I Dont Have Good Sleep At Night Pleas Help

How do I help my baby sleep through the night?

I've given my baby girl (born may 15, 2015) bad sleep habits. My husband can't stand crying so I rock, bottle feed, give her a paci and/or hold her at night. It's starting to take a toll on me. I'm always tired, she wakes several times a night (every 2-3 hours) and won't go back to sleep easy (without the mentioned above). I put her down to sleep when she starts yawning and rubbing her eyes, I give her a paci and have been patting her back. every few mins she loses her paci and I have to do it again until she falls asleep. Then a few hours later after bed time she wakes up and won't go back to sleep unless I pick her up, sometimes I have to feed her before she will settle back down. I'm at my wits end please help me. I've looked for solutions but have not found any that work for us. Please tell me exactly what I need to do.

What is a good come back to "whatever helps you sleep at night"?

"Ask yourself cause god helps me sleep." some people dont like god, and if you mention him they will dissagree and thats when you walk away

My 7wk old Toy Poodle WONT sleep alone! HELP!??

I got a toy poodle 3 days ago. She is 7 weeks old. Weighs 1 pound. She is a good puppy throughout the day. She is doing fairly good with her potty training. She follows me and my husband everywhere!! When she takes naps she wants to be in my lap, but i refuse to let her. I make her sleep on the floor. She usually passes out at my feet (where she is now ; ] ) ....BUT at night when im ready for bed, she REFUSES to go to sleep. Iv trired putting her in her "play pen", the bathroom, or just letting her roam free throught the house... NOTHING works! No matter what i do she WHINES and SKREIKS! Last night it lasted 10 hours!!!!!!! I read that you just had to let them whine and they would stop, but it didnt work! SHE CRIED ALL NIGHT!...I always make sure she has her bed, blanket, food water, toys, potty pad... i even put a clock that ticks by her bed, bc i heard that helped...
What do i do??
How long should it take to break her of this habit??

OK, crying himself to sleep is NOT an option, please help me! 5 mo old won't sleep longer than 3 hrs at night!

My son is now almost 5 months old & still will NOT sleep longer than 3 hours at a time. He's been on solids for a while & gets a full bowl of rice cereal before bed along with 3 or 4 ounces of formula. Letting him cry is not an option because we have a room mate that works long hours & gets little sleep as it is (not to mention we tried it once & he cried for an hour & a half before we couldn't take it anymore). He's not hungry when he wakes up, he just wants to be held. We try to not pick him up, by just patting his butt & rubbing him & talking to him, but that rarely works & when it does he'll wake up an hour later. We have a night time routine & he falls asleep well, just not long. He gets put in bed anywhere between 10pm-11pm & will only sleep until 1am or 2am at the latest. He wakes up & goes back to sleep & sleeps until 4...the only until 6:30 or 7 & then he's awake for the day at 8am. He takes 20 minutes naps (3) throughout the day & won't sleep longer there either. HELPMEPLEASE

I'm scared to go to sleep at night?

No, I'm not joking. I just moved into my first apartment and I can't sleep here, I think it is because I am scared to be alone at night... but i stay up all night and when it gets light out I fall asleep, and then I also take naps during the day! I don't even know what it is I am scared of!!!! But I'm too embarrassed about this to tell anyone so Please help! Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks

Problems trying to sleep at night?

Zeke, forget the sabre/yatta/yatta. Pharmaceutical companies invent new 'diseases' everyday, to sell us pills, but mainly to convince you that you have a disease, but I don't believe it.

I have the same problem sometimes, it is subconscious stress, manifesting itself as anxiety, nothing more. That actually proves your brain is functioning properly.

Your subconscious can't define true risk, so it just tries to remind you that something is bothering you.

If you are young, you will have stress about growing up. It will feel like anxiety.

At my age, I take Ambien occasionally; it helps to let me sleep all night, but i see it as an aspirin, nothing more.

Don't listen to people that diagnose you with problems that create more stress.

Zeke, when your parents baricaded the door at night, they may have set the stage for this anxiety.

When you wake up late at night, create and practice mental calming exercises, you can perfect them over time.

Don't become another drug controlled zombie, we need the young people to watch the backs of the older ones.

Best wishes.

Smoke alarms beeping and I can't sleep; please help!?

I have 3 smoke alarms and one of them was beeping every 30 seconds or so due to low battery. I couldn't figure out which one it was, so I removed the batteries to all 3. Then all 3 started beeping on the backup battery power.

I don't know what to do. I've replaced the batteries to 2 of them (the 3rd is too high for me to reach; I actually had to use a pole to get the battery out) and they're all still beeping intermittantly.

I can't f***ing take it anymore! It's night and I'm exhausted and have to get up at 6 am tomorrow. I can't sleep with these things beeping! I can even hear them over earplugs and I'm o stressed out, I can't even think straight.

I don't have any friends that I could sleep over at and can't afford a hotel for the night.

Is ther ANYTHING I can do? I'm so desperate! I feel like breaking them, but then I would have to pay to replace them and I can't afford that either.