I Just Lost All My Friends

I lost all my friends?

So about a year and a half ago, me and a "friend" somehow hacked onto this complete bitches facebook (she's a ***** because she's a complete gossip/rumor spreader/and she made my friend deeply depressed) She has made all of us cry, at least once. I guess we got carried away and made everything on her page completely innapropriate, but of course it was funny to us at the TIME, but they found out. This year, too. Today in fact. My so called best friend told them everything I tell her, and they hate me. The confronted the person who helped me and she of course blamed everything on me. I regret everything, so no speeches on how I was wrong to do that blah blah blah. It was a year ago though, now I am more mature to realize my mistakes. Well during the summer, I went camping and the bitches' best friend's facebook got hacked, and it said things about me, and my other friends. And now they're blaming ME?! I swear I didn't do it, I had no computer access. Of course they won't care anyway because the *****, Annie, I'll call her, turned my other two best friends against me. My other two good good friends talk to me, but didn't hang out with me at all today, and I am so alone. Annie says I don't deserve to call me best friend, Lea, my best friend because apparently I "use" her. I agree though. Technically, I lost all my friends. Except one.
She is a complete outcast though, but we are practically the SAME. She used to be my best friend a few years back but we had a blowout fight and didn't talk for a year or so. I decided to start texting her, and we hang out and stuff in secret. She says she will always be my friend no matter what and is there for me. She is an outcast because she is, emo, I guess. She dresses darkly and dies her hair, the whole dealio but she is actually really nice. I don't know what to do, I sorta want to say, **** ALL YOU BITCHES to the Annie-Clan and go hang out with this outcast, but at the same time, my school is CRAZY small. Its about 49 kids, and well, I just don't know what to do. Plus I am about to tell my best friend I don't deserve her, and well, it's true.
40 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.

HELP ive lost all my friends! :(?

I totally know what your going through one because I am naturally a loner lol no joke, and two because not only does my best friend have extreme anxiety but my sister does too. But it sounds like you need a new start you should try to reconnect with friends that you have lost but most of all you need you make new friends with new people. The problem I have that has led me to only a couple friends is that for some reason I don't feel a strong need for human company lol i know im just weird but you can't wait for people to try and connect with you, you have to connect with them. If it trying to connect and mend relationships with your old friends doesnt work then what you really need to do is find a new friend but instead of looking for friends that are just super fun and easy to get along with you need to find people who are chill and really understanding. I know that they might not be as out going as other people but really chill and accepting people will try and understand what your going through and will stick with you through thick and thin. Taking a year off of college to make friends doesn't sound like a good idea because college is a great place to meet really amazing people. Its a great way to get out and meet knew people when you regularly wouldn't go out because you dont have anyone to hang out with. And don't lie to people on twitter because when you lie to others too much you start lying to yourself.

I have lost all my friends?

im 21 years old and I've officially lost all my friends. Now I have no idea why I lost all my friends but my old friend group just doesn't want to hangout out with my anymore. There was no fight or anything but they don't ask me to hangout and when I ask them to hangout they say they are are busy or something but then later on snap chat, I see that they're all hanging out. I have no idea why. I don't know if I did something wrong. Maybe it's because I don't drink a lot or I don't smoke weed, either way they don't want me anymore. How do I carry on with no friends. I've never had no friends. I'm currently in community college so there is social college party life for me right now.

Losing all my friends?

I have this "close" group of friends and then a bunch of regular friends but still I feel more alone than ever. I feel like they don't have the need to see me or be in my company. I just sit here all day doing nothing and not by choice, I'd love to go out with people and do stuff but I'm never asked to. Sure I can initiate things myself but whenever I do there's often no response, whether they're busy or something else. I get one of my close friends to come over once in a while but I never feel socially connected to them anymore. It doesn't take my feeling of loneliness away, It's like my "battery of having sufficient social contact" has been down to the bottom for a year now. My education is suffering from it as well. I forget about assignments, lose interest in everything.. I don't know what to do but I refuse to live on like this. I have never felt this useless.

I lost all my friendster friends?

oh, hi debby! thanks for answering my same question :P

Well, let us just wait for announcements hopefully for us to know if friendster is fixed or not yet..

As far as i know, they will keep their words..and i think that Friendster is not yet fixed...

Hope they finish fixing ASAP, i'm getting bored!!

When everything is fixed, can you add me as a friend??

thanks debby!

What should I do when I've lost all my friends and have no one to care?

