I Have A Weak Core And I Need Help Strengthening It Any Advice And Good Workout

Tips for workouts to make ur knees stronger?

In therepy we did the following excersizes to stregnthen the knee

Get a slight step up (one stair) and put just one foot on the stair, then slowly raise and lower yourself and just allow your foot to slightly touch the floor, then raise back up. do this about 10-20 times.

Get something that looks like a bouncy ball cut in half and placed on a board (can get them at wall mart) and do the same as above (this works more of the muscles in the leg by making you balance more thereby utilizing more muscles.

Ride on a workout bike for about 10 -20 min

Do wall sits, about 10 minuets each time, these work the muscles in the leg resulting in a stronger knee.

Do lunges with a weighted ball, again utilized balance and stregnthens your core and your leg muscles resulting in a more stable knee.

Invest in a medical band (elastic band) and tie it into a loop, put one end under a table or chair (something that wont move on you) then do leg pulls (where you pull the leg to you) do this in quick sets of 15-20 in each direction.

Hope this helps! Just know there is nothing you can do to strengthen the knee itself, you can only strengthen the muscles around it making for a more stable knee.

Would a walking work station strengthen your core muscles if you have back pain because of weak core muscles?

Two things: first, walking doesn't, in and of itself, strengthen your core muscles to any great degree. However, it is better than sitting all day, as long as you maintain excellent posture while walking and stop when experiencing pain.Second, when I was recovering from back surgery, I was told to walk a mile a day. My back pain was due to herniated disks which burst, so prior to the surgery I could not walk across the room. So everything depends on the status of your back pain and it's cause. To strengthen your core, there are other, better, exercises which are better to learn from a therapist or qualified trainor. Be wary if they stress your back too much, as some of them tend to do. My best advice is see your doctor and get a referral to a physical therapist who can offer the best exercises for your particular case.

I have absolutely no upper body strength or muscles. What do I do if I want to build some muscles but not bulk up? I'm looking for something for beginners.

I think you are very thin, have some fat on your tummy, probably have very thin arms (cyclists and runners often do). Your thinness and upper body are weak, with light, thin bones because of muscle loss, caused by two things: calorie deficit in combination with exercise. If cardio trainers ate enough protein and fat, they might not lose any upper body muscle by training! Muscle gain is inefficient with exercise alone, or with eating alone. In combination, eating (to caloric excess) and exercising work great. The fastest approach toward achieving your aims is to stop cycling (which uses up daily calorie needs), stop caloric deprivation (which causes muscle loss and prevents muscle gain), and begin upper body exercises (to direct where new muscle growth will occur). Don't want to give up cycling? Eat more protein and fat so that you can afford to build upper body muscle while maintaining lower body muscle needs. Why eat fat, if you want to lose fat??? Two reasons: 1) the body runs well on fat for energy, and 2) muscle building requires fat. Good news is, you don't have to seek out fat as there is plenty of it in lots of healthy protein sources (meat, eggs). Oh, and I admit, you may gain a bit of fat in the process. If you want to lose fat, you have to stay on a calorie deficit and keep doing cardio, but it's unhealthy and you will look like, and be, a weakling.+A word to vegans and vegetarians: to become stronger, you have not one, not two, but three major challenges! Working out, obviously. Getting enough protein (18-20% of daily calories)--this is a huge task. And seek out safe fats, while avoiding BAD fats (all vegetable oils are unhealthy--no one should ever eat them!). Good healthy fats for vegans are coconut oil and olive oil, which can be used in dressings and sauces, and avocados, nuts, and dark chocolate. Vegetarians can eat butter. Steer clear of dressings on store shelves which are made with vegetable and see oils (soy, corn, canola, etc). Check labels and see what kinds of poisons (vegetable oils, sugar) you are consuming!

A good volleyball training schedule?

in my workouts i need cardio, strength training for my arms, core, and LEGS, as well as something to help me increase my vertical jump. those are all the things i NEED, but i am open to any suggestions.

How do I strengthen my lower back enough to squat?

To make your back conditioned enough to start a squat programming, the best methods may vary from individual to another. Based on your current condition, mobility and joint health, a smart strength trainer coach can determine if you should start with deadlifts or squats at first.Deadlifts may be more suitable for you at first part of your fitness journey. When I started my journey, I was unable to squat but I did not give up. I was weak on lower back and knee joints.I trained with deadlifts for full year before I jump into a squat program. This period of training with deadlifts was crucial for me to help me lose fat, generate hormonal reaction to build some connective tissues all over, build lean muscle mass in my posterior (BACK) and get me strong all over including my lower back to be able to start a squat program.Deadlift can build fantastic posterior side to get you ready to add squats.Snatch Grip (wide grip) deadlifts with small loads can build fantastic upper traps to help you reduce load of deadlift and squat from your lower back. RDLs (Romanian deadlifts) also will help with hamstrings therefore lowering gravity force on lower back.You must try to get strong all over. Also you should consider losing body fat from mid section if you are overweight.So about a year later i was ready to start and squat with a light weight. 4 years passed and I can squat very comfortable with heavy loads. My squat PR is a bit behind my Deadlift PR numbers. I do not have any problems with my lower back.PS: i am not a certified personal trainer but I am very experienced weightlifter. For obvious safety reasons, check with a doctor and or a certified trainer before training with powerlifting exercises.

What are some exercises to strengthen your back?

The following are exercises are mainly used to train the back muscles and have their place in a well rounded exercise routine. My advice is to train your whole body rather than focus on one body part exclusively, unless you're a more advanced lifter on a well rounded body building routine, because it is easy to cause imbalance by targeting one area for a long time and to lose sight of your functional movements. Make sure that you learn the techniques from a good exercise instructor because some of the exercises are dangerous if performed incorrectly.Pull upsLateral pull downDumbell/barbell rowsConventional deadlifts. This trains your core, lower back + legs.Romanian deadlift. This is more of an advanced exercise that is somewhat similar to the deadlift, but it requires good flexibility, so it is better to avoid this exercise as a beginner.Exercises like the push up, plank, squat and inverse row can also help you improve your core strength (including your back) if done properly. So does of course Yoga.Training a large muscle group like the back and legs is tough work and the exercises (especially the ones with weights) are technically demanding, make sure you always do them at the start of your training day so that you are using the best form possible and make the most of your exercises. Also know the cycle of fatigue => bad form => injury. Train to technical failure (breakdown of your form) only and not muscle failure, and call it a day if you are too tired to continue exercising properly.

Equestrian fitness advice?

well, it depends on how much riding your doing, what type and what level. Of course, everyone who rides should be fit enough to look after themselves and thier mount when riding.

I workout 1-2 times per week through the Nike Fitness Training Club app on my phone, each workout is from 30 mins - 1 hour long, and focuses on getting lean, getting toned and getting strong. I do mainly lean ones as it focuses alot on core strength which is a main muscle when riding and for getting that sit trot perfected.

I drink alot of water, well everybody should anyway, but its the worst thing when your riding and are really thirsty. I also keep to a high protein diet to keep lean but build correct muscle just like my horses :D

What are some simple home exercises to strengthen the back?

Here are some suggestions for core exercises from the Mayo Clinic. Core muscles are the muscles that help stabilize the back. Slide show: Exercises to improve your core strength