I Just Got A New Gerbil. I Don

OK, my new gerbil drowned; what should I do?

I let him crawl on top of the fish tank. I didn't mean to leave the feeder open. And plop!... I come back in the room and he at the bottom of the tank. What do I do. This is my second gerbil. The first one died of colon blockage (I fed him too many grilled cheese samiches) -_-

My gerbils don't get along?

I recently got a new gerbil, cute white one with red eyes. Male
I have 2 other gerbils that are the same color for a long time now. Male and Female, that's what I got told in the pet store, but they've never had babies.
I tried introducing the new Male(white new gerbil) with the Female but the Female attacked the Male.
He's okay tough.The Male is still young, hes a bit smaller than the other two gerbils.
I did the same with the Male, I put him near the new Males cage and he tried jumping out of my hands on the cage but I pulled him away.
It's the first time my gerbils fought when I introduced them to each other, I did switched them around in cages so they would get each others scent. I did research and did everything.
What else can I do? Is it ever possible they will get along? Why don't they get along?

Does my new Gerbil Hate me?

Your gerbil doesn't hate you! You just need to remember that your gerbil has been moved away from his brothers and sisters, put in a big and odd scary cage with some other stranger gerbils, and now some giant hands are coming down to lift him high off the ground, like what the hands did when they took him away from his brothers and sisters. I don't think you gerbil hates you, I just think you need to let the little one get used to his new life first! Just wait a day or 2 more before you start to handle him, and remember to take taming steps slowly; dont just pick him up straight away- for the first two days of taming, put his fave food on your hand and let him realize that your hand wont harm him (try to just not move your hand at this stage). When he is moving on and off of your hand without worry, start to move your hand a little, offering him treats and when he begins to comfortably take treats from your hand and doesn't run off straight away, you can start to pick him up. If your gerbil nibbles your hand at first (even drawing blood) don't worry too much, he is probably just "testing" you to see if you are food. If he continues too nibble you and run away from you after a few days of this, I would leave him to settle in a little more before you try again. Also he may of had a breeder that doesn't handle him much, so this is the first time he has been picked up, which may be a scary experience. Finally some gerbils just don't like being picked up, it's not their fault - their scared so you cant do too much to change that, but all gerbils can be tamed, so the biting issue will go soon. All you have to do is find out what his fave food is (my little gerbils favorites are apple and carrot) and he will be running to the cage door to you soon, just don't put it in their normal food because they will see that only you have the power to give them their fave food so they will want to love you lol! Don't worry and good luck!

How do I know how old my gerbil is?

Pet stores will usually sell gerbils that are around 8 weeks old. Gerbils around that age tend to be very slim and light. 6-8 weeks old is also the time that the difference between male and female gerbils are becoming noticeable. However, there's no way to tell for sure how old they are unless you take them to a vet. But I don't really think it matters how old they are. As long as they're friendly, it should be fine.

And as for the difference in the friendliness of the gerbils... it's just their personalities. Just like some people are more outgoing than others, some gerbils are shyer than others. Keep petting the black one and eventually she'll warm up to you.

Your gerbils prolly eat and drink while you're not watching. Since you have a pair of gerbils, they should be getting about a tablespoon of food daily. They should be emptying their bowls when fed about that much. If, after a day or two, you don't notice the food level going down, it's okay. Your gerbils might just be adjusting to the new environment. If, after several days, their still not eating, find out what food they were eating at the pet store. Buy that food and give it to them. They should eat it, since they're used to that food. Replace that food little by little with the food you want to give them. That way, after about a week, they should be completely on the food you like.

And the peeing thing made me laugh, but it's not bad. I've never had my gerbils pee on me, but my dog did when I first got her. The soapy smell may confuse them but you should wash your hands before and after handling them anyways. So, if you're not doing it already, wash your hands before playing with them. They'll eventually get used to the soap smell. Wash your hands afterward because the gerbils are prolly a bit dusty.

Okay, well, hope I helped! Good luck with your black gerbil! ^^

When I hold my new gerbil he wont stay in my hands.. Need to calm him down....?

Just keep on doing what you are doing. He is probably just scared, because they are used to having everything that touches them wanting to hurt them. He will calm down eventually. Just try holding him 3 or 4 times a day. After you are done with him give him a treat, so then he will know you are his friend.

Good luck and I hope this helps!

My gerbil doesn't sleep!?

I recently received a gerbil because it was a class pet in my biology class, but the teacher didn't want her over the summer. She was very sweet when I got her and never bit anyone. Now she bites people whenever they even put their hand in the cage. I realized that I had been picking her up the wrong way. I was just grabbing her instead of letting her get in my hand. Now I've started just putting my hand in the cage and letting her nibble and stuff, but she's gotten increasingly aggressive even now. she can't be pregnant because she was the only hamster and they got her from Petsmart that keeps the different sexes separate. I've also never seen her sleeping even during the day. I wondered if maybe this was the cause of her aggression. What should I do?

How often should new gerbils nibble your fingers? ?

In order to train a gerbil (or hamster) out of a biting problem, I'd suggest the following: when the animal bites or nibbles at you, very gently blow a tiny puff of air at it. I'm stressing the word tiny. Don't blow a big puff of breath at it, don't blow for more than a split second, and don't be violent. Just a small, tiny little poof of air towards your animal will make it stop it's biting/nibbling in surprise and make it think: "Whoa! What was that?!?"

This gentle way of teaching your animal to stop biting should do the trick. But remember, you want the little puff of air to make your animal think, "What was that?" rather than "Oh my gosh! Danger!"

Good luck!

Will my gerbils ever get along?

before i had 2 gerbils and recently one of them died, so i wanted to get him a new friend or 2. so i went and got 2 more( which i relize isnt a smart idea.the first day my gerbil got into a big fight with one of the gerbils while the other new gerbil just squeeked everytime my gerbil would come near him. ive done the spilt cage trick and there hasnt been and more fights but both of the new gerbils hide and run away from my gerbil and just push him away, and the other one cant stop squeeking everytime he's near but but they both cant help to just smell him. and my gerbil just seems like he wants to play and sleep together with the other 2. will they ever get along?