I Have An Irrational Phobia Of Being Contacted By Aliens

How can I overcome my fear of alien abduction?

I’ve had a 23 year fear of aliens so bad ( I have bipolar and keep hallucinating they are actually physically present and keep shoving me in a bone breaking size cage in a blank room, unfortunately validating my delusions). It has taken up to now just to be able to sleep at night and walk outside alone. How? Lots of therapy and perhaps most effectually dressing as DoomGuy while I sleep. Yep I know, completely and utterly stupid and bizzare. But I love tearing up those demons in all 4 games and my bro knows people in the cosplay making biz to make a really comfy helmet that looks exactly like doomguy’s and a giant plush shotgun and chainsaw ( my favourite weapons…The BFG is bigger than me in the game) Has not cured my fear but no one fucks with doomguy and pretending to be him makes me feel safe enough to sleep. Irrational fear, irrational coping mechanisms lol. About 10 years work with a psychiatrist and she’s pretty darn happy we found something that FINALLY helps after so many years even its really absurd. I can sleep at night for the first time in many years so fuck those who judge me haha.

How do I know if I have been abducted by aliens?

A serious answer: There is a good two-part series called Australien (I can't remember the full name) which is a serious documentary regarding an Australian originally from New Zealand. He began being interested in the UFO phenomenon and soon started spotting them in the skies near his home. He determined that they had some interest in a defense industry related facility. After capturing them numerous times on film he began waking up with unusual marks on his body and sought the help of a local ufologist who connected him with a hypnotherapist in Queensland expert in helping people who believed that they may have been abducted retrieve repressed memories using hypnosis. It turns out that he had and the experiences were not pleasant.Now, that being said, there are two types of abductions: Abductions by extraterrestrials and abductions by military Unacknowledged Special Access Programs imitating extraterrestrials. (See the film ' Unacknowledged' on iTunes to learn what USAP's are). One such program operates out of Pine Gap in Australia. These abductions are designed to generate a great deal of fear so as to cause public perception of aliens as "evil" in order to persuade the public to support militarizing space, which costs trillions of dollars and makes the Defense Industry a lot of money. The same motivation is behind the cattle mutilations.The military has the ability to perfectly mimic a UFO abduction, and counts on abductees sharing the fearful experience in the media, at conferences, etc. Its a large scale, worldwide Psyop done primarily by the Five I nations (US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand).In fact, the military is considering faking an alien invasion (Project BLUEBEAM) so people will give the Pentagon, the MoD, etc a blank check to spend tens of trillions for space militarization.Knowing whether it was a REAL abduction or a military faked one is very hard to do because of the technologies available today. If the main takeaway is fear it's likely one done by us.

Are alians real? opinons?

Aliens almost have to be real. Statistically, its almost unrealistic for them not to be.

Suppose, as a generous estimate to the other side, life is a one in a billion chance kind of thing. While scientists have actually created isolated habitats that can sustain it, therefore disproving this thesis, let's go with it anyway. It's very, very improbable. But there are BILLIONS of solar systems with BILLIONS of planets in each one. So, despite the supposed one in a billion chance, a billion planets are capable of sustaining life. And this is, again, going against common knowledge. Unless the solar systems end abruptly after what we can see (and we already see many planets and moons that may indeed have life), its very, Very, very possible.

How do I overcome a fear of aliens?

Seriously. I am terrified of aliens, or extra-terrestrials. It's complicating my life and beginning to strain my boyfriend's relationship with me. I can't sleep at night because of it. I know it's irrational and unrealistic, but honestly it's effecting my life in a negative way. Should I see a therapist? It feels like it's getting to the point where I should. I get extremely bad anxiety when I think about it, I'm afraid to be alone or in the dark, and I'm scared of every single little noise I hear at night. I just have no idea what to do anymore. Any suggestions help. I know that it's completely and totally stupid to be afraid of this, but I think I really need help. Please, no mean I've said before, I know it's dumb and I know I'm being stupid..but I feel like it's out of my control. Anything helps. Thanks in advance..

Could humans and aliens coexist?

Do you ever have an irrational hatred of certain types of shoes where you want to kick them or worse and blame them for your problems ?That's what Racism is like only the insanity of it is not as obvious as my shoe analogy .It is slowly gradually fading out but re- erupts sometimes.When it is seen as irrational and insane and as rare as the Shoe Haters -we will possibly be ready to start thinking of new vistas like that but for right now I would have to say ‘no'.And of course Aliens would have to have been fully vetted and around for a long time and if they look very very different from us or dogs and cats or birds or something familiar and not too scary …it would still be a long long road for us even if we knew they were peaceful and benign.

When I used to have a fear of aliens (don't have it anymore), when thinking about them I used to get imagines of grey aliens when closing my eyes or sleeping, is this normal?

It may have a few possible explanations for what you experienced:1- You are a suggestible person who saw films or videos about the grey aliens and you got impressed.2- You were abducted by aliens but you conscious mind don’t remember the event(s).If you have other abduction symptoms like:1- Lost Time - Missing hours or even days in which you just don’t remember what happened.2- Humming and/or clicking noises - Do you hear them at night as if they were in your head?3- Unexplained nosebleeds.4- Strange Marks - Marks on your body, specially on your ankles and wrists, which you don’t know what caused them.5- Skin Rash - You find a mysterious rash on one or more parts of your body. As if your skin has been scraped.6- Pain in your genital area or blood in your urine in the morning.7- Menstrual Irregularities, missing pregnancies, endometriosis, cervical evidence of having given birth, without knowledge, unknown surgeries.8- Developed Phobias - Fear of sleeping at night, fear of the dark, closets, open stretches of highways, open sky, wooded areas or places.9- Feeling of Having a Mission - Feelings of a special mission in life.10- Spontaneous visual images in mind, as if projected in mind.You should contact a doctor you trust who are a hypnotherapist, so he can help you remember what happened to you during the missing time, or the reasons behind your new phobias. Chances are high aliens were involved. But you will know for sure only after a hypnosis regression. You should not mention aliens to the doctor, just the objective symptoms you feel or discovered. Let him give you his explanation for your condition.

Are aliens going to come to Earth, and kill us one day?

Many people have a deep, subconscious fear of being attacked by aliens. Some people ignore it by sticking their heads in the sand and claim we are the only intelligent species in the universe out of the trillions and trillions of planets that exist. When someone brings up the subject of UFOs, they say it must be weather balloons or lights, even when military pilots were reported recently in the New York Times and Washington Post that they could see a “fleet” of them. So why this fear?All of the people having lives on Earth now came from other planets to take part in the “Earth Experiment” in order to “fast-track” the raising of our vibrational level—the goal of all souls. But about a million years ago in Earth Years (which are 10 times faster than Universal time) the Reptilian societies that exist in another galaxy ran out of some sort of basic elements they needed, so they went looking for them in our galaxy. Instead of bartering, they just decided to take over whole planets and either wipe out the population, or used some sort of “advance mind control” if they could use them to mine whatever they needed.This started a war that lasted for thousands of universal years. In my First Contact book I called it the “original star wars.” Since then I now call it the “Reptilian War”. The 200+ planets that make up the Federation of Planets use a more diplomatic term—”The Great War.” This was a really nasty war, as both sides destroyed all the planets in a solar system by blowing up their suns.Keep in mind that lives on other worlds are in many cases much longer in length than our lives, so they lived in fear of being destroyed for their whole life. Finally there was peace negotiated, and now everyone lives peacefully. But still there is that subconscious fear. If you understand why, then it’s not so frightening.