I Get Distracted Easily.

I get distracted easily...?

I don't know but ever since high school started (I'm a Sophomore now) I just keep getting the urge to stop paying attention in school and to not do homework...
I used to be a straight A student in middle school but now i'm getting some C's not because they are tough but because I don't try.
What can I do to motivate myself to start trying in school again?
I still try in all the easy classes like English and History.
But I just don't in classes like Math and Science.
I keep telling myself I will try but I end up going on Youtube or something.
And no TV isn't really much of a problem but the internet certainly is lol.
I do a lot of my homework on the computer though so I have to have my computer on...

Why Do I Get So Easily Distracted?

Sounds like ADD.attention deficit disorder.when I was growing up the cure was speed or lots of a days they got fancy names for it such as ridolin.i endorse drugs but it will focus u more than u would ever think.go see your doctor and I'm sure u will get a script.if not try something on ur own like coffee etc.sometimes u will have to complain to a doctor 20 times before anything is actually tried.i went through the same and it still bothers me now at 40.

Edit:to dr troll just because u havnt been diagnosed doesnt mean u don't have biggest problem wasn't the homework but triing to listen to a lecture for more than 15 seconds without being distracted.

Why am I so easily distracted?

yes, sleep is more imporant than you may think. I dont know how much sleep your getting but you should at least be getting 8 or 9 hours. serious lack of sleep can actually cause hallucinations and temporary sciztophrenia.

however if lack of sleep is not the case for you, you may have what is commonly known as ADHD attention defecit disorder. but dont panick, this is very common and there is good medication for this. go to your doctor and if he says you have this disorder he will probably give you the drug Adderall wich is a med that helps you focus. It really does help.

hope this helps

Why do I get distracted so easily?

You may just be daydreaming if not then consult a doctor you could have A.D.D attention deficit disorder it means you can't hold your attention to one thing :) nothing to worry about welcome to the club :)

Why do some people get distracted easily?

You are just like me.
I am pretty sure it is a form of procrastination that causes us to do things like this.
As soon as we have work to do, which most of the time we really don't feel like doing, we end up doing something else. When there is a computer, there are many things you can do. For me, when on yahoo answer, i will start to ask questions or maybe tell myself i will just read a bit. Then i end up staying on it. Just like youtube, i tell myself that i will only watch one or two videos then start my work. Doesn't work out, i stay on till the day is over. If I remember right, studies have soon that it is not completing the work that is the problem, it is starting the work which causes the problem.

So basically we unconsciously or consciously procrastinate.

I get distracted and forget things easily?

I've been asking myself that question for the last 25 years, and I've found two ways to deal with it (not really solutions, but coping mechanisms):

1) I carry a pad of paper or my day planner, and something to write with at all times, because I can hear something, try to remember it, and five seconds later it's gone and I have no clue what it was I was supposed to remember. If I can get it written down fast enough I'll at least have an idea where to start, and if it's someone telling you something, ask them to hold on for a minute so you can write down what they're saying so you don't forget it. Most people will be understanding. This is especially good for names and phone numbers, or appointments.

2) I am going to be distracted. This is a fact of life. My mother has called me Dolly Daydream for as long as I can remember, because my attention can be diverted so easily. It might be by a shiny object, or a noise outside the window, or some random thought that jumps into my head, so I try and limit distractions if there's something I really need to focus on and finish. Earplugs for silence or headphones with a relatively long playlist stop the outside noise, and for most things I do I can listen to music and work at the same time. I set goals, so if I need to study for three hours, I'll study for one hour and then go get a snack, because I can daydream while I'm waiting for the kettle to boil for tea, or while I'm waiting for the toaster to do its magic. By the time I get back, I can focus again for another hour, and then I'll watch TV for half an hour, and I have a kitchen timer that I always set so I'll remember to go back to do the last hour of studying.

If it's something that you have to finish right now, try and limit distractions, or find a way that if you do get distracted, you'll be kind of jolted back into paying attention (like the very loud kitchen timer). If it's something that isn't time-dependent, something that you're just doing for fun, well, does it really matter if you get distracted and subsequently ignore it? You'll get back to it eventually.

I get distracted too easily help me please!?

So i have this project thats due in tomorrow and i also have midterms nextweek ... this time i want to do well i usally fail. I tried sooooo hard to study but i just get distracted. Like if im on the computer im doing homework i end up on facebook ? ... and im writing something i end up doodling ... I just cant stay focused help me ?

Why do I get easily distracted and confused?

Its because you are concentrating on too many things or you are getting fascinated about other lives or it might be because you are comparing yourself with others.Everyone in this world is unique & you can’t copy life styles of other. Think about yourself, what interests you & act accordingly. Focus on small things & try to find out the things which makes you happy. Remember everyone moves in their time-zone.Kenya is two hours ahead of Nigeria, but it does not mean that Nigeria is slow, and it does not mean that Kenya is faster than Nigeria. Both countries are working based on their own “Time Zone.”Some one is still single..Someone got married and ‘waited’ ten years before having a child, there is another who had had a baby within one year after marriage. Everyone is working in their “Time Zone ”Someone graduated at the age of 22, yet waited 5 years before securing a job; and there is another who graduated at the age of 27 and secured employment just after national service. Everyone is working in their “Time Zone ”Joyce Meyer started her own ministry at age 41 and still alive today at 71 years old. She is working in her “Time Zone ”Someone became CEO at the age of 25 and died at the age of 50 while another became a CEO at the age of 50 and lived to 90 years.Everyone worked based on their ‘Time Zone’.. Some people have everything that work fast for them. Work in your “Time Zone” and pray for God’s direction.Brethren, God has designed us for a particular purpose that is different from the other person. God allows things to happen at His own time. Your Time Will Come.Colleagues, friends, associates, younger one(s) might “seem” to go ahead of you. Don’t envy them, it’s their ‘Time Zone.’.Yours is coming soon. Hold on, be strong, stay focused stay in faith and stay true to yourself. All things shall work together for your good. You’re not late… you’re on time!God Bless you

As an ENTP I get very easily distracted and lose focus. Any tips to combat this?

According to various tests, I'm a classic myers briggs ENTP, which is great in many ways, but I find it very hard to stay focussed on one thing and finish it - rather I get distracted by another idea and persue that.

I often feel I could achieve much more if only I could keep from being distracted and stay focused.

Does anyone have any advice on things I could try?

I get sidetracked or distracted very easily. What are some ways to regain focus and increase my focus levels?

Here’s what I do, I get some satisfaction from it, though I am far from perfection.Here I am focusing on a particular thing, like writing, right? I’ve been doing it for like 10 minutes and I have this ticklish feeling behind that my body tells me that I could be rewarded if I went to my other Quora answers and look how many views they got.I have two options. I can tackle this thought and reason it, that: Hey! You, know Martin, it’s perfectly suspensible and you can do it afterwards you are done writing this current answer you are working on. Sometimes it works, but sometimes this urge is pretty powerful and I am not that disciplined to force it away. Maybe, with prolonged meditation this could be achieved, but I need to meditate a lot still.But, I create a mental marker. That’s the good habit. So, I was writing or reading about regaining focus - so I imagine something like picture what is above - lenses and gaining, some energetic field that is coming to me or the picture of money that is flowing into me, you know “Gaining”. This way I just look at the paragraph and your question could be half a page long, I would still be able to regain focus quickly.Ever heard of Anki software? Use it for creating markers. Maintaining Focus is hell of a task, but regaining can be enhanced tremendously by creating mental markers. And that helps the overall focus in the long run tremendously.