I Got Terminated Due To Misconduct At Walmart Because Doctor Took Too Long With Paperwork Leave

Can you get fired for missing a day at work because of a death in the family?

I once fired a worker for this reason. It was a beautiful summer's day. The guy called me to say that he wouldn't be able to work the next day as his grandmother had just died and her funeral was the next day. Funerals don't generally happen that fast but I gave him the benefit of doubt. Two days later he came into to work on crutches with his leg in plaster to tell me he'd broken his leg and couldn't work for a few weeks. "What happened?", I asked. "We were at the swimming pool and I slipped and fell"."The funeral was held at the pool?""Funeral? Oh yes. No, this was afterwards. My grandmother loved swimming so the whole family went to the pool after the funeral to celebrate her life"."You all went to the pool after the funeral? Your whole family?","Yes","Andy?","Yes?","There was no funeral, was there?", "No. Should I look for another job?","Yes". Andy's brother was a friend of mine and was very impressed with this incredible show of intelligence.