I Have Never Been Able To Do This. Flexibles

How to get flexible fast?

I do cheerleader stretches ^__^ you don't have to be a cheerleader to get the benefits though! I use these videos for stretching:

The first one will help with your back bend and bridge :P if back bends hurt then work on bridges first and if you don't know the difference then a bridge is when you go from floor up and back bend is when you go to the floor standing.

Work on this yoga move(first vid) to get more back strength and flexibility helped me get my back bend in 3 days(I used to have like no flexibility in my back) after the yoga move work on bridges when those are flawless work on back bends. Also it might hurt because you aren't stretching before doing back bends so use the second two videos to stretch do these everyday it takes the average human being to gain all possible flexibility if you stretch everyday two times a day(morning and night) .

Also BEFORE you practice yoga or bridges and back bends make sure you watch this video ands stretch you wrist. DO NOT over stretch them you can hurt them if you do that ^__^ good luck

Is it possible to get a flexible body being a 30-year-old with a less trained body?

Age is just a number. However most people will answer this from the angle of stretching.Stretching Doesn't Work and here is whyStatic stretching is what you typically think of when you hear the word "stretching". You stretch a muscle and hold it for a 10-20 second count hoping that once you're done stretching the muscle will now be more "flexible".However Static Stretching alone is not the answer and provides little benefit when it's not combined with other modalities. The results fade fast and the muscles tighten right back up leaving you frustrated.This week we've been talking a lot about tight hip flexors and to be perfectly clear, static stretching alone will not fix those tight hips.You need to attack the muscles from a variety of angles using a variety of exercise techniques and modalities in order to "unpack and unwind" the muscles in the right way.Some of these modalities include PNF Stretching, Static Stretching, Dynamic Stretching, 3-Dimensional Core Stability Exercises, Mobility Exercises, Fascia Stretching and Muscle Activation.My colleague and leading Injury Specialist Rick Kaselj, MS has put them together in a "Sequential Flow" composed of 10 carefully selected exercises.Doing these movements in the right order unravels all the tissues including muscle, fascia, connective tissue, and the joint capsule while breaking up scar tissue.Using the right sequence kick starts an increase in blood flow to the area to clean out metabolites and lactic acid and reduces inflammation while nourishing and rejuvenating the hip area.You can be making a difference to your strength, health and vitality within minutes. You just have to grab the moment and do it.

Do you have to be flexible to be able to figure skate?

Yes, you have to be very flexible to figure skate, for things such as sit spins, spirals, Biellmanns & holding their leg up as you described.

You also have to be strong, when doing a spiral you have to be flexible, but you also need leg strength to hold that flexible position all the way across the rink. Muscle bulk diminishes flexibility, which is why you should be careful to not use weights too often in strength training.

Do you have to be flexible to do a backflip?

It helps. Are you planning a backflip from a standing position, or on a trampoline or off a diving board? Each has a bit of difference in approach. A standing backflip would obviously be the most difficult. As an earlier poster mentioned, work on it in a swimming pool. Get the movement down and then move to the diving board. Be sure to practice your vertical leap before attempting a standing backflip.

Can you become flexible when your 13?

ive never been flexible in my life and i wanted to know if i could still become flexible. If i could ,can you tell me how or what website or what helped you out .

Why do you think it benefits people to have brains that are flexible?

brains need to be flexible because if they weren't we would never be able to increase our intellect. human beings are more flexible intellectually because we can turn our hands to more complex things and have the ability to learn better.

How do I sharpen a flexible pencil?

its a random question but i've never been able to do it, and no, it doesn't sharpen as easily as a regular pencil.

If you can do a backbend does it mean your flexible?

I would say yes.. although I have never tried to do one lol..

How long does it take for someone who is not flexible to become flexible if they stretch everyday?

How long does it take for someone who is not flexible to become flexible if they stretch everyday? For someone in their 30's who can't touch their toes and when they try rondo the splits can't even do 90 degree angle.It’s great to start with a definition of “not flexible”. The answer to your question partly depends on what you consider to be “flexible”: being able to touch your toes? And how wide of a split would you consider to be flexible?The answer also depends on your body’s own ability to change and the maximum flexibility you are able to attain, which has a lot to do with how your body is built, and your genetics.For some people with long legs and a short torso with short arms, and with a naturally stiff body, touching the toes may never be a realistic outcome.I think it’s worthwhile asking why you want to become more flexible: because of a certain pre-set ideal vision of what you should be able to do? To feel less stiff and more comfortable?If it’s the latter, with yoga I think you will start feeling benefits within a week of daily practice. Within a month, you will definitely have made progress and starting to feel much looser in the body with less discomfort.I will never be able to achieve this pose. And my overall flexibility hasn’t really improved with 5 years of almost daily yoga (I started out fairly flexible). But boy, does my body feel less stiff and comfortable. And my mind is not nearly as stiff as when I started a regular yoga practice.

Do you have to be flexible to do Lyrical dancing?

My common sense is telling me yes