confidential meeting"; let the negative coworker be the reason they got counseled, suspended and/or fired.

NEVER EVER react, publicly or otherwise, at what you've heard from this "bitchy, lying, gossipy coworker".

Will knowing the identity of the gossip girl (in the drama Gossip Girl) help me enjoy the series more?

Nope… Do not, I repeat do not google it is easy to Google but never. Try to guess who it is. If you find out early what is the point of watching it. S and B for ever….

Dealing with gossip at work?

I would love to tell you that they were talking about someone else. And I would love to tell you that mature adults rarely gossip and complain about people at work... But the reality is that there are mean people and gossips at most work places. Unfortunately, this is going to be something that you'll have to get used to dealing with.

There are things you can do to cut down on the amount of gossip and complaining about you, but you'll never be able to stop it completely. Even if you are the best, nicest employee in the world! Here's my advice for dealing with this:

1) NEVER try to deal with the problem by getting close to the gossips. I have seen many young people make this mistake. Even if you are super-friendly with them, they will still gossip about you. Also, if you get close to them, they will suck you into their nastiness. You might end up getting a reputation as a mean person or a gossip and that will be bad for your career. It will also add stress to your life.

The solution is to be professional. That means, say hi, say good-night. Chat politely about what was on tv last night. But don't give away personal information about yourself (change the subject if they ask). And excuse yourself ("well, I'd better be going") whenever the chit-chat gets mean or gossipy. Try to restrict conversations to a couple of minutes at a time. Don't judge them or talk about how mean they are... This will get back to them and your life will be more stressful. So keep a polite distance and focus on your work.

2) Don't feel bad if you hear something mean about yourself. Here's the thing... Mean people at work are often mean because they are bitter. That means they are jealous of others. Or they don't have much going on in their lives and they create drama to make their lives seem more interesting. In other words, you're probably not doing anything wrong; these women are just petty and mean. Maybe they don't know much about modern fashion. Forget about them. You can't change them.

Ask your mother or an older female friend if your work attire is OK. It is probably fine. Ignore these women. Good luck.

Need advice dealing with negative, toxic family members?

Just don't be around them more than you can help. When they say or do something mean to you, just smile and say, "I sorry you feel that way" or "I hope you feel better."
Unfriend on FB anyone who isn't friendly! Duh!
Be supportive of your mom by trying to get her in a better frame of mind. Give her positive thinking books to read. Refuse to listen to he being negative. Tell her to just write all her negative things down, tear up the paper, and flush it down the toilet of but it in the garbage. Help her plan a healthy life style also. Of course, if she want cooperate, you really can't do anything but keep being positive and telling her you hope she will get better.
Personally, I like "How's that working out for you?" for a questions that helps other redirect.
I also tell people i will pray for them and I do it. I am not sure whether they will accept the help they might get from that but it helps me.
Nobody can make you feel bad without your permission.

You change the way you deal with things by doing what you know is right. Dwell on what is beautiful and healthy. Exercise,eat, pray,and meditate in ways that work for you.
You can't stop the birds from flying over your head, but you don't have to let them nest in your hair, And if while flying over they happen to drop a little s--- on you, a nice shampoo will fix it.

What's the REAL Truth? Do Men Gossip More than Women?

As a man who has worked around a lot of women I can assure you that women gossip more than men. I don't think we men are observant enough to be good gossips. We live in our little work worlds doing our jobs oblivious of what is going on around us. On the other hand the women in the same workplace seem to notice every little nuance of behavior and then they talk to each other about it and make conjectures about what it all means. We guys are truly just not that interested in what is going on around us.

Women might have a conversation that would go as follows:
Woman 1: "Did you see the way Bob smiles when Sherry comes into the office? Do you think they are seeing each other outside of work?"
Woman 2: Well I know Bob used to bring his lunch everyday until about a month ago. I asked him why he is going out to lunch instead of packing a lunch and he said he got tired of the sack lunch. But I could tell by the way he said it that something was up."
Woman 1: "Maybe his wife got tired of packing his lunch?"
Woman 2: "I think she's tired of more than that. Have you noticed that when Bob goes to lunch Sherry leaves about 5 minutes later?"
Woman 1: "You think they are getting together at lunch?"
Woman 2: "Last Thursday afternoon Sherry made a point of saying she had chinese for lunch and Bob bragged on his steak from Mr. Steaks"
Woman 1: "Oh my God, how obvious can you be?"
Woman 2: "See what I mean?"

Now here is a typical conversation between the male workers in the same office:
Man 1: "Hey did you get that Simpson file finished yet? Carl is really riding my a_ _ to get that job done."
Man 2: "I'm all about it. I should have it done by tomorrow morning. Speaking of a_ _, have you noticed how tight the slacks are that Sherry is wearing this morning?"
Man 1: "She's killing me. Quit watching Sherry's a_ _ and get that Simpson file done will ya?"
Man 2: "Alright. Geez who died and made you boss?"
Man 1: "You watching the game tonight?"
Man 2: "H_ ll no! My kid's in some kind of a play at his school and my wife says I gotta go."
Man 1: "No sh_t? Same thing happened to me last Monday night.
Man 2: "Oh that was one h_ll of a game!
Man 1: "Shut up and get to work"
Man 2: "Laugh"
Man 1: "Laugh"

How do i deal with this girl that keeps gossiping about me?

this girl keeps talking bad about me, and posting mean comments on myspace about me. its really pissing me off >:( and bringing me down. how do i deal? i dont want to start any drama. but i sent her a message saying "what is ur problem? why do u hate me so much? i didnt do anything to u." so ya, help please? im figgin really sad now :[

Do women ask too much from men in romantic relationships?

I should copy this answer that I post so that I don't have to rewrite it all of the time.

Men tend to see women as they are or as the person they present themselves as being. Men don't tend to mind if the woman changes to become more than this over time, just as long as the woman they knew at the the beginning still remains a part of her in some way. So, when the woman changes so completely from the woman she once was, or the man finds out that the woman he thought she was, the woman she presented herself as, was mostly an act, then he becomes frustrated or angered.

Women tend to see the man as what he could be or as they wish him to become. So women tend not to see the man as he truly is at the time, but what he might potentially be, and this view of him continues until he either becomes that or not. Since they never accepted the man for his true self but rather for some illusion of him, then they are constantly and continually frustrated and angered when he presents himself as something other than this.