I Finally Found A Foolproof Way To Protect Me From Bullies But It Sometimes Shuts Out People I

7 year old bullies! how to deal with this!?

The schools attitude is very poor....which leaves you now with 2 issues not 1.

Firstly the school should have an anti bullying policy and you have a right to view this, if you meet resistance you can go via the school governors or directly to ofsted to complain. You should do this as the school is failing in not dealing with this issue.

Secondly, as the school will not do anything then your daughter will need to take matters into her own hands. (Make sure you have an accurate record of who you spoke to at the school,what was said and when.) If your daughter gets into any trouble then you go to that school and kick up a stink based on the advise you were given.

You mention older siblings, they are your daughters secret weapon, she can tell this girl that her older brother/sister will come for her (scare tactics may work) and this means you daughter needn't fight at all. Again any repercussions can be laid directly at the schools door.

Finally, I am so disgusted with this school, is it any surprise children fall prey to gun and knife crime when the adults responsible for their care cannot be bothered to educate perpetrators on the consequences of their actions or protect the more vunerable in their care.

It seems nothing has changed in the last 30-40 years for this school, this was the attitude when I was at school, and yes knocking the bully out does get them to leave you alone but it also means they find a new weaker victim. Also does this school not realise that bullying is a symptom of something being wrong with the bully?

Sorry, but I am good and mad about this on so many levels.

And whoever is giving thumbs down to lil goat and old kid need to get real.

Bestfriends jelous bcuz I finally found a good man!!?

You were not meant to be committed to your "friends" the rest of your life. If I may be blunt, you seem to have more than one problem.
1) Do your friends have companions that treat them with respect?
2) Do they have valid concerns?
3) Are you bragging about him all the time?
4) And if you are, did you brag about all the other men you've dated also?
5) What else do you have in common with your friends besides recreational activites?

Wives don't spend more time with their friends than they do with their husbands, that's how they become ex wives. True bestfriends are never jealous of each other. If you truly believe that this is the man that you were meant to spend the rest of your life with, then your friends can't be as important to you as he is and you are in the middle of out growing your relationship with them. If you knew your fiances friends were disrespecting yo , you would be within your rights to call him a punk and a little boy. Quit whining about "why can't we all get along?" Why aren't you putting your foot down and telling your friends to stop bad mouthing your soon to be husband?
Their are only five people that are needed at a marriage ceremony, the groom, the bride, the minister, and two witnesses.
And GOD's Blessing.
That's all you need.

Mean Bullying in Middle School still affecting young adult?

am 28, and although I have been out of school for many years, I feel that the affects of bullying in Middle School are still negatively impacting me. I suffer from depression, anxiety and lack of self confidence, and I feel as though this is the result of being harassed in school. My opinion is that the school knew it was happening, but allowed it to continue because the bullies were popular and/or their parents were teachers in the school. Nowadays, they wouldn't get away with it, but back then it was different. On the rare occasion that I tried to stand up for myself, the school again took the side of those who were harassing me (because they were popular or their parents were teachers.) Please don't tell me to "just get over it". I never deserved to be treated that way, and I don't understand why it happened. I never picked on anyone else, and I was not fat, a minority, a nerd or anything like that. Would I be entitled to compensation from the school for failing to protect me? How about a lawsuit against the parents of the bullies? It's not about money for me, but I just want them to acknowledge what happened. I met with the principal last week, and he said that because he was not there at the time, there was nothing he could do. Really just the same apathy as when I was in school, nothing has changed. Surely he could have investigated it if he wanted to. My dad made an appointment with the superintendent for next week, but he said it doesn't look to promising. What else can I do? I keeo calling some of the bullies parents, but all they can is that there is nothing they can do for me: how convenient. Whenever I go to there houses, they say the bullies aren't home, and they won't let me in to wait for them. I was thinking about having my father call their parents but I am not sure if that would help. Sometimes I prank call the parent’s houses or order them pizzas and Chinese food without them knowing. My dad says it’s childish, but to some extent I enjoy it. What else can I do?

Please do not tell me to "just get over it". I did not deserve to be treated that way. Also, do not tell me to "go to therapy" Finally, don't tell me "kids will be kids" that's just excusing the bad behavior.

