I Have Dreams Of This Girl

Why did I have a dream about a girl?

Hi Jordan.  This is perfectly natural.  No worries.  Nothing is wrong.  Nothing is at stake here.  See, when we have a strong emotional feeling, whether its an attraction, a fear, anger, or a crush, that feeling is an energy that goes into your subconscious mind.Scientists have proven that if you go 7 days without dreaming, people begin to exhibit schizophrenic behavior.  Do you know why?  Its because our dreams are like a release valves.  They allow that strong feeling to play out in our dreams, so we can be freed up in our waking state, and not be so distracted by them.  Did you know that many of our dreams are symbolic?  Most of the time, people symbolize aspects of ourselves!   IF that were the case, all it would mean is that there is something you are attracted to about her that you wish you had (besides her)  : )....but otherwise, you are experiencing a very natural attraction that your subconscious is releasing and making known to your mind, even though you know it already.   It doesn't mean you are supposed to be with her or not be with her.   Its not a sign, just the music of your subconscious playing the song your heart has written about her.  You are going to have several CDs as your life goes on ....Now, this last thing is important.  IF we are meant to be with someone, or develop a relationship with them, life works out so you can.   Otherwise, even though you may feel an attraction, (and who doesn't get crushes?)I've had a hundred or more in my life, it just won't work out.  Your life has a very cool, unique design just for you.  You never miss out on anything, and I mean anything that would really make you happy.  I have had that proven to me so many times.So.....chillax, and be kind to her.  Be yourself and don't worry.  Everything is on track and your mind is just doing what everyone's mind does.  In the deep, dark, still of the night, it plays you your own private showing of your feelings.....front row seat.A crush is not an indication something is supposed to happen.  What it does mean is that you are a healthy human being with a heart very open to love.And, if you desire to know her better, introduce yourself and ask her to coffe or something.  I was that age once and quite frankly, it is a turn on when a guy is confident enough to show he's interested.

I have dreams of a girl I don't like anymore?

During highschool, there was this girl I used to like A LOT. I wouldn't say I was in love with her, but I liked her so much that she was always the only person on my mind. I've done some things I regret with her, like making a fool of myself for getting so jealous about her going out with other guys. Although we were never together, we grew distant, all because of my stupid actions.
I graduated highschool about a month ago, and I've been over her for quite a while now, almost about 2 years now. But for some reason, these dreams I have will happen once in a while, where she is always included in them. It's always like we're flirting and I have the same feeling I had back in highschool when I'm with her in my dreams, but when I wake up from them, I don't feel anything for her at all. If I don't like this girl anymore, why do I still have flirtatious dreams about her? I never think about her, and I know I don't like her anymore because whenever I sometimes see her with friends, I feel nothing at all when hugging her or talking to her.
What are your guys' thoughts on this?

I have constant Dreams about a girl?

Theres this girl that goes to my skool that i constantly keep having dreams about. I had a dream about her b4 i had even met or seen her
The first dream started on saturday 4 months ago. I dreamed there was a new shy girl at my skool that i introduced all my friends too. Then on monday wen i went to skool she was there...

4 months from then i keep having dreams abt her normally she is in my arms and im kissing her hair but its not sexual

She is not insanely hot and dosent look like my type of girl but my dreams keep convincing me i like her...

Do my dreams mean anything?

I keep having dreams about a girl I like?

I keep having dreams about a girl I really like. And its weird because I almost ALWAYS forget my dreams. But these dreams are very vivid and I remember most everything that happened in them. This is the third or fourth time I can remember it happening in the past week or so. This last one was about her really wanting me to come to some place that meant a lot to her or something which was by some kind of lake. I just can't figure out what they mean. I was thinking about asking her to be my girlfriend this week, is this a sign that I should?

Why do I dream about this girl I never met before?

Our brains can't make up stuff or people which means that all of our dreams are actually based on elements we saw.Our brains get a huge amount of information from our senses so they have to filter it and keep only what is necessary but that doesn't mean that it won't stuck in our subconscious mind.This girl you're dreaming about is a girl you met or saw somewhere even for one second so her image is stored in your subconscious mind. It is possible that when you saw her she was in the middle of something and your mind is now trying to make an end to that story through dreams. She must have got something special that drew your attention (even in your subconscious) that's why you remember her from all the people you’ve met.Do you know when a song is stuck in your mind and you just keep remembering one or two verses, the best way to get it out of your mind is to actually sing the whole song so that your mind gets the closure it is looking for.Try to do the same with your dreams, just pick up where the dream stopped and just imagine a closure for the events. It will eventually go away.I hope this helps !

