I Feel Less Muscle Pain But More Exhausted Now I

Why is leg day so much more exhausting than other workout days?

A real leg work out should consist of 2-3 exercises for the quadriceps at least one exercise for the hamstrings and 1-2 exercises for calves. If you train really hard at the end of the training session you'll be exhausted like never before. I used to do 5 sets of squats (bar behind the neck), 5 sets of squats ( bar on the shoulders) and then 5 sets of leg extensions on machine for a complete kill. After that I couldn't walk. When you add hamstring and calf routine you can imagine what kind of work that is. All these exercises employ multiple muscle groups and require lots of energy and dedication. That's why they are left for a separate day of the week and usually after that a day off is taken.

Im taking a muscle relaxer and always tired?

That is a side effect of muscle relaxants. It could be that you are just sensitive to medications. Talk to your doctor. There may be an alternative medication, or a lower dose you can take. Or you could try taking it earlier in the evening to give it more time to wear off by the next morning. It may mean you fall asleep earlier in the evening, but it may help with the residual drowsiness the next day.

Why do migraines make you feel this way?

Migraine attacks are like that, my girlfriend has it . The attack makes you fatigued, you sleep and you want more. It's like after convulsions there is a period of post ictal phase which is fatigue and sleepiness. I think it has to do with abnormal and excessive electrical discharges from the brain during the attack and on top of that when you suffer from pain your arm and lower leg blood vessels first constrict then after prolonged pain they dilate making muscles week plus less blood to the brain thus making you feel so weak and sleepy. That''s why in severe pain some people faint, and are so weak. Less blood to the brain and weak extremities.

How can i reduce thigh pain while cycling?

There can be a host of reasons why you are actually feeling these pains. Let me address the most obvious.

Is your bike set up properly?
Bike set up is critical in order to make sure you are pedaling efficiently. If your saddle is too far forward or too far back, seat stem too high, not high enough, can all affect how you feel on the bike. I would recommend going to your local shop and have them help you set up the bike specifically for you. If you bought the bike off the rack, this could be the reason.

How is your diet?
When working out, your muscles need time and nutrients to recover. If you are not getting enough protein in your diet, your legs may suffer fatigue over time and this could be the pain you are feeling. You have a window of about 30 minutes after working out to consume protein to help your muscles recover properly.

Are you stretching?
You need to keep your legs stretched to avoid the muscles tightening up. Stretch out those hamstrings and quads several times a day. If you can do it in the morning, before your ride, after your ride, and before bed, you will probably start to see quite a difference. I have a couple of video links below that will give you an idea of what you need to do in order to properly stretch out your quads.

Personally, I was suffering through the same thing. My problem was the protein and stretching. I initially added the protein and felt some relief, but noticed a big difference after adding the proper stretching on a regular basis.

I hope this helps. Feel free to contact me if you need more information, thanks!

Lathargic drowsy feeling with flexeril in the mornings?

I have to take Flexeril sometimes too, and I'm very groggy in the mornings. What I do, and this works for me, is I take the Flexeril pretty early in the evening, about 7:00 pm, and get the coffee maker all ready the night before. Then in the morning I start drinking coffee and allow myself a little quiet coffee time and that seems to help. If I were to have to function right away then it would make me feel groggy for a longer period of time in the morning. I don't know why.