I Feel Very Disconnected From Life

Feeling disconnected from life?

not exactly sure how to explain this but over the last couple years i cant help but to feel disconnected from everything. its like im Living my day to day life but it doesn't feel like im Living, im just here. i have friends and a job and school so its not like i sit around all day and life is passing me by, i go out and do stuff. also i cant help but feel like im stuck in this neutral emotion, don't get me wrong i do get happy, sad, and angry on occasion but for the vast majority i feel stuck in this neutral state like im unable to let go and feel emotions, and life for that matter. im really tired of feeling like this, any help or suggestions would help a lot.

What is wrong with me?! Disconnected from life...?

Not feeling anything is just a protective shield. You do have the emotions, you've just severed the "intellectual" connection to be able to cope with the world around you.

If you want to go back to who you were, you have several things you need to accept and several others that you need to overcome.

To feel well, we both have to have a psychic balance and a physical balance. They reflect eachother, so you can usually not just lift or drop one.
Physics - stability - wake up at the same hour for a week. Eat at regular intervals - every 4 hours, fruit or vegetables in between - exercise at regular intervals. Since you say you're overweight, an hours walk before breakfast will get you in shape. If you have trouble sleeping 8 hours, make sure you're physically tired during the day.

Eat healthy food. This is also connected with how we feel - lack of vitamins usually makes us depressed and apathetic.

Very few people need anti-depression drugs - you can achieve a better effect by merely moving physically, say jogging or other tiring activites. This will push a lot of the rest products from such reactions out of your body and insert some positive ones.

Most of all - you'll have to move on. It's time to create a new life - separate from your old one. You know all these problems, but you lack motivation, so you have to motivate yourself. Some people wait their entire lives for that motivation, some create it themselves.

It's a matter of will.

I feel strange, disconnected?

I am no professional. The best I can tell you is this (which is a lot):

You seem to have lost the lust for life. Kind of an unfulfilled, empty feeling perhaps?
This could be a number of disorders, but out of personal experience I can tell you one thing. Find someone or something to love. Get out of your normal routine, and get enough sleep.

Yeah, it sounds a lot easier than it is, but think of it this way. Start about thinking what do I like? like to do? Do you prefer being inside or outside? So on....
Simple things.

From there, once you've compiled all of those thoughts, find something that suits them.

I went through something similar. I felt extremely disconnected sometimes even unreal or the world felt unreal. I didn't really care about anything at all.

The way I fixed this is that I tried my best to realize why I felt this way and from there I would fix it. What I found was that, after my near-death experience, I wasn't interested in the things I used to love. I got more into music and less into sports, more into HOW people think rather than what people are like. My brain changed its opinion and the rest of me was stuck in that old personality. A near death experience is a life changing one. Keep that in mind. You SHOULD feel different.

Spending time with my parents helped a lot. I visited them for a week and it was really comforting and your parents are people you can always connect to.

I hope you find passion again. You sound like a really interesting person in my opinion. I like you (0:

Disconnected from reality?

I need some answers..

Ever since I can possibly remember, life has felt like a dream to me. Literally, I feel as though I'm in a dream right now. Everything is so surreal yet is laced with falseness. Like reality isn't really reality.
I don't feel in touch with the world. I'm very distant.

I did fall in love once...and this made me break through this and I finally knew what it was like to feel truly alive and real. He was the only person I could ever connect to.
He is now gone from my life and slowly but surely, I've returned to this dreamlike perception. I don't know what to's horribly depressing to feel so truly alone. Beyond negative thoughts and even being alone for real, this surpasses it because I don't feel like anything or anyone really exists at all.

This is gonna sound pretty crazy, but just a few minutes ago I went to the bathroom and just looked in the mirror and..well, I saw some girl there. Just some girl, flesh and bones. scared me, because I didn't feel like I was her. Yknow? I didn't feel connected to that physical body that stood staring back at me.

Do I have some disorder that makes me disconnected from reality? Is it some kind of defense mechanism my mind has conjured because I'm unable to deal with reality and all the bad experiences I've gone through? If so, do you know what it's specifically called?
Also, is there a..what would you call it? Cure? I don't know. As I mentioned, falling in love was the only thing that brought me out of it..but now I seem to be sinking into it further than even before. I mean, I really don't know what to do. I'm involved completely in real life as a decently normal person, haha, beyond the fact that my life has, well, been pretty crazy. I'm super outgoing and have lots of friends and an amazing girlfriend. But I don't even feel connected to her..That may seem bad, but is it when I can't connect to anyone?

