I Have To Pee So Bad Because I Drinks So Much Water But I

When i drink soda my pee burns is that bad?

OK soo Ive always had on and off UTI like symptoms and ive drank soda my whole life im not over weight or anything but when I pee it burns pretty bad and when im walking around the house or sitting after using the restroom it still will burn for a little bit but as soon as I start drinking water and stop drinking pop it immediately stops whats up with that?? Its never been like that before..

Do you have to pee more from drinking coke than from drinking water?

Ignore the simplistic answers given elsewhere: it is a bit more complicated than that. Any time you drink anything aqueous, the water will all eventually come out as pee or sweat or breath vapor. How fast and which mode of exit vary with a host of factors, especially how much water and salt are in your body when you drink, but also including temperature, humidity, level of activity, what else you consume, and more. All any diuretic does is move salt out of your body: the water follows along. So if your body is electrolytically balanced and hydrated (ie: full of salty water), cola with caffeine will net more pee than an equal volume of water or other non-caffeinated fluid. But if you start out salt-deficient and hydrated it won’t matter. If you start out dehydrated, you won’t pee it anyway.

Can someone drink too much water? Is peeing bad?

Yes you can! During and after the first gulf war out in Saudi, they preached drink water. Well, some over did it, though few and have brain swelling and died. It is rare but with a high sodium diet and drinking well over 2 gallons of water AND being the one sitting in an air conditioned tent at 76 degrees, it could have fatal circumstances. There have been a few isolated reports of this happening. If you're in a hot environment it is still best to consume plenty of potable water. :)

Can drinking too much water make you retain water?

It shouldn't make you retain water. Eating a lot of sugar or salt might. It takes a lot of water to process both sugar and salt, so when you eat them, you get thirsty. If you drink water to satisfy that thirst, you will temporarily gain water weight, but after the excess sugar or salt has been flushed from the body, your weight should go back down.

You can determine if you're drinking enough water by looking at your urine and how often you go to the bathroom. Your urine should be clear or light yellow. Of course, some foods can color your pee, so if you eat a lot of beets and your pee is darker, don't freak out. You should probably pee several times a day. If you peeing much less or more often than that, adjust your water intake.

72 ounces seems appropriate for a moderately active person, but you needn't worry about water retention. Your body is very good at regulating itself.

Why is my pee still yellow when i drink water daily?

B Vitamins always turns urine yellow. If you stopped taking them your pee would still be slightly yellow unless you drink massive amounts of water.
Not to worry!

How am I suppose to drink a lot of water if it makes me pee like every 15 minutes?

This "drinking lot of water" fad is madness.Your body will tell you when it needs water, and how much is needed. This phenomenon is called as "thirst". So drink water when you are thirsty. If you don't know when you are thirsty, you have bigger problems, first work on them; it means your mind is disconnected from your senses. You need meditation (not medication) if that is the case.There really is no scientifically proven reason to do so. Your kidneys will be working over time in order to filter out all that excess water.If your urine is clear color (slight yellow is fine), then you are drinking just enough water.Again, don't measure your water intake, just listen to your body’s need. Every one's physical form is different, so their food and water needs are different. Even your individual need will differ depending on various factors like food consumption, weather, activity, etc. By the way, this simple logic is also applicable for food intake. In case of food however, try to understand your body's "legitimate needs" vs cravings.

Why do i pee yellow even though i drink 64 oz. of water a day?

You do not have a problem in your kidneys and you do not have a glandular problem like the last person posted so no worries. A typical healthy person should have a straw color yellow in the urine. Yes the more hydrated you are the clearer it will be but having it clear is not always a good thing. The reason being is there is a condition called water toxicity which will not happen with your 64oz of water you drink a day.

The reason your urine is still a yellow color with as much water as you consume is because the food you eat and what you drink and yes your protein powder can cause the yellow pee but its not the actual whey protein that is causing the yellowing its the B vitamins in the protein mix. If you take a look at the back of your protein bottle you will notice that there is some form of B vitamins in your protein. Multi vitamins can also cause yellow pee and a strong scent, You have nothing to worry about your A ok.

I started drinking more water... will i stop peeing so much?

I started drinking the recommended 8, 8oz glasses of water per day (I used to only drink a quarter of that). By the time I get to the 4th or 5th one... I'm peeing like a race horse! Will this calm down ever... I can't take going to the bathroom 6 times a day!