I Just Got A Betta Fish I Need Some Tips And Tricks And Information

Betta breeding tips/ tricks?

Depends what you need to know! I've been breeding for 2 years,and have 2 batches of fry right now. I'm sure I could answer any questions you have, here's a few:

You NEED quality bettas to breed, no pet store fish, they're too poor of health, old, and have NO good genetics!

10 gallon for breeding, 20 gallon grow out tanks, 50 plastic 32 oz. containers, 3 gallon tanks for adults.

you need a heater, sponge filter, themometer, live plants in ALL the tanks, not the containers.

Don't put rocks in the grow out, plastic containers, or spawning tank.

Halfmoons are horrible breeders,but are at highest demand.

Fry only eat live foods! It's the only thing they'll eat and they need it to help them develope motor skills, Microworms, and baby brine shrimp work best. But BBS causes swim bladder disorder.

Condition the pair for 2 weeks before they even see each other. Before introudcing he should have a bubble nest and she should have vertical bars and appear to be bigger than normal, meaning she's full of eggs.

If you need any help just email me:

How many drops of Betta Water conditioner do I use in my fish tank? Betta tips?

How large is the tank? Normally it's 10 ml for every 10 gallons, but read the directions. It could be different.
I feed my betta 3 times a day in small amounts. Their stomachs are the size of their eye. You can also add variety to his diet by feeding him frozen bloodworms. Get Hikari bloodworms, they come in large chunks that you break off in the amount you want, so it's more easily controlled. My betta loves those.
You should do a 25-50% water change every week, and siphon the gravel while doing so.
You don't have to change out the gravel, just siphon it. As for the plant, keep an eye on it and if you see any limbs dying, trim them off at the base.
Also, provide caves and floating plants for your betta, they like to explore and rest on floating plants. Also make sure you have a filter, whisper filters are good. Bettas like still water but they do better with a filter, I introduced a filter into my betta tank and he got used to it in a day or two.

Tips for new betta fish I'm getting.?

I Have 1 betta fish right now, i had many in the past to, but later today I'm getting another one and i want to make sure it lives for a long time any secret tips any of you have? (I know not to put them in the same tank)

What are tips for raising betta fish?

Keeping a betta is very easy once you get the hang of it.Here are some tips:Have a cycled tank/cycled mediaThis will make your fish keeping very easy. If you have a cycled tank than you don't have to worry about having ammonia/nitrAte spikes. If you have an un-cycled tank it's a total nightmare. Here are some articles that will help. a 3–10g tankDepending on what you want and your budget these tank sizes are best for beginners. If you just want a solitary betta with maybe a snail or some shrimp. If you want a betta sorority or a betta and some tetras or cories, than the larger tanks would be better. (Having other fish depends on the personality of your betta)Have an appropriate filter with a low flow.Bettas have delicate fins and they swim pretty slow. This means having a filter with a slow flow. I recommend sponge filters, these are the best of the best for betta filter. If you can't get a hold of a sponge filter, than if you have a hang on back or internal filter, than put a sponge or some pantyhose on the output of the filter.Have appropriate decorations.Like I mentioned earlier, bettas have delicate fins, so the best decorations are silk or live the plants. If your unsure about a decoration, run a tissue across the surface and if it rips, it's not safe.Have a water change schedule.This is very important. Water changes keep the parameters safe for fish. Making a water change schedule all depends on your tank. This website is very good for making a schedule. Just input your tank details and it will come up with a schedule. It's also good for stocking your tanks.http://Www.aqadvior.comFor any more help, check out its very useful and I am on it too. fish keeping!!Honor S

Tips on raising a beta fish?

I just got one for a science report. I plan on keeping it, although I suppose I don't really need it... It's a beautiful deep blue male beta fish, and I wonder how much I should feed it and how often I should change it's water in it's (2 liter) tank.

A few questions about my new Beta Fish?

I just bought a Beta Fish the other day, and I have a few questions. I asked these questions to people at the pet shop, but I would like to get other peoples' opinions.

1) How often do I have to feed them?

2) Do they need a lot of room to swim around in?

3) What is their life span?

4) If I use drinking water, should I still put the drops in to make the water more cleaner/clearer?

5) There's this plant that they gave me at the pet shop to put into the water. They said that the Beta could nibble the roots off of it. Is that okay?

6) I just put the Beta into his new home last night. It says on the back of the food package it may take about five days before your new fish may actually start eating. I put in the amount of food I was suppose to this morning and it's towards the evening now and he still hasn't eaten anything. Is that bad?

Please help!

P.s: Any other information or tips would be appreciated!

Betta fish - bleeding tail?

Okay really worried here - i just looked over at my Betta and it looks like 3 different tips of his tail are literally bleeding. The tips are very red, but I obviously cannot see much blood because he's in water. Do you have any idea what this could have caused this?? I've had bettas for years and have never had a problem like this ever happen. Maybe stress? I don't think he caught himself on anything because all of the plants in his tank are either very soft plastic or real.
Any ideas of what this could be, and how I could fix it??

Any info is greatly appreciated!

I just got a betta fish. He is quite lazy. Is he sick or just his personality?

Nope that just the way they are unless you add a female. Then he’d be nest building all the time and trying to mate and all that, in small bowls this is normal. From time to time you can put a mirror next to the glass and he will show off his fins and dance a war dance of sorts. Just don’t get it to close that he rams the glass and hurts himself. He will think there’s another male near and defends his area by showing his colors and all. If back at the right distance it will make him more active to patrol his area, other fish in larger tanks stay away from him at this point and he will chase them away from his special area too. The 2 dollar book on bettas tells you a lot about them and online too. You can even order them to be delivered at your home. Man have the times changed so much. Goos Luck

How do you determine if a Betta fish is pregnant?

Bettas do not give live birth. The female produces eggs which are then extracted and cared for by the male in a bubble nest of his making.Notice the female Betta's stripe pattern. If she has prominent vertical stripes, usually white in color, she is fertile and producing eggs.Look for a white tube or dot on her belly. This is her ovipositor (where the eggs will be released), and if it is visible, she is preparing to release eggs.Notice the male Betta's tank. Has he built a bubble nest? If so, he is ready to mate and the female can be placed in the tank with him. The more bubbles, the better.Watch the pair. If the bubble nest is to the female's liking, the male Betta will then circle around the female and squeeze the eggs out from her ovipositor. If not, she will destroy the nest and he will have to rebuild.After mating, look for tiny flecks in the bubble nest. These are the Betta's eggs. If the flecks begin to grow over time, baby Bettas are on their way.They are often aggressive and males must be kept alone as they will fight to the death in proximity with other Betta males. Mating is the only occasion in which two Betta fish can be kept in the same tank—and only temporarily. After extracting eggs from the female, the two must again be separated as males may become violent.