I Feel Like Im Annoying My Friend

My friends think I'm annoying?

, i used to feel the same way with my friends it was really tough and i felt left out and i knew that people were talking about me
all you have to do is ignore every mean thing anyone says to you don't even respond just ignore it no matter how mean it is and how hurtful it is to you
i know that people say "stick up for your self" but if you have done that and it just makes things worse its time to try this
if someone calls you annoying don't take it personally
i've been called mean, annoying, dramatic, sensitive etc.
it bothered me, i felt sad CUz and i thought all my friends were turning against me then talking about me :(
but if the call you annoying just ignore it
or if they say it in a sort of "joking around way" just laugh and say something like "i don't know why i just feel really hipper today"
i promise you
when this happened to me i did exactly all the things i just said and soon enough i was not called mean things
people started to think i was really nice and i knew that they were not going to gossip about me
they stood up for me when someone said something mean about me
still, in the end no one is going to be "perfect" i mean threes always going to be that one person who will every once in a while try to bring you down
but what goes around comes back around
if you are nice and don't get involved with drama
everyone will hang out with you
and things will be fine

well i hope this helps you
good luck :D

Are my friends being rude or am I just annoying?

They are being rude, a bit. Not so much when you jumped into the conversation, but it's definitely rude to invite someone to your house and then spend your time having a private Skype session with someone else. It is possible that Abby doesn't like you and is being a drama queen by making it into an issue with Kat and Elise. It's also possible that they're enjoying having a secret and acting like drama queens about something that has nothing to do with you. But it sucks to be excluded and have to wonder if you're being talked about. Kat and Elise are not being great friends when they put you in this situation repeatedly.

My advice would be to keep your distance from Abby. If she is talking about you and trying to convince Kat and Elise how annoying you are, then it'll take her off-guard if you suddenly stop showing interest in her. Her comments to Kat and Elise will seem petty and mean when it's clear to them that you aren't giving Abby any reason to hate you. In the meantime, try to find ways where you can hang out with your two friends without Abby around. If you find time to hang out separately, there is no reason you and Abby should be forced to like each other or why Kat and Elise should be forced to choose between you two.

I'd also recommend trying to meet some new people. Even if these girls aren't talking about you, they have excluded you a few times and it's possible that this will get worse over time (for any number of reasons - it doesn't necessarily mean you're the person who Abby hates). Even if you don't make friends easily, take a few steps to broaden your social circle: reconnect with an old friend, invite a new acquaintance to hang out, join a club that gets you outside of your school group, etc. You might even find that if you develop new friendships, your relationships with Kat and Elise (and maybe even Abby) improve because they won't feel like you're socially dependent on them anymore. So regardless of what is really going on, I don't think you can go wrong with trying to meet some new friends. Good luck.

I feel like I'm annoying my best friend?

I love my best friend and I know she loves me but lately when I try and talk to her it's almost like she's ignoring me. I tried asking her if I annoy her and she said I don't. Deep down I know I am and she won't admit it so how do I fix this?

I feel like I'm very annoying and boring ?

Recently I'm feeling like I'm a very annoying person , I can't even open a conversation with anyone , when I hangout with my "friends" it ends up very awkward because me and my friend don't share the same interests always , like most of them care about there fashion and manicure and makeup..... My mom doesn't allow me to put any makeup and it okay , cuz if I don't put any makeup I won't die!?
But when I'm quiet everyone thinks I'm rude , depressed , and a loner. And they assume that I'm depressed (though Im really far from depression) but its that I'm snobby and I don't want to talk to others , it's just that I have no topic to start with and it ends up awkward .
And I feel like I'm very annoying . And I think my voice is weird like whenever I talk I feel like my conversations are worthless and annoying .
I'm starting to really feel alone and sad and I can nearly talk to others now. I'd like to forget the fact I'm ugly and start trusting people and loving my life and accepte for how I am .
What should I do? Any answer is really appreciated.
And thank u very much .

I feel like I'm annoying this girl I like?

The first step to a good relationship? Communication! If you worry you are annoying her, ask her straight up "am I annoying you?" Assure her your feelings won't be hurt if she says yes; tell her you don't want to be that guy she avoids the internet in all forms for. After all if she can't tell you that you're annoying her, how are you ever going to get any farther than that?!

Also, my recommendation would be-especially if you aren't annoying her-to make the conversation more personal. I don't know how you know her, but ask her may be if she would like to meet over coffee for discussion, or on the phone (although personally coffee sounds best). If you don't step up soon I imagine it could start to get annoying.

To me you sound like a great guy; so far you have demonstrated intellegence, consideration, and honor in a single paragraph (which is more than can be said for a sadly large number of men)! My guess is that she is letting you chase her, so chase on my friend!

Why do I feel like I am really annoying?

We all have certain characteristics that seem natural to us, but that others find irritating. I’ve been annoyed by someone reading over my shoulder. He was astonished when I told him and said he hadn’t realised. A friend who frequently interrupts what I'm saying and finishes my sentences with what he thinks I'm going to say, gets my back up. He thought I would be impressed that he knows me so well. He doesn’t do it any more! A workmate came to dinner and made sickening noises as he ate. He’s lived alone for years and had no idea. A woman I worked with had bad breath so everyone avoided her. I used to seriously irritate my partner by always offering to help. When, after a serious shouting match, I was told how annoying and insulting it was, I realised and stopped.Most people will not be honest if you ask them if you are annoying them. They’ll smile brightly and shake their heads. ‘No, no. What made you think that?’Some people act annoyed at people with the ‘wrong’ accent. There’s no limit to the things that annoy people. Usually they hide it. Perhaps you are more sensitive than most, and you’re over reacting to normal, robust social intercourse. Lots of sensitive people feel like that, which is why they tend to avoid social activities.Do you get the impression that everyone is annoyed by you, or only some people? If it’s only one or two, it should be possible to carefully and discretely ask them why. But… if they tell you, do not deny it, or bluster, or offer excuses. Even if you think they are wrong, smile and thank them for their honesty and then go away and consider carefully what they said.When I was a teenager I was frequently told to shut up, because I had a tendency to prattle on, [like I’m doing now]. I learned to restrain myself. I also tend to talk too loudly in public, and that embarrasses people… Fortunately, I’m the sort that people dare to tell the truth to, so I do learn eventually.If none of those things apply to you, then find people who are not annoyed by you and stick to them.

