I Have A Striking Pain In My Chest

What do chest pains and stomach cramps mean?

Stomach cramps with vomiting could be gastroenteritis, but you really need to call your emergency services with chest pain

Feeling of lightning striking my chest?

I have these horrible pains that last only a second. It starts from right above my heart and it will go into my left arm, neck, shoulder, and head. It feels like lighting is striking me. Does anybody know what this could be?

Chest pains every time i drink coffee?

Coffee contains several compounds which are known to affect human body chemistry. The coffee bean itself contains chemicals which are mild psychotropics for humans as a defense mechanism of the Coffee plant. These chemicals are toxic in large doses, or even in their normal amount when consumed by many creatures which may otherwise have threatened the beans in the wild.
Coffee contains caffeine, which acts as a stimulant. For this reason, it is often consumed in the morning and when feeling tiredRecent research has uncovered additional stimulating effects of coffee which are not related to its caffeine content. Coffee contains an as yet unknown chemical agent which stimulates the production of cortisone and adrenaline, two stimulating hormones.For occasions when one wants to enjoy the flavor of coffee with almost no stimulation, decaffeinated coffeeis availableDecaffeinated coffee usually loses some flavor over normal coffee. There are also coffee alternatives that resemble coffee in taste but contain no caffeine These are available both in ground form for brewing and in instant form.

Painful chest and arm? What stretches can I do? My arm cramps up when playing guitar. Been playing 5 years. Never happened before.?

You could be dehydrated. You couldbe causing damaged with the repetitive motion. Try drinking some water or juice, and if that doesn't help, take several days off form playing. If it still hurts, go see an orthopedic specialist.

My chest hurts when I sing?

It sounds to me as if you are using your chest to breath and not your diaphragm. When you sing you should be using the muscle underneath your lungs. This takes practice but if you want to use your high area, or your very low area for that matter, you will need to breath from your diaphragm. What you are doing at this point is using your lungs and you are forcing them to do something they shouldn't be doing.

For a start, YOU SHOULD NEVER TRY AND FORCE ANYTHING WHEN YOU ARE SINGING. You could ruin your voice completely. I have a friend who insisted that his voice teacher was the "best". I disagreed with the way he was teaching him how to breath, forcing the air. He lost his voice, when singing and when talking. For months he had to write everything down because he couldn't utter a sound.
The vocal chords are very precious and you should not try and force them to anything.

Look "diaphragm" up on the net. Where it is, how to breath from that area. You will find that you will strengthen your voice eventually, and will be able to sing the high notes without straining.

The pain in your chest is warning you that you are doing something wrong. My opinion is, (a voice teacher for 30 years) that you are not breathing from the right area and you are hurting your vocal chords.

Take slow, deep breaths. In then slowly out. Put your hand
below your chest area, in the middle and try and feel that muscle going in and out. That is your diaphragm. It took one of my students nearly a year to recognize where that muscle was.

If you keep singing as you are now, you are going to ruin your vocal chords.

Chest cramps// Makes inhaling painful. How do I make 'em go away?

As long as you've been cleared medically, try slow deep breathing. You will have to endure the pain at first but it should lessen as you continue. Inhale slowly through your nose and fill your lungs as completely as you can. Hold it for the count of 3, then slowly exhale through pursed lips. This is called pursed-lip breathing. Try 5 reps of this inhale-exhale cycle whenever you think about it and see if it helps.

So many people here are suggesting cardiac problems and telling you to get a chest X-ray but angina (chest pain) is not dependent on inhalation. Angina occurs whether one is inhaling or exhaling. And this doesn't sound like heart failure either.