I Got A Horrible Scar 2 Years Ago While I Was Trying To Cut Something With A Razor Blade. The Razor

Do pencil sharpener blades or razor blades cut deeper in skin? Which has a cleaner cut?

Honestly, I was there. I broke down a few times and I did self harm. As a masochist it was even more enjoyable to me, but I regret it so much and it leads to a vicious cycle of cutting because of that remorse for cutting before. It sounds ironic, but I know. I used neither razors nor pencil sharpener blades to cut, as I collect pocket knives and while that made me happier, it also gave me more access to things when I broke. I know razors are better for cutting human skin, but I hope it isn't for self-harm or torture of another outside of a book.Talk to someone you trust. Odds are they might already know, if you have luck like mine.I would never tell anyone this if I didn't think it would help, but find someone you trust, get help. Even if it's just a friend or someone you have a crush on that is kind to you. I wouldn't have survived my freshman year of high school if it weren't for the love of my life and a girl I had a crush on back then, I still owe them my life and am repaying my debt as best as I can.I hope this helps, and I sincerely hope that you are asking this for research for a book and not to actually harm yourself or another. Or that you're pulling some kinky stuff in the bedroom. If it's for the bedroom or a book, more power to you mate, I wish you luck. If it's for harming yourself, I wish you luck in finding the help you need. I'd offer to help you myself, but I'm not good with emotional stuff and I might do more harm than good when I try to help, but I wish you a happy life ahead.

Can Razor cutting give scars?

Yes and they stick around for life. I havent done it for almost a decade and i still cant wear bathing suits. When i`m sleeping with my boyfriend they are visible, which puts a damper on a turn on. It doesnt take a lot of pressure to create a scar which will never, ever, go away. You do need help, i know you dont want it and you dont want to stop but ive been there. You will feel so amazing when you learn to deal with your self hate and hurt in other ways, i promise. Im sorry i know that last thing you want is to be nagged. You dont have to tell your parents or partner, but you can discretely ask for help at any mental health clinic or doctors office. Just think about it. You cant hide the scars, one day your future husband or wife, your children, your friends, will all ask why you did it. Because self mutilation scars arent easy to pretend they were caused by something else, they look like self mutilation scars. There is not excuse for horizontal strips of cut marks all over your wrists and thighs and stomach. None.

Some other writers have said that if you get scars you are doing it too deep. This is an addiction. I know because i am an addict. Look at it as you would a drug addiction: You want it to hurt, you dont care at what cost, after a few months or years little slices wont be enough. You will want MORE. More blood and more pain. I am not lying, this is how addiction works. You will get used to `boring, little, slices` and you will need more. One day you will be drunk or you may be so high you cant feel the pain and want nothing more than to feel something because your so numbed by substances you cant feel a thing and you will go deeper and deeper. I have done this. So you know, you will not be satisfied with the shallow ones forever.

How bad does cutting yourself with a razor hurt ?

Each blade is different. Since it's sharp at first, you probably won't feel it but after a while it really does hurt. I do it pretty fast because I get a rush, but if you go slow you will probably go deeper. Don't cut your arms though try your stomach or thighs so that people won't notice. You should probably use a pencil sharpener blade. But they are making them so you can't take the blades out anymore. I use hardware blades. Anyway, because I self harm, I understand the need to cut and I won't try to talk you out of it because you are going to do it anyway.

Razor blades to cut myself with?

Well sorry but I'm going to say you can't.

And as for you not caring what I say.
Oh well I'm going to try anyways.

Okay, I know your probably really stressed or sad or whatever is happening in your life is making you feel the need to cut yourself, but don't.

I had a tough year with my parents separating and having to move to a different country, not speaking the language so I don't really have friends to go out with etc. Then one day long story short,
my mum was staying with me while my dad and brother were in another country, the day they came home, he caught my mum off guard and she went nuts. She started smashing plates and vases and cut his neck by accident.

I ran around the back balling my eyes out I didn't want this to happen naturally, I was getting settled finally. They ruined it and I had to start all over again.

I started cutting myself, leaving horrible looking scars behind, they found out and my dad almost cried. My mum did cry when she saw them. That made ME cry and I felt horrible for her. She tried her hardest.

Well this is mainly my story so I'm sorry for going on about it.
What I'm trying to say is, you will strongly regret this in the future. It didn't help me one bit and it's a part of my past I'd like to get rid of.

Please, whatever is wrong, you probably just need to talk about it.
I'm begging you.

Don't hurt yourself.

If I had someone to talk to (which I did, my mum but I was too stupid) I wouldn't have cut myself. It doesn't help.

Find some help, you'll get through it.

Good luck, I'm sorry that this isn't what you asked for.


If you are going to start cutting yourself, what do you need? And please don't try to talk me out of it.