So I'm a third year college student who lives with 4 other people.Now these 4 have always been there with me for majority of the first two years in college.But they're now not close to me anymore. I live with them, yes. But do I consider them as my 'friends'? Someone I can depend on? Then no, sorry.After having countless issues with them, I used to go back home everyday after college, pick up a book, my laptop, speakers, bean bag and head to the balcony where I would have some sort of peace.Away from the noise, away from the drama, I felt relieved. Like a burden was off my shoulders where I didn't have to see their faces or interact with them.I was restless at first. Obviously. But slowly, a day went by, then two, three and I started enjoying being with myself. I was being really productive and getting shit done asap.But one thing that really surprised was that I didn't miss anyone during this. I had started appreciating my own very existence. And after 6 long months I can confidently tell you that it was a splendid experience, I learnt so much, not just about everything else and the world, but about myself too.So just go with the flow, it's okay if you don't have friends. Just do you and you'll attract your tribe. I have, I've found like minded people. People I gel with. Someone I'm in love with.The only thing I did was give myself, a full, complete and honest chance.You might not or most probably don't realise it right now, but you, YOU who are reading this very sentence right now are extremely special and are unique.There is no one else like you in the world. You are legit, one in 7 billion people. 7 BILLION.1/7,000,000,000LET THAT SINK INYOU DONT NEED ANYONE, DONT LET YOUR HAPPINESS DEPEND ON ANYONE OR ANYTHING. YOU, YOU ARE THE ONE IN CONTROL, YOU ARE SELF SUSTAINABLE AND BEAUTIFUL. UNDERSTAND THAT AND GVE YOURSELF A CHANCE TO BE YOU, WITH YOURSELF, FOR AT LEAST ONCE IN YOUR LIFE AND SEE HOW THINGS SHAPE UP SO BEAUTIFULLY FOR YOU.#DoYouBeYouBeFree

I've lost almost all my friends at school?

I had a pretty decent amount of friends, up until high school. I just recently lost a lot of friends. Growing up I gradually lost all my friends, some probably because I was getting into the style of wearing Tripp pants, but I'm over that now. But now a couple months ago I lost a friend because I made a picture with his girlfriend and a penis next to her mouth. It was the poorest drawing of a penis. He got so mad. And just stopped being friends with me which caused a lot of stuff to happen. But now it is completely done. I lost another friend, but he was insanely annoying and I never really cared about him much. I lost my best friend just recently. He moved to Alabama a long time ago and we kept in touch for years through phone, and Xbox. He never ever calls me, and is a huge d**k sometimes. I went on Xbox to talk about him about something and he wouldn't answer, and then finally I got that really annoying and loud, WHAT?!. I hate when people do that. I said who are you talking too? He said a friend. I said okay. I heard his friend saying who was that? And he said it was nobody. So that was the breaking point. I lost another best friend a while ago. Me and him and 3 other people hung out all the time. It was the best. Eventually he just gave up on me, for no reason I guess. And that automatically made the other 3 people give up on me too. I have some online friends that I've known for awhile that believe it or not I communicated with so much that I used to consider them my best friends. They are never on anymore. Everything that is left is just acquaintances, just people who are there. I talk to from time to time about really unimportant things, like school. I mean boring subjects. The point is, I'm on the path to forever alone, and I have no idea what to do.

I've lost all my friends and I'm depressed?

I used to have so many friends. High school till now has not been very easy for me since I never truly felt like I belonged. But I had a group of friends and there was about 10 of us and we were all great. There was group drama sometimes and we constantly split but this year is was different. My best friend went to France, my other friend just left me because she got into a fight with another girl in our group and on girl also switched schools. A lot of the kids founds different groups and went off. So I was left with 4 boys in our group that I dislike and a girl who followed me and used me and the occasional one that ran off to other people even though I was a saint to her. I still had friends outside of school though, and well... this summer I lost all my friends. All my in school and outside school, my best friend and everyone. I lost my best friend because I told her I couldnt come on a trip with her and she got upset and hasnt spoken to me in weeks. She was tired of my excuses. But really I've only been avoiding everyone because I'm been emotionally unwell. I've just accepted the fact that everyone sees me as a an evil person even though I dont do anything and now I'm all alone. Its senior year and I'm alone and speaking to no one. This happened to me a lot last year and I did sit alone at lunch sometimes. I hate my school, the kids are obnoxious, rude and think too highly of themselves. Everything's a popularity contest and me just thinking of entering the school again makes me want to puke. Making friends is the biggest challenge at my school and everyone gets awkward when you join in their group even if its a project thing. I just dont know what to do. I'm so depressed its impossible. I deleted my facebook and dont even check my phone anymore because I know I wont be getting anything. I dont know how to apologize to people, and some are only mad at me because they think they know me and theyre judging me wrong. I feel like crap, and I dont know what to do anymore. My self esteem has gone so low and I feel like crying all the time. I'm a normal girl, I look normal and am happy most of the time, but recently I've been feeling worthless. Please help.

I feel like I'm losing all my friends.. Help?!?

Well if your friends are avoiding you and leaving you, then they obviously aren't real friends, especially if you're not even doing anything wrong. Real friends stick with you through thick and thin, no matter how bad things get. Your so called friends, sound like stupid assholes, that you're obviously way better without. Time to find new ones, and hopefully your new ones don't turn out to be stupid assholes too. And don't feel bad, most people are unreliable, bad people that aren't loyal or worth wasting time for. Many people don't have friends. Especially girls, since many girls don't really get along with other girls, many of them are not good and loyal friends to each other, and many of them just hate on each other over stupid reasons. It really doesn't matter though. Most people grow up and aren't friends with their past friends anyway. In the end, the only people that will matter are your family members who you'll get closer with as you all grow up and mature, and the others that matter will be the unlikely friends that were good and loyal enough to be there for you through out the years. In the end, all those stupid *** holes you call friends won't matter, and them being stupid *** holes will probably not have bright or happy futures from living life as stupid *** holes.