I Have A History Test Tomorrow. How To Remember A Lot Of Info In A Short Amount Of Time

History test tomorrow?

The Munich agreement preserved Hitler in power after the Germans were allowed to stay in Sudetenland a very strategic part of chechoslavokia. So yes definatley I would say the Munich agreement was more of a threat to World Peace and the started the beginning of WW2. Less thraeting was the remilitaration of Rhineland. That was more of a show of force but nothing actaully happened. In conclusion I would say: Both incidents were part of Hitler's larger plan to promote his ill conceived arayan race supemecy agenda. Hitler was a magnetic personality that could unite the masses with disatorus results. Hope this help's. That is a very complex part of history involving many nation of the world, with different leaders personalities

Best way to study (history test tomorrow)?

You are going in the right direction my making yourself a study guide, look major events and try to make up acronym's that are easy to help you remember. Also, find someone to quiz from your study guide orally (highly recommended); if no one is around make yourself a mock test and try to take it. By doing this kind of pretesting it will show you what you know and need to work on. You could even make flash cards-dates on one side events on the other. The more you write something the more likely it is to stick with you.

How to learn and memorize a lot of information in a short time?

It all depends on what you are like. If you like music and/or listen well then maybe its an idea to tape what you or a teacher says and listen beack to it. If you like physical activity maybe it is a good idea to incorporate study with excercise, such as go on a run and remember notes by location. If you remember things that you look at, visual learner, maybe draw mindmaps or other learning aids. It helped me.

I havent studied and my test is tomorrow?!?

its 8:30 pm rn and i have a history test tomorrow !! i havent studied that much cause i just finished my notes and i have only memorised like 4 pages out of 15. WHAT DO I DO?! IM TRYING TO CRAM EVERYTHING IN BUT I CANT. WHAT TIME SHOULD I STAY UP TO AND IM DEFINTELY GOING TO WAKE UP EARLY TO STUDY . btw the history test is tomorrow at the end of the day (thats great so for the whole day of school i cant forget everything :(((( )