I Hate When Somebody Wrote Fun Withouth Period / It


So I am 15 and have had my period for about a year now and I honestly feel as if it's like torture. Tomorrow is the first day of school and I just started my period today. I'm not myself when I'm on my period I'm grouchy and sleepy and no fun. The cramps are killing me! I don't want to meet my teachers like this because they will probably get a bad impression of me because I won't participate and won't be able to pay attention in class. I wear tampons sometimes but I always am worried about TSS so I am constantly thinking I feel my tampon and that its been in to long. Also it hurts when I put them in like it feels like I'm pushing against something and creating pressure like I have to pee. I don't have time to buy supplies and I'm down to one regular tampon and the rest are super. Should I use super? Also pads feel awkward cuz I only have liners and night pads so I either feel like I'm wearing a diaper or feel like I have to change it constantly. What should I do I HATE MY STUPID PERIOD!!

What do teenage boys think about a girl's period? What do they know about it?

I am an 18 year old male, and this is all I know about periods.Once a month, for a span of three to seven days, a girl will randomly start bleeding down there. This can be quite upsetting to the girl because this process could have probably been designed better and may be a flaw of the human body. I can’t imagine bleeding randomly to be anything near pleasant, and it makes sense that this may put someone in a bad mood.On top of this bleeding, some may experience period cramps of varying severity. This sounds like the worst part to me, I’ve heard some girls have it really bad.Some things that I am unsure of and have failed at to be educated: Mood swings, hormonal increase, strong desire for chocolate (really unsure of that one), and increased sex drive.I’m not sure if any of those things are actually true, but hey, I’m just an 18 year old male.My overall opinion of periods: Outdated. The reproduction system could really use a rework. 0/10

Why do i want my period so bad?

im 13 years old and i feel like everyone around me has it. not everyone, but most 8th graders do. well not me! i personally do not complain alot and i can handle bad stomach aches because i frequently get stomach virus. (like 1 time a year) and i can handle the blood and changing. i wear pantiliners because i always have discharge and ive practiced with thicker pads to get the effect. i hate being the only one without it. i always wanna go in the pool with my friends but they say "i cant" because their moms wont let them use tampons! i want to be a woman!! like the rest of my friends! why do i want this so bad!?

I love my period! Do you?

I'm 13, had my period for a year now.
They're irregular, I get about 4-6 periods a year.
I love mine!
I mean, I still hate the cramps, headaches etc...
It makes me feel like an adult/woman and I love shopping for pads/tampons because it's fun to choose and stuff-I love shopping anyway I'm a shopoholic!
When I'm on my period I live the responsibility of taking pads with you and changing them.
So people, love or hate periods?

Why do people say "period" after the end of a sentence to stress upon its importance?

In North American English, the . at the end of a sentence is called a period. It ends a sentence; the sentence absolutely cannot continue after the period. Therefore in conversations, when you say I will not do this, period, what you are saying is that you will not do it, and the conversation is over. You're not going to discuss it anymore, and can't be convinced otherwise;period.Also interesting to note: In British English and some other variants of English the period (.) is referred to as a "full stop". So in those dialects, instead of saying I will not discuss this, period, one would say I will not discuss this, full stop. This might be helpful if you're having discussions with someone who speaks another dialect of English.A more lengthy way to write your example sentence would be:I don't want to do this, and that's all I'm going to say on the subject.Thanks follow me for more answers.

Why does my mom always make me go out with people I hate?

First off, I absolutely hate going out period. Unlike nearly every other 14-year old, I HATE going out. I'd rather stay in bed and go to the mall or to a movie theater. But my mom seems to hate that about me and wants to literally change the fact that I hate going out.
I also hate people. Well, I'm more annoyed by some and intimidated by others. I have a "friend," and I use the term VERY loosely because I hate him and he hates me. But my mother forces me to hang out with him. 24/7. After school, on weekends, ALL THE TIME. He is extremely loud, immature, childish, obnoxious, and rarely ever thinks about anything in general.
Today, my mom made me go to see a movie with him, only after sitting in a Chinese restaurant that he just had to take me to. He demanded. I had Chinese three nights in a row now. After a dinner where he playfully threw some food at neighboring customers, made loud racist jokes towards pretty much anyone there, and purposely farting and laughing as if it were funny, we saw a movie called Identity Theif. The movie was hilarious, but he ruined it of course by yelling at the screen, and throwing popcorn to try and start a food fight. He complained about everything-- The movie was boring, the people were snobby for now partaking in the food fight, my mom's car sucks, the city we live in is filthy (when it actually isn't), how much he hates black people (even though he's black), and so much more. He is exhausting to be around. This is getting really tiring. My mom forces me to spend 90% of all my time with him instead of staying home alone, locked in my room like I'd like to do.
Am I abnormal for liking to stay inside at my age? Am I weird for liking solitude? I don't want friends, socialization, or any sort of outdoor conventions. Is that so bad? How do I tell my mom to lay off? PLEASE HELP ME!

How many girls actually don't get period cramps?

Only a very small number of women experience no period pain, which is apparantly about 10% of the feminine population. I am one of that 10%.And it’s really, really fun.See, the entirety of my year experiences period pain. At one time of the month I’ll walk into the classroom and like five girls will be hunched over groaning with water bottles clutched tightly to their stomachs.I sat down in Maths to find my seatmate hugging a water bottle to her chest, looking grumpy.“Period?” I asked.“Yep.” She grumbled. “You know how I feel, huh?”“Um… Actually, I don’t really.”People’s reactions are quite varied at this. I’ve heard all of the following:“LUCKY!”“Whaaaat?”“That’s not fair.”“Go. Kill. Yourself.”And then they all proceed to hate me.Because according to all my friends, cramps can vary from mild to kill-me-now pain, and succeed at nothing but pissing people off. I assume it’s like having all the liquid forced out of your stomach in one go. At least, that’s what it already feels like without cramps anyway.So if you’re one of those peeps who don’t get cramps… count yourself as lucky. The period itself is uncomfortable, but it’s not that bad.I can only thank God.

Should I bring coffee for my teacher?

Last year, I had this incredibly awesome Pre-Calc teacher. He was really cool and helped me get through/enjoy the class (usually I hate math, but he made it fun somehow!).

I have him this year for Calculus, although I'm not sure what period I have him yet. I had him in the morning last year, so I might have him in the morning again this year. Basically what I'm wondering is, would it be okay to bring him coffee or a small gift the first day? I just want to show him that I still appreciate all the help he gave me, since he's my favorite teacher.

At the same time, I don't want it to look weird, or even inappropriate. I mean, coffee isn't crazy out there, but would it or a gift seem too... friendly? He's a younger teacher (26) and I don't want him to feel uncomfortable.

What would you suggest?