I Hate Having A Dream

Don't you hate having a really good dream?

i hate it! theni try to go back to sleep so i can go back to my dream, but aha.. .never works. :(

I had a dream that my mom hated me.?

I had a dream that my mom hated me and she kicked me out of her house and really hated me for some reason and the whole time I was trying to figure out why she was hating me but I couldn't.
We were in some town and my mom was in her house with my sisters and brothers and i was kicked out on the street. I had to like get my mom to like me before the football game at the end of the week, but the football game was weird because you had to swim acorss from side to side to win. Then there was this really bitchy girl who was like trying to ***** me out & my sister too.
But mainly my dream was about my mom being really mean to me and hating me.

Please tell me what this means.

Why do I dream about a girl I hate?

You probably have feelings for her and not realize, I’m a teenager and this happened to me quite a few times. I hated working with this one girl in my class, she was beautiful but seemed to not have a good personality, but as I kept having to work with her I was starting to sense something special about her. I was head over heels in love for some reasom, I started dreaming about her and I wanted to go ask her out and I did. I made the right decision doing it because all the hatred towards her I realized was hidden love that I was to afraid to let out and now I know I made the right choice. So if I were you, I’d go talk to the girl you hate.

I had a dream that a guy I hate kissed me?!?

Okay so I was running and he was chasing after me and he caught up with me and we were both laughing and he was holding me from behind and then he kissed me shoulder and then we kissed on the lips. I've dreamt about him A LOT! He's one of the annoying popular kids and we talk ice in a while but he's so cocky and such a dick and I can't imagine liking him! What does it mean? Oh and my friend heard him talking in science class and e said I was cute/hot and he'd ask me out if my brother wasn't so overprotective! Does it mean I like him?

I had a dream that I had sex with someone I hate! What does this mean?

As per me it's good sign soon you will aware or explore new area/scope/brighten /shine…Sex:: stimulus of energy which will end in form of blissDream…action which wanted to make in real consciously..or unconsciously we are doing it but don't wanted in mindHate..very known person /object which we can't able to digest, in stomach (as our liver is not strong so we can't digest the food) dark area which always very close but we don't have fire which converts into blood …vital to body

Why do I have to dream? I hate dreaming, why can't we just sleep?

You asked<>

You can by understanding either what causes you to remember your dreams and by knoing how to change that. I discovered this when I had to go on an organic diet. I learned why that was. It has to do with the nervous system's reaction to toxins we eat, touch, and breath. Some people have neurons more sentive to them. When those neurons are fraigle, brain chemsitry distribution rates change and so will too our ability to remember dreams. I hope you don't smoke. Prescription drugs can cause vivid dream recall.

If you want to stop remembering your dreams, and it sounds like you do, visit my web site below and follow my diet. It's a chemically neutral diet. Also while there read about making your envvirooment more chemically neutral. Environmental toxins most certainly can alther brain chemistry also as is the case in teens who have permanent brain damage from huffing toxins.. Good luck and hope you sleep more peacefully soon!!