I Got 37.5 Percentile In Mat Exam

What is the difference between percentile and percentage?

Thanks for the A2A.In a class, 10 students appear for a Math test. The maximum possible marks in this test is 80. These are the marks scored by individual students.Now, percentage is simple. Ron gets 58/80. So, if this paper was of 100 marks, he would have got, 100*58/80 = 580/8 = 72.5. Hence, his score is 72.5%Percentile shows what percent of population is above or below a certain value in a dataset. If we look at Ben’s score, he has got the highest. So, he has scored more than others and hence his percentile should be 100 whereas Ken has scored the least, and his percentile will be the least = 0.Smith has scored the second highest. So, he has scored more than 88% of the population. Andy has scored more than 33% of the population.Now, you might be wondering that technically it is not possible to score more than 100% of the population. But it depends on the population size. When percentile is calculated and it reaches 99.99+, on rounding it to nearest zero, we get 100 percentile. Similarly, someone who has scored the lowest may have percentile of 0.00 something in a large dataset, and hence, can be considered as zero percentile.If you are calculating in Excel, you can use various formulae depending on your need. Here, for example, I’ve used percentrank formula to get percentile values.Hope this answers your query! :)

How do I calculate the percentile of my MAT score?

Before I answer that, let me say that knowing the difference between percentage and percentile is extremely important for any competitive exam that you plan on appearing for and hence I will be highlighting that first before discussing the formula of percentile.Percentage is what we have been calculating our entire lives. It is absolute.Percentage = (your marks/total marks) x 100For example, if in an exam of 100 marks, you scored 90, then your percentage would be 90%.Basically your percentage is irrelevant of how the other students have fared in the same exam and it is just a reflection of how well you did individually.However, percentile is a little different as it is relative. Here the scores of the other students in the same exam is very important to how we calculate a person’s percentile as it gives you the idea of how good/bad you did in an exam.If I had to summarize percentile in a formula (which will help you calculate the same for any competitive exam that you need),Percentile = (number of people behind you/total number of people) x 100For example, if in a class of 100 students, you topped the exam. So what this means is that your score is better than 99 people and hence your percentile is 99%ile. Again, if your rank had been 30th, that means your score is better than 70 people and hence your percentile is 70%ile.Thus in percentile, the number of people whose score is below you or the number of people your score is better than is your percentile.I have also covered the same (with a few more examples) in a video whose link I have shared below and while the name of the video might indicate that it could be inclined towards MBA competitive exams, the concept remains the same and is valid for any competitive exam that you appear for.Hope this helps.

How do I calculate number of students appeared in a test when I have my percentile and rank?

Thanks for A2APercentile is calculated as follows:-Let the total number of students be x.So, the total number of students who scored less than you = (x-your rank)Percentile(%) = ([math]No. of students who scored less than you/Total no. of students)*100[/math]Specifically in your case,your percentile = 95.99,let the number of students in total = xapply the formula i.e. 95.99 = [(x-840)/x]*100 ; which simplifies and gives x = 20947.63 which approximates to 20947 students in total!I hope it helped you!Thanks

What is the average bra size of a 14 year old?

The average 14 year old is still growing. The average 14 year old also does not wear the right size bra. Most women's boobs reach full potential when they are in their early 20s. Boobs keep growing, however 34 C is average in general. If you want to know what size you are ask an agent in Dillard's, Macy's or Victoria's Secret to measure you. Sometimes they can be wrong. I was measured at 19. An experienced lady told me I was a 30D and an inexperienced lady told me 30B. I was trying to find comfort and the Victoria's secret lady was trying to kill me. Eventually I started getting into the 32Ds. I'm pregnant now so I'm sure I've gone up in cup size and band size because I can't stand to wear any of my current bras without feeling like I can't breathe after an hour.The smaller your boobs are right now, the nicer they will be when you grow up. I used to put tissue paper in my bra because of your undeveloped I was. It was nice to finally have boobs and now I don't want bigger boobs. I want them to stay but they aren't going to stay the way they are. Boobs will always be a problem for us girls!

It is a subjective question. It very much depends on your capabilities and desperation to crack CAT. CAT is an exam where it is never too late and never too early.