I Have To Make Big Poop But I Don

Do husky dogs poop big?

Ok so i want to buy a husky and i have a huge back yard but i want to keep it inside our house but what im thinking is that does huskys poop like big poop or smallish and do they poop allot?

What to do when poop is to big to come out?

I have tried 3 or 4 times but it wont come out. I'm scared to try anymore because it hurts so bad. I seriously feels like its the size of a football. At first its fine and then it gets wider and wider. it makes my butt bleed its so big and i start having like contractions like I'm going into labor. My stomach cramps up and I cant control it anymore it starts like spasming. I feel like I'm going to die. My stomach hurts and I constantly feel the need to poop but I cant.

I know its a weird disturbing question but please please help.

Why is my poop so big?

It sounds like you just lack fiber and other nutrients in your diet. If you aren't getting the right amount of fiber, your bowels become impacted and will cause you to have to strain to defecate and release large amounts at once, which can be painful. The more fiber you eat, the more often you will go and your amounts should lessen with time. It may not change right away as you will have the bowels that you had in there. If you begin eating the right amount of fiber and such and your loads are still large, talk to a doctor. It shouldn't be painful to go to the bathroom, but it sounds like a lack of fiber is all that your diet is missing. Hope this helps.

Why is my poop so big and hard?

You may need to give the carbs and red meat a break and add fiber to your diet.
I totally disagree with the person who replied above my reply. You need to increase your water and fruits and veggies have a higher fiber content as well. This will get your bowels moving through your system in a timely manner.

To jump start your system, try drinking a tea that contains Senna. A great one to try is Smooth Moves by Traditional Medicines. It is all natural but that does not mean you can abuse it, have one cup at night and one cup in the morning for three days along with drinking lots of water. You may also notice that your stomach will flatten because you are getting the waste and gases that are trapped in your intestines to come out. Traditional Medicine Teas cost about 5-6 bucks but is well worth it and you wont be taking any synthetic medicine. Try this on the weekend when you can be at home, it may make you blow the porcelain off the toilet, you will have to me. Make sure you steep the tea for about 5 minutes. It kind of tastes like licorice(Traditional Medicines), which I dont like but I just try to gulp it down. There are others out there but I have tried lots of Senna teas and this is the best

You can use any over the counter fiber but you must drink lots of water to make sure that it goes through your system. If you do not drink enough water, it will just bulk up. It is bulky once it gets into your system and it cleans your colon and eventually softens your stool.

If you have any further question about this that is too embarrassing, you may email me by clicking onto my yahoo answers profile.

Why does it feel so good to take a big poop?

That feeling of relief when the big log exits your stressed out rectum. Your body does not want to hold in waste, it is just that, waste and your body cannot wait to get rid of it.

The pre-poop farts are the best as they smell the worst.

If you want to get back at someone you don't like, take the dump in the upper part of their toilet (upper decker). Then next time they flush it'll come out the toilet bottom and make a big mess.

Why don't I have solid poops anymore?

Your question implies that you previously had solid, or at least unremarkable, poops. Think about other things that might be different lately: dietary changes, anxiety/ stress level, when do you feel the urge, when/where do you go, pain or discomfort while pooping, color or other characteristics of your poop.These are the most important factors to make healthy poops: fiber, water and movement. In other words, eat raw vegetables and fruits, drink at least 1 glass of water on arising in the am, before lunch and again before dinner, optimally another glass or two between meals.And MOVE your body! If you sit a lot for work, get up every hour and hit the stairs or walk to the other end of the building. At lunch, use the restroom first thing, have a glass of water, then take a long walk before allowing yourself to eat lunch. After work, go out for a walk after dinner. Or before. Or put on some salsa music, grab a pair of 1lb dumbbells and start dancing! Really strengthens and stimulates your core muscles.Also, here are some visual aids to help you decide if you should go to the doctor. Short story: new, pencil-like stools can mean bowel obstruction-go to the doctor! Black stools can mean internal bleeding-have someone take you to the doctor! Rabbit turds? Increase Water +Fiber. Bright red smears on the toilet paper? See previous answer, as you may be hurting your hemorrhoids.Google Image Result for may not be 5 years old, but this still applies to us all:For those of us who need more obvious references:Happy Pooping!

Why do i get an erection when i poop?

i dunno, used to happen to me too

How come my stomach gets bigger if I need to poo?

You don't. Your stomach gets bigger because of the back up of fecal material in your colon or gas. Now, if this "bigger stomach" starts causing pain, you have bloody stool you, or doesn't go down after you defecate, you should see a doctor.

There are many things that attribute to bowel function that you and your sister may or may not share. They include your diet, level of exercise, and biological make up. A diet high in fiber with more than 64 oz of fluid a day help this. A high fiber diet without enough fluids will cause constipation. Lack of exercise causes a decrease in the movement of stool through the colon (thus it takes longer to make it out).

As long as your stool are soft and easy to pass you don't really have a problem.