I Honestly Feel Like Its Impossible For Me To Lose Weight

It's impossible for me to get a girlfriend. And I honestly think I'm just not boyfriend material. Help!?

I go to college right now and I have no idea what's wrong with me. Everywhere I look, relationships are being developed. I just want a girlfriend that I can call my own, share mutual feelings with, not feel alone. I'm 19yrs old and I never had a girlfriend or been kissed. How can I possibly have a girlfriend when I have ZERO money, no part-time job, and no driver's license or car? That's like the modern standard for holding relationships together. I'm pretty sure no girl wants to feel attracted to a guy knowing that dinner at restaurants, movie nights, or even going off campus will happen. Dorm chillin, study sessions, etc. PATHETIC. Lol. Am I right? And I have the nice-guy syndrome too. A different kind of nice guy syndrome though. I get depressed feelings when I see a girl I like talk to other guys casually. I feel as a "nice-guy", I'd step away from competition and avoid trying to win her over with the fear of being clingy. And I'm not man enough to flirt or express my feelings to go forward from the friend zone. It seems the only solution people give me is to "Lose weight, get abs, and be cocky". Is this really what I should turn into?

How does it feel after losing weight?

It's liberating. You truly feel like a weight (no pun intended) has been lifted off your shoulders. And I think people respect your discipline & such, because losing weight is difficult but sticking to it is even harder. I had more self respect and self esteem for sure.

I'm 14, why can't I lose weight?

Here’s your main problem: your calories are far too low. Your basal metabolic rate, the amount of calories that you would burn if you just sat around in bed not moving and just breathing/ doing basic functions for living, is about 1780 calories. Now, if you do moderate intensity exercise (like basketball) 3–5 days a week, you end up having to multiply that number by 1.55. That gives you about 2760 calories burned every day. This means you would burn 1760 calories more than you consume every day. You would not only not have fat, but you would be extremely tired and lethargic, almost skeletal and certainly unable to play basketball. Most likely, you're completely underestimating your calorie intake. If you want to lose fat, start walking. That's right. Just walk for however long you can each day. That sets up some more excercise and won't make you any hungrier. The next thing you need to do is take 2760 calories a day, and subtract 500. That means you would eat 2260 calories a day, seven days a week. A pound of fat is about 3500 calories, so you would be losing 1 pound of pure fat a week. COUNT YOUR CALORIES. Unfortunately, that's the only way to lose fat. Anyone who tells you anything else hasn't studied thermodynamics. It's purely about energy in vs. energy out. If you expend more energy than you take in, you WILL lose fat. Be careful. Going too low in calories isn't just unhealthy, it makes your metabolism slow down and causes your body to enter “starvation” mode and hold onto fat. Every time you eat something, look up how many calories it has. This is a start. After you master this and you start to look better and feel better, you can begin working out in a gym. I would encourage you either to find a mentor or coach who knows what they are doing in the weight room, or purchase a program. It doesn't really matter what program you follow as long as you follow it. Do that for a year and you will see results. Personally, I use Kinobody’s Warrior Shredding Program, which sounds very fake but is actually filled with very good information. Good luck mate. Fitness takes time and consistent effort. Be aware that you're not going to see results fast, and you won't be where you want to be for at least six months. Have fun with it. The main things are to walk, to count your calories honestly, and not to starve yourself. You have to feed fat loss. Peace.

What age is too old to lose weight?

170 at 5 6 isn't horrible. But, its a tad overweight. 130 -135 is probably more realistic. Maybe more depending on your build and muscle mass.

Anyway - yes, it is totally possible to lose weight - and more importantly, firm up at 31. It isn't as easy as doing it at 21, but its not that hard either. Just find a workout you actually like, and stick with it.

The goal is incorporating exercise into your life - its essentially a lifestyle change. Not just do it for a few weeks and lose the weight, but almost every day you work out, at least for 20 - 30 min....forever!!!!

I started walking regularly when I was 31 (I'm waay beyond that now!!). Fast paced walking, but not running. I'm just not into running. I walk most mornings for about 20 min and go about 1.5 miles. Its awesome and I miss my walk if I don't get it at this point.

I noticed a difference in my body about 6 weeks after regular workouts.

Walking may not be the exercise for you though - do you like to swim, or, you mention jogging/running. Whatever you choose, take it easy at first. Don't go all out and end up hurting yourself to the point you slack off and don't want to work out.

I'd also fit in some sort of strength training - I have a loose belly (from my 3 lovely boys!!) so I try to do something to strengthen my core too - I have a little regimine I do but usually thats less frequently than the cardio - that's regular.

Again, find something for you that works - whether that's a class, home equipment, a trainer, whatever.

As far as eating I'm not a super healthy eater, if I was I would lose more ( not down to 120 though, that wouldn't be a healthy or sustainable weight for me) but I'm about your height and weigh 135 - have for years. I enjoy chocolate too much to get any lower!

Anyway - you can do it, you're NOT a lost cause!!!