Disclaimer: I don't think self-harm is a good idea and I'd advise you look for alternatives (Alternatives to Self Harm) but I'll answer the question.Before I answer I would like to address other people answering this question and strongly discourage you from leaving comments along the lines of “just don’t do it”. It’s like attempting to prevent teenagers from having sex with so-called “abstinence only education”. It doesn’t work and it’s usually counterproductive. If you won’t answer the question, don’t leave a comment.As I said in my other answer about this topic (Irene Grijalvo Tarrés's answer to How can I smartly cut myself?), if you’re going to cut yourself, do it safely. I address my thoughts about this in it, so I’ll just get to your question here.Do not, under any circumstances, use a knife. It’s the absolute worst tool for the job other than, I don’t know, a chainsaw. Common kitchen knives, unless they have been manually sharpened, are really not that sharp. It will take a lot of strength to actually make a cut and it will be much deeper than is safe because you don’t have very much control over the cut. I can’t say this enough: stay out of the kitchen.The safest tool for cutting is a single edge razor blade. Something like this. The single edge part is important because it allows you to hold the blade from the top without the risk of cutting your fingers. You can use a double edged one too, but you have to hold it from the middle, which is a worse grip than the top. It has to be brand new, so that you don’t get an infection.You will also need a way to disinfect your skin before and after. You can use rubbing alcohol (not liquor) or peroxide on a cotton ball beforehand. Afterwards, it’s better to use something milder, like soap and water. Then apply a little antibiotic ointment and cover the cut with a band-aid or a gauze with some cloth tape.If you have any other questions, feel free to message me directly. Stay safe.

How bad does it hurt to cut yourself with a razor?

you have to break the blade from shaver, and it doesn't even go that deep. it's easier because you don't have to use as much force, it stings a bit but not as bad as a blunt knife....

o god i sound psycho...

btw the scars suck! you'll get out of the mood and the scar will be a reminder of your you want that?

I shaved off a layer of skin on my ankle with my razor by accident.. will it look normal when it heals?

Take it from an old guy that has cut himself and burnt himself more than enough times to know better: if it is just the top layer (like it sounds like) put a dab of triple antibiotic ointment on it after you bathe, then cover over lightly with a band-aid. In the morning, take it off and let it air out a while.

If needed you can do it again to get you through the day but after that you ought to let it dry up, and then you will be good to go.

You need to see some blood before you should start worrying about any kind of scar.

If you cut yourself, how long does it take for the scars to go away?

It depends what you use to cut yourself - razor cuts are thin and heal easily (although this also depends how deep you go) I have seen many "cat scratch" cuts from a razor - which take, on average, a week to heal. Deeper ones do heal - although the skin is permanently damaged - also depending where you are cut. Soft skin such as on the wrists, abdomen will scar easier and be more noticable. Try tissue oil (bio - oil) anything high in Vitamin E will help with your scars, sun light also helps the skin tones blend in.
Above that - I would suggest finding an even better solution to aviod cutting at all (taking into consideration I do not know your situation or do not know if this was in fact an accident) If not, get some professional help, perhaps talk to an adult you trust, or a close friend - obtain a support system! Take Care

Do self harm scars ever go away?

There are Multiple Possibilities to this QuestionFirstly, i’m going to skip over the message of to never cut (seriously people never start, it ain't worth it), and to get some help, because by the wording of the question, it sounds like its to late.Now for the answer.It would depend on the depth of the cut. Most light cuts that don't draw much blood, should fade away within a year or so, but will be almost invisible with 3 months.Deeper cuts I find take longer to fade. My oldest have faded to being almost invisible unless looked for, within two years. They do leave an indent in the skin though. This may not leave, dependant on the depth.How quick a scar fades is also dependant on where the cut is situated. Some areas, such as your arms or thigh fade a lot quicker, compared to areas like your ankle or foot. This is what I find anyway.A major thing to consider in reducing scars is to stop self harming. I know this sounds simpler than it is, but they don't leave unless you stop. Trust me I understand what your going through.Also there are a number of creams and lotions that can help fade scars. Personally I used lemon juice to fade burns on my wrists. It stung like crazy, But Now They Are Gone!! If U look into that sought of stuff you'll find all soughts of stuff.Seriously, I hope they will leave for you soon. Never give up hope and never give up on life. Things will change eventually.Edit: If you could comment or upvote I would really appreciate it, as I'm trying to work on my writing style and it lets me know if this is a good answer or not. :)

How much does it hurt to cut yourself with a blade from an exacto knife?

Oh, I got this one! About 15 years ago, I was doing something incredibly stupid, even for me. I was trying to cut a piece of wire but my razor knife was missing. I went and yelled at my roommate Marc. He couldn't find it so he gave me a brand new exacto knife. Now, I will say in my defense that I had never used one of these before. But here comes the dumb part, I slipped once with the knife but didn't cut myself; I thought maybe I should get some help…. Nah, I can do it. This time I cut myself. That blade went thru my hand like butter on a warm day. In all actuality, the pain part was not bad (maybe due to how extremely sharp it was?) However, I knew that cut was very deep. An even stranger part, it barely bled.So, I went to the ER… 37 stitches later. It went down 3 skin layers. Extremely stupid!! I could've lost my thumb… but the best part was yet to come. My BF at the time, came into the room with me and was holding my other hand when I hear a nurse say, “we got another patient,” and slide a chair to the front of me to catch my fainting friend.So, in answer to your question, if the exacto blade is new it isn't exactly painful. Or at least it wasn't to me. I've been told I have a high pain threshold. I thank my lucky stars I had a GREAT ER doc!! Wish I had taken a pic of it when I had it freshly stitched. It looked quite ghastly. But here it is 15+years later.Not a great pic. But if you see the 2 black spots on my hand the scar runs between them.