I Feel Like My Personality Would Be Better Fitted If I Was A Girl So How Come I Was Not Born As One

Does the name you have effect your personality?

Many of you might be thinking the answer is blatantly obvious, that yes, of course, names influence personalty, but does it really? Is it solely the name which you’ve been given that determines your personality, or is it the society that you grew up in?Take, for instance, a very unique name mixed with a very unique girl; the name clearly embodies the girl’s personality. Anyone that meets her would not be surprised in the least that this name was given to this girl. That her personality mirrored the true aspects and uniqueness of her name.What about a more common name for a more common boy? The boy goes throughout life not pushing too hard on both the law or society. He is normal and has a very normal name. His personality, like the unique girl’s, fits so perfectly with his name that it’s no wonder he has that common name.Plus, when meeting a person, usually the name of the person fits that personality and appearance. The name truly embodies the person who possesses it.But what about people with names that really don’t fit them physically or emotionally? If the idea of the name affecting the personality was true, why isn’t this sort of person also affected by their name?When picking names, what’s the most important part of the process? The parents. This may seem a bit shallow, as the name is made for the child, but it’s true. A parent isn’t going to name their child something they consider “unattractive” or downright “unfit.”Therefore, the parents are picking a name they find personally attractive. It not only embodies their ideology of a perfect child, but it fits their family.Children grow up creating their personality, true, but parents have a huge impact on the person their child becomes. Because of this, the child may be similar to their parents and this causes the name of the person to fit “perfectly.” A unique mother picking a unique name for her child will more than likely create a unique girl, not because of the name but because the mother.Of course, not all children end up like their parents. Wouldn’t this then explain the name not fitting the child? If the personality of both of the parents and child are extremely different, the name might not necessarily fit the child.So, do names affect your personalty? Perhaps, but more than likely not. More than likely, it’s because of the family, not the name, that helps create the personality of the child.Thanks®

What is the personality of an Aries girl like?

full of herself
she cheats on partners

My nephew wants to identify as a girl so he won't get bullied?

My 16 year old nephew, whom I'm taking care of, has Klinefelter's syndrome, when a man is born with extra female chromosones. He's got a very severe form of XXXXY (three extra female chromosones) plus Asperger's (high functioning autism). I've had custody of my nephew since he was in the eighth grade, when kids start to get really body conscious. I'll admit, not to sound mean or anything, that he does look like a girl (but no breasts). His figure is very hourglass. Usually, he has to wear women's clothes because men's clothes don't fit his body well. Recently, my daughter started making his clothes for him and his measurements are 34-20-34 (hell, I'd kill to have those measurements). So his hips are very wide and his waist is tiny. He's tried working out (and he got very muscular) but it didn't take away the hourglass figure. So he started just wearing baggy clothes which worked for a while but then his face started getting out of the awkward stage (acne, braces, and so on) and his face has gotten very feminine. When they had a charity fashion show at our town's mall, he actually got approached by the people to model teen GIRL fashion. So, he's very sensitive about his looks. However, this year, he started a new school and he hadn't been having any of his usual problems, which I was estatic about. However, I found out last week that he's been leaving the house dressed in boy's clothes and he switches into girl's clothes before he goes to school and tells people he's a girl. I asked him about it and he said he did it because everyone not only treats him "normal" but he's popular. He told me he had a boyfriend even. He said he's not transgender. If he were transgender, I would support this but seeing how he isn't, I find it kind of unhealthy for him to act as a girl. Should I accept this or do something? Please help. Thanks.