I feel like I'm annoying everyone?

Hey guys. I'm a high school senior, and I constantly feel like I'm annoying people.
I've never been quite the popular girl, and I've always felt like the outsider, the weirdo. I've been bullied last year by a group of popular girls, and it was rough. But whatever, this year the bullying did cool down and is less blatant.
Here's the thing - I've always felt like an outsider. In the past, I've always been regarded as the weird, quiet girl. I used to "belong" to a group of friends, but they never let me be a part of them. Even when they WOULD invite me, they'd always talk about other outings (right in my face!) and never invite me. Or when I'd talk, they'd always ignore me.
Anyway, this year I joined an extracurricular school activity where I met lots of new kids, and for the first time ever, actually felt like I somewhat belonged somewhere. But when the group ended, these kids didn't really talk to me at school. I did make a few friends there who still are my friends, but most of the kids don't even bother being polite to me. They're mostly boys, and whenever I have the courage to say "hi" to them, some of them just ignore me.
I don't even know how I should behave with the other guys (who don't ignore me)... I'm still really shy and nervous when I talk to boys. I wanna be nice, but I'm afraid to be "too nice". The thing is, I get really nervous sometimes, and I don't say "hi" when I see them, since I feel like I'm surely annoying them...
The same goes to practically all the kids at my school. I do talk to people, but I don't feel like I've got any friends. I just feel like I'm always chasing around people who don't even give a crap about me. I'm sick of the fact that nobody ever comes looking for me. I'm sick of the fact that some people ignore me and make fun of me when I talk. And I'm so sick of trying so HARD to talk to people who don't care.
Yes, I know I shouldn't be chasing people around to be my friends... it's humiliating. But I'm so sick of feeling lonely all the time at school, and after school, given my almost nonexistent social life.
And it's even more annoying because I try so hard to be nice all the time. I always compliment people, even though I never really get that many compliments back. I've even been told once by some girl from my extracurricular activity, who's always sending me mixed signals of friendliness with repellent, that "I'm TOO nice".
What should I do?

Why do my friends think I'm annoying?

I have a relatively big group of friends that I eat lunch with. Some of them I just met this year, and some I've known for years. But lately, they get all mad at me because of dumb things. They complain I'm too loud. So when I stayed quiet today, one of them said "Wow you were quiet today." One of them likes someone, and apparently told everyone but me and openly said that to me. If I ask for someone to share something at lunch, they get all butthurt and complain that I "always mooch off of people." Since when has sharing ever been frowned upon? Even my best friend made fun of my makeup, and also how my dad is weird and listens to classical music sometimes. Today when I asked if I could have a sip of water, everyone was all "OMG YOU ALWAYS TAKE OUR STUFF!!" Then, like a minute later, my best friend asks our other friend to buy her lunch, and she comes back with a chicken sammich. I would be happy to share my food with them. It makes no sense. Should I take a break from them for a while? Some of them are real sweethearts and never have gotten mad at me ever. But the rest of them...they're nice, but sometimes they really hurt my feelings. I want to tell them how I feel without looking retarded. What should I do? :S

My group of friends find me annoying, they don't like spending time with me, and I'm always feeling down when I get home. What should I do?

I agree with what Hanny Zen said:If one or two people doesn't like you, don't mind them. Its their problems, not yours. Don't mind them.If more than two people doesn't like you, then the problem is you.However, don't beat yourself up about the fact that it could be your "problem" because sometimes, your "problem" may seem like a flaw to some but virtue to others.I've been in your shoes back in the days. I have a group of friends I used to hang out with all the time. But one day, they just decided that I was too different from them. I wasn't dressing the same way, speaking the same way, we weren't into the same tv series, celebrities etc. At first it felt like hell, it suddenly seemed as though.. I didn't fit in. I got pissed at myself, I even cried a couple of times, hated myself because I thought I sucked.Fast-forward, I moved on after a while, made a new group of friends who actually did enjoyed my companionship and genuinely liked me ! Then I realized, my "problems" weren't my problems. They were merely people's opinions about me. They weren't bad, they didn't have to be.My new friends saw me differently, that:I wasn't flirty, I was friendly.I wasn't offensive, I was straight-forward.I wasn't obssesed, I was passionate.I wasn't nerdy, I was clever.Again, these are also just opinions. But be wise with your decisions, you can reflect on on your behaviours and question yourself if you were really pushing their limits; you can choose to change and become more like your friends (although I don't quite recommend this one but then again it's just me); or you move on and go to places where you're celebrated not tolerated. Just choose wisely, you know what works best for you. But take this from me, 10 years down the road you will look back at this and none of it would matter as much.Stay positive, good luck !

I feel like I'm accidentally annoying my crush :(?

Ask about them. Leave some mystery about you then they'll want to talk to you and actually learn about you. I think this guy might be a lost cause, but in the future if you wanna talk about yourself, reciprocate the question to them too, then it shows you want to find things in common. When you're texting, think about what YOU would want to read from them. You would probably get bored reading a bunch of texts that say "Just went shopping! Loads of fun!" or "Ugh I hate homework. This is sooo stupid." There's no room for making conversation. Gotta ask open ended questions or make statements they can add to.