I Have Two Tongues And Don

Is it possible to have two tongues?

NO, but its possible to have your tongue cut in half and still be able to function normally.

Do crabs have tongues?

I have cleaned and eaten a bazillion of them I don't think I ever saw a tongue. they have two mandible like things in the front that fold down and they are fuzzy on the inside but a tongue--not that I could call one.

I think i have two tongues, the normal one and one small one when i open ma mouth wide!! is that normal?

I was just looking at my daughters throat because we have been battling strep and I saw what looks to be a second tongue as well. It's not her uvula. So strange- I'm going to have it looked at by the doctor this week. I'll let you know if it is anything serious.

Does a tongue grow back when cut?

For a good answer you need to specify what is your definition of "growing back", besides providing a basis for the question.Assumption: the question is asked based on the reappearance of the lost taste buds and repair of small cuts on tongue while eating. "Each human organ regrows at a molecular level regenerating itself faster than you think." The tongue is the taste organ of humans and like every other organ it has the capacity to " regrow". Quotes for implying that regrow does not mean regenerate. It's more like repair mechanism. Cuts, peels, burn are Like wounds and are repaired by the generation of new tissue. The same happens very evidently in another organ called skin.I need to emphasise on the difference between generation of the new tissue and regeneration. During regeneration the new tissue is generated by a minimal amount of healthy tissue left after injury, like a newt's or lizards limbs. While regrowth during repair is governed by a similar but different pathway, the important factor is played by scarring. The apical human tissue gets scarred(necrosis/death of tissue) with time which limits the regeneration time. Therefore a big cut to the tongue will form scar before its regrown enough to be termed as regeneration of the organ.You can use the example of bifurcating traditions of tongue in some communities. If the tongue have had regeneration capability lasting bifurcation won't be possible.Coming to the taste buds. They regrow for the same reasons the hair regrows unless the follicle is fine. So, the tongue do REGROWS to repair the injuries but cannot regenerate if it's cut into two.



How old do i have to be before I can get a tongue split and how much does it cost in the UK?

Yeah... another thing realting back to my want to look like a reptile... I dont plan on doing for agesssss now (Not until I ,pve out from home, In like 6 years) But how much does tongue splitting cost in the UK, how old do I have to be for it, and does it really hurt and anything else u can tell me about it??
p.s: If ur gonna leave a load of crappy comments calling me a freak and a weirdo for wanting this, dont bother, Its my choice not urs

How long does it take to get used to a tongue piercing?

I got used to mine in about three weeks, and you really do forget it's in there after a while. Once you get used to it, it will feel strange to go without it.

Some people do get an indention from the top ball. I did, but I don't have it anymore. (I took it out about a year and a half ago - not sure how long it took for that to go back to normal).

If you got the smaller bar, that might be aggravating it. If you're still even the least bit swollen, go back to the longer bar. Otherwise, give it at least a month in to get used to it.

Why do snakes have forked tongues?

Forked tongues are an amazing evolutionary advantage if you use your tongue in the same way a snake does.

Snakes don't have ordinary tongues - they "see" using a sensory organ in the mouth called the Jacobson's organ (I think it's called that - you might want to look it up to be sure). Any molecules of scent picked up by the tongue when it flicks out are anazlysed by the Jacobson' organ when it flicks back in. So the snake can tell what's ahead of it.

But if you think the snake can "see" with its tongue - we see with our eyes, and we have two of them. So the snake needs two tongues, but that would take an extremely long time to develop. It's easier to have the one tongue split into two. Here's the key part - each tip of the forked tongue senses individually the molecules in the air. So when the tongue is pulled back, each tip has different information. The Jacobson's organ can tell the difference, and if for example the left tip of the tongue has a stronger scent of mouse on it than the right tip, the eventual reflex of the snake is to turn left towards the stronger smell and hopefully the mouse. It might only have been the tiniest of differences between the number of smell molecules on each tip of the forked tongue, but snakes are so sensitive that they can sense this difference and use it to find the mouse!

Some lizards have forked tongues, but not all of them do. That's interesting, because snakes and lizards are very closely related and eat similar prey. So why don't all lizards have forked tongues like the snakes? And why don't they use their tongues in the same way as a snake? I expect they have better eyesight. But I don't know why that is. I just thought of it.

Incidentally, snakes do use their eyes to see too, but their vision is poor compared to ours. They tend to sense movement with their eyes, and not much else (although there's evidence to suggest they can see infra-red radiation, but I don't know much about that. Look it up on Google or Wikipedia).

What's it like to have your tongue split?

I know my Boyfriend loves me :P(Don't you dare think dirty reasons)I feel I am gifted, everybody wants to differentiate from the crowd, and no matter how average I will be I would always be more different than everyone :)(Yes, I have learnt to think positive)My Double :P :P is actually DoubleI tried to make it as cute as I can, you don't want people to freak out seeing a smiley.Weird Questions I get asked!Why do I have 2 tongues?I was born with two tongues and it was a difficult childhood for me, my parents asked me if I wanted to get it operated when I was 10 years old. There were some risks involved as I was too young then and later on it never bothered me, so even today I have 2 tongues. I even flaunted it in my late teens, now I just keep them to myself.Can I Taste two different things at the same time?No, I can't taste 2 things at the same time, though it would have been cool, would have been a great wine taster. But, if you think it through, why should I? Are you able to taste 2 different things from 2 different areas of your tongue at the same time?Tasting two sweet things back to back!Now this one is my super power!You know having an ice cream after donut, or just about anything! This is what makes me believe that I am the mutant in this human world, need a wolverine ;)Do People think of me as freak?When I was a child, definitely. Now, though I don't cry with my mouth wide open, so I am just a normal good looking person. If you think it deep, you never know much about a person's tongue until he shows it off to you. I smile, I laugh, I eat, yet nobody in my new office(been 6 months) knows that I have 2 tongues.Can you control both tongues separately?(Sudhir Srinivasan)Yes, I can control both my tongues, one does not move involuntarily, I think it would have very sad had one been dead, I would have probably opted for an operation in that case. I wish my boyfriend had two tongues. Sigh!I am not getting into the details of things that two tongues can do in Bed. But just remember 1+1 is not 2, more like 11What does it feel like to have two tongues?And me answering such a question on Quora as my debut.