I Feel Terrible Help I Wanna Purge

I tried to purge for the first time- help?

Lately I've been feeling really bad about my self image and I try and eat healthy but I end up binge eating. After I feel 100% awful and guilty. Ive thought about purging once before about a year ago and tried. But today was my first time with the intention of going through with it. I could'nt but I tried hard. I try and do healthy activities and work out to feel better but at the end of the day I always feel the same. I don't know how to talk to someone about this because I weigh 130 pounds but I feel awful. I don't know what to do because i don't really know what to label my self as. Help?

Ate too many brownies and now I want to purge?

I ate 3 brownies and I feel disgusting. I want to purge so bad but at the same time I don't wanna put myself through that. What are some ways I can keep myself from purging and get rid of the disgusting feeling?

I want to purge. BUT I CAN'T. i just feel fat and need to get it up.?

If you would do that here are some of the symptons you will have. I glad you ask this question because i just go done learning this today in Health class

When you throw up acid ruptures your esophogus and throwing up with make your teeth dull because the acid is burning your teeth

Another sypton you will have is irregular digestive system which means you will be constipated all the time

If you keep vomiting it will become easier and easier to pop a blood vessel in your eye ohh and your eyes will sink to the back of you head because behind you eye there is some fat and everybody knows that you need fat in your diet so your body will take the fat from behind your eye and there for the eyes will sink to the back of your head.


I feel awful. i want to purge but i know its bad... Help!?

i recently got over my bulimia. last time i made myself sick was a month ago. i stopped on my own, with the support of my bestfriends.
i have lost weight. but not by bulimia, by eating healthily and doing exercise. anyways, i ve been weighing the same for about a month and im not losing any weight, but i feel bigger sometimes, and i am eating really carefully and im not like going on silly diets of only 400 calories or something like that.
anyways, today i have eaten some cookies (like 3 cookies), some chocolate(4 squares maybe), chocolate cereal, (40g) an oreo, and i have had grilled chicken and sweetcorn and salad for lunch. and i just feel really bad. i feel like im getting bigger every second (i am 16, 5ft 7 weighing 10 stone 11.) i really want to get rid of everything i ate, im worried and i know i shouldnt be. and im not going to be sick, because i dont want to be bulimic again. please dont tell me to go to a councellor.. i tried that but i need parents to sign forms and thats impossible and im over it now so it doesnt matter.
is what i ate really bad? am i going to gain weight because of it? if so what can i do?
please tell me reasons NOT to purge.


I relapsed and binged... so tempted to purge please help?

I have bulimia and I know how you feel. Please excuse my comical screen name and avatar, this is just an alias of mine. I've been purge free for a month now and I know how hard it can be. The best thing to do is to remain strong and try not to let the eating disorder control you. You need to control it. You should talk to someone. My therapist helps me a lot. Don't be discouraged if you give into temptation and binge/purge. It's a vicious cycle that's hard to break. During the road to recovery it's very normal for you to give into temptation. The important thing is you wanting and trying to recover. It will be tough but it is possible. I gave into temptation about 18 times before I was able to stop for a whole month. It's not easy and sometimes I want to give up because my bulimia is like the only thing I have left in life, but now I realize that my eating disorder is not my friend, it's killing me. I burst several blood vessels in my neck from purging before I realized I needed to get help. My parents were supportive of me, so that helped. Just stay strong. You need to speak to someone, maybe not your parents because they don't understand what you're going through. I wouldn't suggest joining any eating disorder websites. I did once and it didn't help me at all. They actually encouraged me to continue purging. Talk to someone who knows what you're going through and wants to help you. You can talk to me if you want but also speak to a counselor/therapist. It will help!

I'm Tempted to Purge RIGHT NOW...?

I ate like 6 huge spoonfuls of cookie dough (my mom bought a HUGE bucket of pure chocolate chip cookies dough from Costco - enough to bake 80 cookies...)

Not only do I feel greasy, bloated and disgusting, I have a stomachache now.

I was doing SO well not eating junk food for five days (a feat for me), and now this happened.

I know purging is totally unhealthy, but I just want to get all this cookie dough OUT of me. Now I'm going to get fat and break out horrendously.

Is it so bad to purge just this once? How do I offset the binge damage?

I want to start "binge and purge"?

Only do it if you want to die. Because let me be perfectly honest. It WILL work. But at a cost. It will ultimately take your life. You are starving your body of essential nutrients to survive. So you know where its going to turn to to find them? Itself. Your body will start eating itself. And yeah thats cool in the begining because it will burn through its fat deposits and youll lose weight. But its going to start eating at muscle next. and that includes your organs, because your organs are all muscles.
But you wont stop once you lose the weight you want, because whatll happen is your body is so starved that once you start eating normally again, youll put all of the weight back on that you lost. Because your body is going to hoard and store EVERYTHING that you feed it, instead of just what it needs.

And youll start purging again.
Its a vicious circle, that becomes a disease.
And it will kill you.

So stop being lazy, and work out.
Stop being glutenous and eat only what you need.

Why do I always cry when I'm trying to purge my food?

People purge (purposefully vomit) food as a strategy to control. Control what? You might ask. Good question.The idea behind purging food is to maintain a low bodyweight in spite of eating a large amount or sometimes any amount of food. Purging is hard on the body, because of the lost calories but also because of stomach acid, which is not meant to leave the stomach. People who purge damage their teeth, esophagus, and mouth. But those are just the physical scars.Purging is also hard on the mind. Purging is a strategy to control one's own feelings. There's a silent conversation that happens inside. You tell yourself, “Everything will be ok as long as I can purge.”Humans come up with many strategies to control their own feelings and most of those strategies are hard on the mind. Humans are not meant to control their feelings. We are meant to use our feeling to guide us around—that's what feelings are for!You cry when you purge because you are in a conflicted state of relief. You have executed the action that is meant to make everything ok, and yet, you instinctively know that everything is not ok.For those who purge, purging isn't the problem; it's a symptom of the problem. The problem here is that you somehow got the idea that you are supposed to be in control. That's a very dangerous lie.People who are at peace in their lives have accepted that there is very little that requires control. You don't need to control your feelings at all! You do need to control your actions. You never need to control other people's feelings or actions.When you are tired of purging, take a look at control. Get curious about its place in your life and see if maybe you are trying to control things that don't require vigilance at all.

Why do I binge and purge even though it makes me feel awful?

Everything we do is to gain percieved pleasure, and go away from percieved pain.It is likely that you somehow associate pleasure to purging, at some deep level.Another thing in life we look for everyday is CERTAINTY. Its where we can build from, doing something we can be CERTAIN we can accomplish. Its a very intense HUMAN NEED, according to Anthony Robbins. Right behind certainty is UNCERTAINTY. Surprise! We need also that.Purging accomplishes BOTH of these for you! You get surprise, you get certainty. You may even get a feeling of belonging and pleasure for phycho-logical reasons.Only way to change, is to change. Try to find other things to rely upon, and work with them. Try to find other ways to spend your energy, and other ideas to invest in, in order to find certainty and surprise!YOU CAN swap out how you invest your time and energy, IF you can associate “pleasure” to something else, you will certainly be able to find the energy to invest in it! It all comes down to how we set things up in our minds!…How we associate Pain vs. Pleasure in our minds determines the things we are going to do and work on Right Now, and into the Future!