I Got Bit By A Water Rat Should I Be Concerned

How do you treat a rat bite?

In October 2017, I was alone in the house, watching TV, and I heard a ruckus in the kitchen. I had been having problems with rats and had put a sticky trap under the sink and sure enough, I’d caught a rat.I pulled the garbage can out and there he was but it was only his tail on the trap. Since he was facing away from me, I thought I’d just snag the corner of the trap and pull it out onto the floor where I could deal with it. As I started to move the trap, the rat whipped around and bit a chunk out of my finger. Not only that but the action of him turning around pulled his tail off the trap!I quickly washed the wound with warm water and soap, and dried it with a paper towel. It was bleeding quite heavily. I didn’t know what was the best thing to do.Now, we don’t have rabies here, so that wasn’t a problem, but we do have rat-lung worm and salmonella and other things carried by rats. And just, the idea that it was a rat was spooky enough.However, it was 11:00 o’clock at night, doctor’s office is closed. Urgent Care is closed. I’d drunk some alcohol so I’m not driving to the hospital. I really just wanted some advice, but who you gonna call?So, I called 911 and asked if I could get some advice and the responder said, “we don’t do that.” She then asked for my address, and after I told her, she said go unlock the door.As I did so, on my narrow, dark, quiet street, a huge full-sized fire truck comes, with lights flashing (no sirens, thank Heavens). Three big guys in full firefighting array come clomping up on my deck.I’m standing there like an idiot with a paper towel around my finger. Bless them, at least they didn’t laugh. When I asked them what I should do, they said unless I was on fire, there wasn’t anything they can do. They said they’d take care of the rat, but he was long gone.Meanwhile, out on my (once) quiet, dark street an ambulance, lights flashing, pulls up behind the fire truck, and three EMTs coming running up.Now I want to die of mortification. So, I asked them what I should do, and they said wash it in warm, soapy water, and put a bandage on it. So, I added in some topical antibiotic and watched it for a few days.Still it got infected with staph, so I went to the doctor the next day and got a shot.So, that’s what you do: wash it ASAP and get to a doctor as soon as conceivably possible. If you have rabies in your area and you haven’t had a tetanus shot or a rabies shot recently, then go right away to ER.

I want two rats, but will they give me rat bite fever?!?

I have been keeping rats for over 6 years. I have been bitten many times. One of my rats used to bite me all the time, usually hard enough to break skin. Once, she bit me right on the thumb and I could not move my hand for a few days.
But I never got rat bite fever. I think it's more prevalent in wild rats, so it's not really something you have to worry about.

Why is my rat drinking alot of water?

She is probably very dehydrated, since she hasn't been eating or drinking a lot before. Also, her body isn't used to exercising as much as she is because she had taken that little break, and her body gets tired and needs more water more easily and quicker. Also, if you're living in the heat right now, they get dehydrated and need water very, VERY quickly. Make sure you keep the water fresh and cold for your rat.

Glad to hear she's recovering ! (: Good luck! Hope I helped.

Can a dog get rabies from a rat bite?

i was wondering can a dog get
rabies if a rat bite's the dog because
am very worry my dog killed a rat it
was really big and the rat got hold of
him and the rat bit him he has his rabies
shot's but am just wondering can he get

How do you give a rat water in a glass tank?

Unfortuanrtely, a glass cage is not suitable cage for a rat. Ventilation is bad and the ammonia from waste can cause respiratory illnesses in rats. Glass tanks also do not provide climbing and running space that rats thrive on. I recommend taking it back to the store and using the money on an appropriate cage and a new friend for your rat. :3

I recommend you do a bit more research on rat care, and get your rat a friend, because rats a social and live better in at least pairs.

You can start your research here and further it through the website section of the site. 3

Good luck!

My rat bit my finger...?

Most of the time, the only thing you need to worry about is the possibility of the bite becoming infected from outside contaminants, just like with any other wound. It sounds like you cleaned the bite really well, so just keep it clean & you should be fine.

Rats have a "dry" bite because of the way their teeth are situated so there's not a huge chance of any saliva entering the bite. The chance for rabies is practically impossible-- it's highly unlikely that an animal from a pet shop (even a "feeder") could have been bitten by a rabid animal & small animals like rats nearly always die from being bitten before the rabies virus could have a chance to incubate.

Since someone else mentioned "rat bite fever" I did a little research & am posting what I consider to be the best link for this situation. Again, there is little risk but it's always good to know something about it.

Of course, if your bite shows any sign of infection or you have any concern, see your Dr. & in the unlikely event that there's a problem, let the pet shop know about it.

The next time your little guy is sleeping so deeply that it worries you, either softly call his name (usually takes a few times) or gently blow on him, which is what we do. Once he gets to know you better it's unlikely that he'll bite anyway.

I got bit by a wild rat?

I would tell your mother. She wouldn't be mad, its not your fault, the thing was vicious.

My father, got bit by a rat, a couple of years back. When we called the doctors to see if he needed to go in, they said that rodents don't usually carry rabies. And they didn't need to see him.

Chances, are they will say the same to you. Unless the wound is deep. have your mom call the doctors office, or ask to speak with someone on the phone from the Emergency Room.

Good Luck!