I Hate A Teacher What Should I Do

I hate my pe teacher?

You should go to your parents and talk to them about it. In high school is there more then on PE class or a different type of PE. When I went to school there was sporty, basketball extra and there was gymatics. I took uneven bars, balance beam those are quite physical also. You could also be frank with your teacher and tell him you don't like the way he looks at you, but I would suggest to do this with your guidance consellor or principal and/or vice principal around you never do anything in private without others around you I mean adult.

You are thinking of skipping PE classes I would not ignore it because you will probably fail it and if that happens you will have to take the course again. And he might still be the teacher next time.


My Teacher Hates Me!!!!!!! What Should I Do?

So, I've got this new Spanish teacher who hates me. In the first lesson she looked at my work and told me I had 30 seconds to complete it even though she had given us 5 minutes to do it and we were 3 minutes in. Also, my friend who was sat next to me had done less work than me. She said that if I didn't complete it in 30 seconds I would get 30 minute detention and she would phone home.

In my second lesson with her she said, and I quote, that 'everyone in the class will get a house point, except for some people' and then she stared at me for ages. Later on in the lesson she set me up to fail. She asked me a question that nobody in the class would know. She kept saying I should know the answer and she making me look stupid even though I'm an A grade student and no-one else could have answered it.

I have also asked a few people in my class and they agree with me that she hates me.

BTW I am 15 in my final year of secondary school. HELP PLS!!!

What can I do if I hate my teacher?

Hi. I'm a teacher.It's easy for a student to think that the teacher has it in for them because they were scolded a few times. What you need to understand is that the teacher is likely responding to your behaviour (i.e., what you did, or what she incorrectly thought you did), rather than deciding to dislike you as a person.It’s important to understand this difference and the separation between these two concepts: what a student does vs who a student is.The first few weeks of school are often stressful for both teachers and students. It is also a time when students and teachers form their first impressions of each other, based on their behaviour (or wrong interpretations of it).I would suggest that, even if your teacher was wrong about you writing something else when you were actually doing your corrections, that you make a point, at least for the first few weeks, of observing your teacher closely, understanding what she responds positively and negatively to (in both you and in other students), and trying to avoid doing things that she might perceive (even incorrectly) as being negative.Once you have established a positive impression, you may then wish to speak with your teacher after school, or through your parents, and effectively teach her about the type of person you are. For example, you could tell her calmly and politely: “I just wanted to let you know that I’m pretty serious when it comes to writing corrections. So, when you see me writing, that's what I'm doing”. Or, “In order to learn well, I need to be near the front of the class. I know that one time those two boys were talking and I happened to be right behind them. I didn't ask to talk to them, but just wanted to be near the front of the class so I could hear you better. Since being in the back row, I find it difficult to concentrate or hear you well.”In your talks with the teacher, try to frame things as you want to communicate with her becaue you want to learn in the best possible way, rather than the teacher did this to me because she incorrectly thought …Even if feels personal, often it isn't. And, even if in fact it is personal, it's better to proceed as if it isn't, by focussing on your academic and study goals, rather than on what the teacher did or didn't do to annoy you.Good luck!

What if I hate my teacher?

If you hate your teacher consider yourself lucky.  The younger you are the better.  You will be faced with working with peers, supervisors, and employers who you might intensely dislike.  Once you recognize your extreme dislike, start making a list about how you can teach yourself adaptations to get the most out of the situation.  Perhaps making a list of ways to counter the behaviors that drive you crazy.  Perhaps just pulling back and learning as much as you can for your benefit.  That said, if the teacher is unfair, cruel, or generally disrespectful to you, keep a log.  Write down the day, time, and a 'facts only' description of the situation.  When  you get a list of 5(?) go to speak with the teacher and ask how you two can resolve the situations.  Your log will also be handy if you are being abused, can't resolve the issues, and you need to go to the next level.  I am not discounting your feelings but am trying to help you as most people eventually end up working for or with a person who is disagreeable and quitting isn't an option.  Best to learn the healthiest care for yourself early so it's not such a shock as an older person.

I hate my physics teacher, what should I do ?

First of all, I like physics. I took physics course with my will. My grades were good until this year. However, this teacher is so bad that, I cannot understand a thing from lessons. Her teaching skills are very low and our class has a average of 50/100 in tests. She blames us for not working enough but we are the most hard working class in the school...
The worst thing is we give lab reports to her for feedback. She only gives one feedback and refuses to give second. Even, I sent her a lab report yesterday and today she said me "She didn't even read it because it is s bad" and she wants me to rewrite it. I almost spent a day writing it and she didn't even said where I am wrong even I asked so.
What should I do ? I can't stand this teacher anymore. There are lots of other things which makes this teacher intolerable. All of our friends are in same opinion with me, we even talked with our coordinator and got nothing. I am afraid that I will go mad in a lesson someday.

I hate my english teacher what should I do!?

Every essay I have turned in is no better than a C. Some of the essays I have written are the best among the class, but I feel that he just looks at my essay and tries to find more errors than are there. he will change my wording that is in the correct tense and grammar related it is fine, and then he will deduct it off my essay grade. I feel like I am doing the best I can, and I don't feel I deserve a damn C, but yet he feels different. Could it be that he just doesn't like me because I wrote an essay that ticked him off before? He let me know he didn't like my essay too? ughhi just dread this class but need it as a part of nursing school