I Have Never Cut My 10 Foot Hair It Makes Me Feel Pretty Why Should I Cut It

What does it feel like for a woman to cut her hair from long to very short?

It felt like a huge burden taken off my shoulders. Like I was taking a step in the right direction.I used to have gorgeous long hair. It went halfway down my back, if not further, after I had grown it out for years. It was something everyone loved about me and would always compliment.Eventually, I started to dislike it. It became more than an annoyance. A burden, not a part of me. I saw it as a part of my femininity, something which I was growing to hate more with every passing day. And I wanted to finally do something about it, despite many others telling me I should keep it.In November of 2017, I stopped doubting myself, stopped thinking I would regret it. I knew what I wanted. So I cut off a good eleven inches of hair. It’s was still a women's cut, but it was short. A bit above shoulder length.Most regret I had disappeared when I looked in the mirror after I was done.It felt weird. I couldn’t feel the weight of my hair, which was there just an hour before. I saw a different person in the mirror. And that person slightly resembled ‘the real me’, as I saw it. More than before. It was rather confusing. But I was very, very relieved. Proud. I felt better about myself.While it may have seemed like a small thing to others, it was more than that for me. I took a step towards what I wanted. That was important to me.It took a while to get used to. Even now, I occasionally reach to grab some curls to twirl on my finger, forgetting there’s nothing there. But it was worth it. I prefer it short over long.Cutting it made me feel more confident, like it was less of a burden, and I could express myself how I wanted to. It was easier to care for, and felt more free. I’m glad I made that choice, and many more after that.

What happens when you never cut your split ends? Does the hair just keep splitting to the root and break off?

As a kid, I was forced to trim my hair all the time, and my hair never really grew long because of it. Therefore as an adult I hated!!! Trimming my hair and rarely do. Every advise on the Internet pretty much says this is the absolute worst thing you can do, and that it will cause your hair to eventually break off and look crappy but here's what I've learned from experience.Your hair will keep growing but your ends can start to look kinda ugly if you don't trim, especially if you straighten it. When this happened to me, I started using conditioners that temporary seal your ends and keeps them from splitting more and then oiling the ends more frequently. Eventually my ends would shed. But when I seal them well, only the bottom/split part falls out.Your ends can eventually get so brittle that any hair manipulation will break them. When this happened, I had to really lessen the amount of times a week/month, that I wash, detangle, style, etc.If you use heat often you're gonna have a much bigger problem than if you don't use it at all. Same for chemically heavy shampoos and conditioners. It can be the difference between having healthy hair you don't trim, and all the Internet horror stories.I now trim about 1/2–1 inch once every 1–2 years. The last time I've trimmed it, it was April of 2017. Currently looking through my hair, I only found 2 ends that are split. I use heat once a year, I wash it once a week, and I detangle very slowly, with mostly natural hair products. Usually when I look at hair balls, they include the white root. I do dye it very blonde, which causes most of my hair damage, but my hair looks healthy, and is very long, so Not trimming it can't be hurting me too much, nor has it, for me, been the worst thing in the world to do.

Why do I have to tip someone for a 10 minute haircut?

if the service is great, tip an extra dollar for a 14 dollar haircut.if not, the overcharge of the haircut price has more than covered the costs of tip, it will be deemed that the tip has already been included in the original price.haircuts for girls are more overpriced, like twice as much.i don't feel compelled to tip at haircut places or tipping in general, especially at restaurants, where some of the servers feel entitled for the 15% tip even if the service is crappy.i tip according to how good i felt the service was, not by the mandatory tipping policies, that basically give some servers reason to slack off but get a tip anyway.

My 14 year old daughter's freind cut her hair?

At school my daughters lovely hair was razored off. My daughter Lucy went to school in the morning with shoulder lengh permed hair. It was so pretty! She came home and said the her freind had taken a razor to school and my daughter and all her friends shaved most of their hair of, cut it real short in some places and left some long. They thought it would be cool but now my beautisul daughter lookes like a goth. Then yesterday my 6 year old daughter's babysitercut her hair. What is wrong with my family. My 6 year old daughter Karla is now an uneven bobbed weirdo. THe babysitter just said that it was the new do. What should i do to lucy's freind and the babysitter.
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