How do I get back in touch with reality? I really hate living like this. I know I suffer from depression, though it's been left diagnosed. Please don't tell me to go to a psychiatrist. I realize I probably should, but I it's not exactly an option for me right now. Thanks guys.

I feel disconnected from everything?

Let's get the obvious stuff out of the way; did some bad event(s) happen in your life? Have you talked with a counselor or a psychiatrist? Perhaps there is some genetic condition?

If not, I understand where you are coming from. When I was maybe ten or eleven, there were a few occasions where I questioned whether my Mom and Dad were my really my Mom and Dad. I saw the faces, but the names didn't quite connect. In the third grade, when I heard some girl died, I just laughed, but I don't think it was for cruel reasons. I lived in my own disconnected world then with some intense experiences (still somewhat now as I am extremely able to go into trances). Does this relate to you in any way?

"If it matters at all.. I have suffered from depression before, to the point of actually plotting multiple ways to off myself and participating in a bit of self injury. But I don't recall having any strong depression symptoms immediately before this happening, so I am not convinced that depression could be a leading reason for this..However, I do have a bad anxiety disorder. I haven't felt it too much since this started because I feel sort of numb to the world, but I am sure it is still an issue. But, again, I am not convinced it could be the reason for this."

It seems that your anxiety disorder took on a new phase. Its seems a new defense mechanism is in order to cope with your anxiety. You seem to be trying to shield yourself from all the excess emotions you've suffered because of the anxiety whether it be sleeping patterns, intrusive thoughts, etc., because you are still not sure how to organize all this disparate, chaotic information. In other words, you're on "standby", like on a computer, except its in your head to give your mind the opportunity to fix this problem. What may happen is that something very extreme, even traumatic will occur, which will "crash" you back down to earth. Then everything will hit you with flashes of your old emotional pain. Your mind will attempt to dissociate back to your old disconnected, "standby" self to escape the pain. This cycle will most likely continue until your mind can establish a certain balance with your anxiety whether it be through meds, a shrink, or this phase just resolves itself. Remember, this is a speculation, not a certainty.

Are you inclined to dissociate far more often than most people would?

Why do I feel so disconnected from everyone?

You're not alone my friend. Here's a little about me first..I have an extremely loving family which includes my parents (mom & dad) and twin siblings (brother & sister) who are younger than me. My parents love me to the core, I can feel their love pouring all the time because they treat me like a prince during the 2 weeks I am home every month. All my MOM made food requests are fulfilled immediately (I don't really need anything more from them).I have a job which requires me to travel for 2 weeks every month. I earn well, I stay in luxurious hotels, all my meals are paid for, all my travel is also booked by the company be it cab, train or flight and any other expense if ever incurred by me is also reimbursed. I have travelled almost half of India, I meet 300–500 people every week and also have a team of around 25 colleagues working with me where ever I go.I am a shy person and used to talk very less but I am very hard working. Eventually I got promoted and my job requires me to speak more than what is normal for me. Believe me it takes a lot of effort on my part to speak as much as I have to, it drains a lot of my energy too. My colleagues also treat me well, they bring home made food for me because I hate eating outside food. I have a typical 9 to 5 routine. During 5 in the evening till 12 at night I workout, search stuff online, read a book/quora, watch movies, think, reflect on my actions of the day. This process keeps repeating day after day after day.Answer to your questionI connect well with people, I don't talk much on a personal level but I am a good listener, a lot of my colleagues & friends pour their hearts out infront of me. I get a lot of love & respect too but there's some kind of emptiness I feel all the time, there's always a void which can't be filled..there's always loneliness. At times I try really hard to fight it but nothing seems to change, then at times I just let it be. I feel a little better when I am home but the feeling never leaves me completely.I have kind of accepted it now and with the current mind set I think I can live with it, because no matter how much you change things on the outside its not going to make a difference to what you feel inside. Just try to do what you love.So I can't really tell you ways to deal with it since I haven't found one for myself. But I can understand you, I can connect with what you want to say and all I can say is that you're not alone…….