I Have To Write A 500 Word Review On A Live Performance Help

How fast can you write an essay of 2,000 words?

This depends on the academic discipline and the professor’s specifications. It typically takes me 20 minutes or less to obtain my scholarly references if it is 5 or fewer. Due to my experience I do not use an outline thus cutting time, as I have a built-in outline mechanism in my head.Once I come up with a clever hook and an adequate thesis sentence, I am off and writing the body.A typical 2,000-word academic essay is approximately 7 double-spaced pages, excluding a reference page and title page, if asked for.Again, dependent on the rubric and prompt, it takes me anywhere from 4 hours to a full day. On the other hand, if recounting a simple narrative essay, I can complete it in 2.5 hours or so.With practice comes timing.

I need help on my homework review FAST please!?

I have this test tomorrow and I don't think I'm that prepared for it, I have a review worksheet that I need help with, someone please help.

1. All of the following statements concerning drugs and supplements are true EXCEPT:
A. Many drugs and supplements are ineffective and expensive.
B. Many supplements and drugs are frequently used to improve performance and appearance.
C. Supplements and drugs both undergo stringent government testing.
D. Supplements and drugs can both cause unwanted side effects.

2. At which event would you be most likely to see examples of muscular endurance?
A. weight-lifting competition
B. short-distance bike race
C. sprinting competition
D. baseball game

3. One reason the skeletal system is important is because
A. without the skeletal system, an individual would not have enough calcium to live
B. the skeletal system creates the connective tissue and tendons that allow the body to move
C. without the skeletal system, an individual would not be able to fight off infection
D. the skeletal system is responsible for controlling functions of the entire body

4. Slow-twitch muscle fibers have a high resistance to fatigue. True or False?

5. When comparing the proper position for spotting different exercises, you can conclude that, in spotting any exercise, it is important to ----
A. stand with your feet together
B. keep your hand on the bar
C. keep your back upright
D. Place your hand inside the lifter's hands

What are some tips for writing a 300 word essay?

300 words is very brief, so you’re not writing a standard 5-paragraph essay. Depending on requirements, you might have two or three standard paragraphs, or multiple shorter paragraphs with bullet points or quotations to support them.Tips:Choose a very specific topic. Something like two or three reasons why the new model of some product is better or worse than the previous model, what animal best represents your personality and two or three reasons why, or tips on how to write a 300 word essay. I realize that these are unlikely essay topics, but they give you an idea of how specific you need to get.Don’t waste words on a long intro paragraph or summary conclusion. Dive right in with your statement of opinion or discovery or fact, then throw down your supporting facts or anecdotes or prior evidence, make everything point to an end sentence that ties it all together with an outcome that gives purpose to what you’ve just written.If you’re not writing a timed essay, start writing as if you’re talking to someone and don’t worry about spelling or paragraph breaks or logical progression of sentences. Imagine you’ve got to get your idea across as you walk from one class to the next, so tell the person what you want to say without any extra crap. Once you’re done, look at what you have written as if it’s a photograph that’s been torn into pieces and try to reassemble the photo. (Your photo may already be assembled.) Put the similar pieces next to each other on the page, then arrange them above and below each other so the ideas flow from one to the next and lead toward the end.After you do that, take a word count. If it’s too long, start cutting things out.What you’ve just read is approximately 300 words, so shoot for something this size.This answer isn’t particularly nerdy, but if you like it be sure to check out my articles on The Nerd Manual, a guide for nerds and the people involved with them.

Tips on becoming a great writer?

I love to write, I am currently a college student trying to decide between being a journalist or a lawyer. I eventually want to be a full time fiction writer. Any advice?

Review and critique my college admission essay!!?

You need a better attention grabber.