I Dont Know What To Do Anymore. Im Losing Track Of My Life Pls Help Me

I lost my leg. Please help me get my life back!?

Um any injury that's permanent will take adjusting too. I would just try and be a regular teenager hang out with friends, go shopping, stuff like that. Your life probably wont be the same but it will be good. Getting a prosthetic leg will take getting used too. if people bully you at school then that is just wrong so ignore them, tell them off, or tell a teacher/adult. People will look at you because of the leg, they may say things about it,you should be proud or if you cant do that just think they're staring at your new fashion accessory because you can treat it like that. But you should just look at the guy with two prosthetic legs he made it into the track and field part of the paralympics and has got gold medals, and he competed in the olympics. Just be yourself and be confident. it will take a while to get the hang of things but you'll get it. I will pray for you to get better i hope you do.

I'm having the worst week of my life I don't know why? Please help.?

This whole week I've been so depressed. I've lost meaning in like everything. My days don't flow anymore. I keep focusing on how things don't matter. Like the last conversation doesn't matter, the fact that I listened to this song doesn't matter. It's like there's too many things going on at once. I don't even want to be awake at all. I don't want to do anything. I can't get that thought out of my head. It's like some voice telling me that nothing matters. I can't enjoy anything. Nothing brings me joy. And it just started happening like Last Friday. I am in the worst mood I've ever felt in my entire life. I was completely normal last week. And I feel like I'm going to be stuck feeling like this forever and I think I'm going to have a mental breakdown soon. I was thinking I was having pms. But I've never ever been this depressed while having pms. It's like the world has been flipped and distorted and I can't find meaning, joy or anything anymore :( I don't know what to do. I literally don't want to be awake right now. I can't function, please tell me what to do. I can't handle this.

Im lost in my own mind, help please?

im 17, im a regular guy, i keep a diary to track my own thoughts.
im lost. my mom, shes a mythomaniac and has a couple of mental issues. my dad left me when i was 3.
my mom ****** up my childhood, my stepfather ruined my life for 11 years. he left my mom also. now i live with my mental mom. i lost the fight. i used to be a willing person. now i just eat and sleep, i droped highschool, i have untreated anemia, and dont have money for medicines. my moms been to jail 3 times now.sometimes i starve to living in unigienical sick, im looking foward to commit suicide. its kinda of a good option
i dont talk to people anymore. not even family.i have serious issues, i always keep my chin down when i walk or talk, i never feel ready for things and im never present, people around me say i could get ran over by a car and still wouldnt realize the situation. im a numb...i have all this fears and thoughts and questions that i wrote on my diary,to try to fix it all.but i have no will. i still cant wake up help
my life is fading away in front of my eyes. i cant feel. ive lost the fight. i need to wake up from my bed now.

Can't please parents . Idk what to do anymore?

First of all, you need to realize that you don't live your life to please your parents. I think it's important to try to respect our parents throughout our lives, but I'm not sure your parents are really being the support system you need them to be. I think the best course of action would be for you to visit a school counselor who can help get you on track with your fitness goals (Maybe the PE teacher would be willing to collaborate?), and also help you deal with your emotional struggle with your parents. Its ok to get help, so don't let your pride get in the way of that. Your counselor will help you learn to be more comfortable and confident in your own body and decisions. I know you're hurting and struggling, so if for some reason you are unable to get help, here is a hotline you can call that may be helpful. 1800 55 1800. It is for body image issues, and they should be able to get you the help you need in overcoming this dilemma.

I'm losing my faith in God... (no atheists please, i do NOT care for your opinion)?

Hello :-)

Well, I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses; a Christian.

I've gone through the whole doubting stage of my life where I thought, I wonder if Science has the answers? I wonder if i'm not part of the right group of people? I wonder if I should just do what I please with my life and not care?
Well, I was a goth for quite some time, I was very mixed up in the whole subculture, it was something that I enjoyed and I was part of. I hung around with people who did drugs, who smoked and drank a lot, who got tattoos everywhere as well as piercings, people who would purposely intimate others just with their looks. My life surrounded people who did those things. It's mad I know. I actually enjoyed that aspect of my life. I never felt fully satisfied though.

I've also gone through the stage of my life where my life is so depressing i've wanted to end it, i've wanted to run away from my problems, i've wanted to do a lot that I know is wrong. I can identify with you when you say you don't trust God, you don't trust yourself and you just physically can't end it. I find it very hard to trust because too many people, especially those I care about, have let me down. I couldn't trust God for a long time and I'm still getting through that. I still struggle to put my full trust in him because I stupidly think he will let me down like everyone else.

I won't whinge about my problems though, but I will say this:

I started having a bible study with one of Jehovah's Witnesses and my life changed. I already had a knowledge because my mum is one too, but I began to look into the bible and realised that I needed to change. I've just grown in knowledge and love for God. I attended meetings at my local Kingdom Hall regularly, and I got the association I needed too. I stopped being a depressed goth, and turned my life around and although I'm still facing a lot, I have everything I need to get through.I have Jehovah God, and he helps me more than anything else. I dedicated my life to him this year and I've not looked back.

I really recommend you go here:

And accept a free bible study and see if it helps you. You don't know until you've given it a go, and you'll realise that God does care about you and he wants you to be happy!

Hope i've helped and if you want to talk, send me a message via my profile.