I Just Woke Up And From Top Of My Legs It Hurts

Why do my legs hurt so much after I do squats?

Hello, your legs hurt because, maybe it has been a long time since your muscles have worked against resistance. Could be the lactic acid build-up [ after the fact ] within muscle tissues. Kinda like someone training for a race, in the beginning he /she will be gaspping for air. As their muscles adapt and the person learns how-to breathe, the runner will be able to go on longer. Otherwise.Keep on truckin’…& good luck in the future!!

Why do my legs hurt in the morning after waking up?

I went for many years with this issue. It was on and off again. Mysteriously cleared up on it's own then came back with a vengeance. Pushed aside by doctors…ect. No one listened. I have a new doctor and it all started with very expensive and extensive blood work plus a series of MRI's and a reuptake scan for my thyroid. Making a long story short…I was diagnosed with hashimoto's thyroiditis then graves disease. The occurrence is rare but very possible. Then as my symptoms kept getting worse, my physician explained that with chronic autoimmune conditions comes the risk of developing other autoimmune disorders and I was sent for more bloodwork. I have recently been diagnosed with lupus. Everything I've been going through has been the result of autoimmune disorders with one leading to another. Extreme fatigue, brain fog, terrible pain in all of my joints, morning stiffness, weight gain, thinning hair, brittle nails, skin rashes, vision problems, hbo, heart palpitations. The list goes on and on. I'm on the road to remission but my point here being, always look deeper in health issues and make sure your physician is listening to you. It took me 12 years to get to this point and this was because doctors didn't listen and only ordered “basic" tests that always came back normal or negative.

My lab is acting like his back leg is hurt...........?

don't think it's Hip Dysplasia, our vet said he should be in the clear for that cause he's already hit his top weight and has lost some.

it's been going on for 3 days. started one day after we got home from the vet. he just had a tumer of sum sort removed from his ear. he did jump out of my jeep but i didn't see if he fell or not. once he's up and moving it doesn't seem to hurt as bad. it's just when he first gets up that he won't walk on it.

My legs hurt early in the morning after I wake up. I don't do any exercise. What might be the problem?

By doing no exercise you are causing your muscles to slowly warlste away. This makes it harder for them to then complete very simple tasks like getting out of bed.Also tendons don’t like to be still, they need movement to ensure they glide easily through their tendon sheath. Also nerves can get caught between muscles leading to a condition called pseudo sciatica.Basically it’s pretty obvious that you need to get moving. The trick will be to start with a small amount of exercise and don’t build up too quickly otherwise you’re likely to do an injury to your deconditioned muscles.You’d be best suited to get some advice from either an exercise physiologist or a physiotherapist.

I woke up this morning with my toe hurting like shooting pains and stinging?

You have a tendon/ligament running from your ankle down into your foot. For some reason it has shortened up, something they will do from time to time and that is causing it to pull on your foot the way it does and make is making the skin tender because it is pulled together under it. To get rid of the pain you have to wrap your hand around half of your ankle or lay your fingers across the side near the top of your foot where the pain seems to go. Press down onto the foot and hold the pressure there. Wait 30 seconds, then slowly lower your toes as far as you can. Then release the pressure but hold your toes there for another 30 seconds.

Why do my eyes hurt after I wake up?

Thanks for the A2AOne possible reason is dehydration. If you are dehydrated then your eyes will not provide enough lubricant for them to remain healthy, so in the morning they can end up quite sore. This may be compounded by the fact that you are not blinking for a long period of time, so you are not clearing any “gunk” away from your eyes.Another possible reason is that you are straining your eyes prior to going to sleep, which is likely to cause you pain. This could be from reading, especially in poor light or with poor eyesight, or through use of electronics. Extended periods spent looking at bright screens can be damaging to your eyes.Another possible reason is just that your eyes are used to the comforting darkness of your sleep, and then get painful when adjusting to light in the morning. Try allowing your eyes to adjust to the light of your room before turning on any lights.A final reason may be that an existing issue for your eyes may be made worse during your sleeping period. If you are persistently waking up with sore eyes, I would suggest seeing a doctor about it, or going to an opticians to check your eyesight.Which leads me to my final point; see a doctor if you are worried about anything to do with your health. No one on Quora is qualified to diagnose or suggest treatments for any ailments you have. Go to your doctor or any GP and get checked out!

Well I was walking and suddenly my leg started to hurt. Should I see a doctor about?

For some reason my leg suddenly went dead. I found it really difficult to walk. Could someone please help me and tell me what has happened to my leg. Whenever I get up after sitting down it really hurts and I can hardly walk. Should I see a doctor or not?

Why did I wake up with sore legs?

I’m not able to answer this, but someone who can question you and examine you might be able to. Sudden neurologic symptoms are suggestive of an auto-immune disorder like Guillain-Barré Syndrome, so prompt evaluation is important.

Why do my hands hurt when I wake up?

This is partly due to muscle relaxation and also release muscle retention, throughout the night our body's circulation and circulation slows down a little in relaxed state of sleep, this can often cause cramps and muscle spasm's throughout the night that we are unaware of.we also move around in various positions through-out the night regardless of stress etc, thus finding ourselves often of lying to long an arm for instance causing pins and needles, The reason why you notice it in the morning when you first wake up is, you have been asleep on Average in obviously a Vertigal position and it takes your body a short while to resume normal service,'if you like'try wriggling fingers constantly on each hand for one minute on each hand in the morning as soon as you wake,then when you go to the bathroom for the usual morning wash etc, message your hands under the cold water Tap, using your favourite smelling soap to stimulate the message Tecnique. Dry vigorously with a Towel, you should now feel a soothing warm buzzing feeling in your hands, repeated every morning you will notice in time that the Circulation has improved and thus removing this Dull pain in the morning to your hands, in time, hope this information was of use