Kids don’t stand up for themselves because it doesn’t work. Talking to the bullies does not work, and adults generally won’t do a thing unless things get physical. Those zero-tolerance bullying policies are a farce.I was bullied from pre-K until 12th grade. I tried everything short of punching the bullies out and nothing ever worked. Then, in 7th grade, I got suspended twice because I finally snapped and was physically aggressive (I shook them). I was forced to apologize to them, but they were never made to apologize to me for pushing me to that point. I know I should not have put my hands on them, but at the same time, they shouldn’t have bullied me.Bullying has caused me to be hospitalized twice under suicide watch. It has wrecked my self-esteem to where it’s awful even to this day. The only adults who did anything were my parents and 5 staff members.Bullying is one of the reasons I refuse to have children - they’d probably inherit my disabilities (autism, bipolar disorder) and suffer like I did, or even worse now that cyberbullying exists.TL;DR - Bullied kids don’t stick up for themselves because they know that there are very few people who will help them, and they don’t want to be aggressive with the bullies.

Why does parents of bullys don't take action on their children behavior.?

No, you are Absolutely correct. I don't think the parents of bully's know or believe that their kids is capable of this behavior. I was bullied on a school bus, and at my bus stop when I was a child, i also got bullied in Jr. High. My mother went to those kids homes and spoke to their parents and went to the school. I think that a lot of the kids who bully others come from homes where they are either ignored by their parents or are bullied themselves. The only way to stop it is for parents to know what their children are doing at all times, and monitor what they are doing on their computers and cell phones. If you are a parent of someone that is being bullied watch for the warning signs, it's embarrassing to talk about being bullied, but parents know their children better than anyone else. Parents need to stick up for their children and make sure that anything and everything that can be done is. You better believe if I find out either of my kids gets bullied I will be that parent that's at the school everyday, that goes to the bus garage, that calls everyone in the world until its stopped. And if I find out that my kid is the bully, they will have another thing coming! Kids behavior these days is out of control and I blame the parents!

While Hillary Clinton was campaigning, she went to town hall meeting and a young girl, Hannah Tandy, (10-year-old moves Clinton with question about bullying - CNNPolitics) asked her what she was going to do about bullying. She said she had asthma and she could sometimes hear people talking about her behind her back. HRC gave her a long hug. Touched, she decided to go straight to her hotel room and in one night she wrote up “Better Than Bullying.” Hillary Clinton launches “Better Than Bullying” initiative . The plan, Better Than Bullying, was to provide $500 million in funding for states that work to develop comprehensive anti-bullying plans and procedures. The plan was to have states be encouraged to craft their own anti-bullying policies which best fit their communities and honor the national priorities in this fight, including:developing fully comprehensive laws and policies that delineate prohibited behaviors, grievance procedures, and all prohibited bullying targetsinvesting in behavioral and mental health programs to help children on both sides of the issueplacing specific focus on cyberbullying through social media sitestraining educators and school administrators to effectively and appropriately respond to and support both perpetrators and victims.But we lost (well, won by 3 million votes but we will continue to ‘lose’ as long as we have the completely arcane and unfair electoral college). Melania Trump’s anti bullying ‘campaign’ has so far been a speech to the UN about standing up to bullies. But we all know her husband so who could take that seriously.We’ll never know just how effective Hillary Clinton’s plan would have been but it would have been a great step in the right direction considering that bullying right now is at such a high with cyber bullying on social media, and the rise of anti-semitism, Islamaphobia (bullying muslims in communities and school), men’s right’s ‘activism’, overt white supremacy, and the continuation of transphobia and homophobia.

(girls only) have you ever been bullied before? wasn't really that harmful but when I was in middle school I rode the bus. Whenever I waited for it before school, there was these 2 girls who though it was funny to make fun of me(my glasses/braces)-I wasn't a dork in school either. Then on the bus, they'd throw trash at me and call me names! It was really mean and stupid. What I did was tell my older sister. She then waited with me for the bus. I guess the girls saw my older sister and got scared. But as soon as I would get on the bus they'd tease me again. Eventually I made friend w/some other girls on the bus and they gave me enough courage to tell them to stop and they did-I actually talked to them in front of the bus driver so they had no choice! I dunno what advice to really give you that'll stop. I know it's kinda weird/embarassing to have your parents talk to thes people, but maybe an older sibling could stick up for you. Also, maybe just ignore them and stick w/your friends. After a few months the girls started being nice to me once they found out I could stick up for myself. They may have thought I was their friend, but I beleive in the saying "keep your friends close, and your enimies closer"...good luck and don't worry I'm sure it'll pass.