Why do I keep having dreams about other girls?

So I have a girlfriend right now. We have been going out for a year and 4 months now and everything is great. We have no problems and we have only had 3 huge fights in our relationship. Recently I have been having dreams were I am hooking up with other girls and in the dream. In the dreams I will have the feelings of really really enjoying what I'm doing and I never thing of my girlfriend, but then once I wake up I feel like crap. This has been happening for a couple nights now. Is this bad? What does this mean? Why does my brain keep making me have these dreams?

What does it mean if I dream about a girl I don't know?

Dream Interpretation:A woman is one of the most common dream symbols, especially in the dreams of men. If you dream about a woman, it may be because of your day time thoughts that revolve around females. A woman can be a number of things in a dream. She could be your friend, lover, or even your mother. The significance of a woman in dreams lies in her being a healing agent. If you know the woman in your dreams, it reflects your own feelings towards her.Psychological/emotional perspectivesA woman in your dreams reflects the feminine qualities in you. These include nurturance, love, care, and passivity. It also reflects your own sexual desires and temptations. An old woman in your dreams means you are concerned about aging and graying. She could be a mother figure symbolizing female power. If you see a woman in your dreams, it reflects the other half of your personality. This is the sensitive, caring, and nurturing side of yours. According to Sigmund Freud, seeing a woman in dreams for a man is indicative of his repressed sexual desires. He attributed this phenomenon to the sexual wishes of the individual that seek fulfillment in these dreams. Another famous psychologist called the woman in the dreams of a man Anima, the other side of the personality of the dreamer.Since ancient times, a woman in dreams has been interpreted as a messenger of good luck and the kisses of this woman have been deciphered as monetary benefits for the dreamer. If the girl in the dreams is well dressed and well behaved with modesty, then she reflects your goodness and chastity. If the girl is young and beautiful and behaves like a servant, it indicates good luck, prosperity, and joy for you. A well dressed young woman with manners indicates good news for you.Original MeaningWoman in dreams is often a result of sexual desires and wish fulfillment according to famous psychologists Freud and Jung. She is also the other side of the personality fo the dreamer also. Such a woman is often yourself that you do not recognize. She appears to remind you of the feminine qualities like nurturance, passivity, love and care that reside inside you but are not known to you. If she is an old lady, she represents a mother figure that you hold in respect and high esteem. She is an angel if you know her name and title. She comes as a guide and healing agent for you.

I keep having dreams about different girls?

I am a 14 year old male and this is the 2nd time in a row I have had weird dreams about girls.. The first one felt really short and it was about a teacher at my school. It was at a rugby game at my soccer club and there were tonnes of people there. I was on a hill, sitting on a concrete ledge and she walks over and offers me and a few other people around me a cupcake, I refused and she smiles and grabs my hand and turns around and starts rubbing her *** in my lap. Then after that I woke up. The second dream felt a lot longer and clearer. A more brief rundown is one of my mums male friends had a really hot girlfriend that I'd never seen before(I can barely remember what she looked like) and that guy decided to cheat on her with my mum. So I spoke to her about it and she acted like she didnt mind. I remember then suggesting we should together and she agreed but it felt as if she wasnt sure about it. I then lived with her and I remember waking up seeing her go to work and I just felt so in love with her (I have never had a girlfriend though). What i next remember is us running away to hide at my school from her boyfriend. It was like 8pm and we started having sex under a huge canopy of trees and I remember hearing one of my school friends shout out so we got up and ran down a hill to try hide from him. We finally thought we lost him and I was on my back and she got on top of me and i remember looking to the right behind her and seeing the friend from earlier. It was really dark but i just knew it was him. Then we got up and shouted out his name then walked over to him. I cant remember what my friend said but then the girls boyfriend walked down the hill to us with a light and he said it was just a joke him and my mum did. I remember laughing heaps but the girl was crying. That's pretty much all I remember from the second dream. I just woke up 2 hours ago and I cant stop thinking about it and I just feel really sad. Both girls I dreamt about were like early to mid 20's