I Lost 10 Pounds Fast

???how could i lose like 10 pounds fast?

If you lose weight fast you mostly lose muscle tissue so my suggestion would be to work out more to minimize the loss of muscle. After all having muscle tissue burns a lot calories even when you're not working out. Try running, cycling, swimming or even plain walking to burn calories and strengthening exercises to gain muscle.
Sadly losing weight quickly makes it extremely likely that you'll gain it back quickly as well.
Good luck to you:)!!

I need to lose 10 to 15 pounds fast!?

Oh, Sunshine, you can lose those pounds easily before those 2 months are over:

1. Drink this powerful juice every morning and before going to bed: 18 ounces of Celery, Kale, Cucumber, Carrot, Orange, and Aloe Vera juice--100% natural. Juice them up with a juice extractor, not with a blender.

2. If you skip breakfast you'll NEVER lose pounds and maintain your new weight. But have only 1-2 types of fruits in abundance every morning (and vary them), accompanied with one slice of toasted whole wheat nread (make sure your bread doesn't have a ny fructose of milk derivative).

3. Always eat your raw foods first in any meal--this a rule of thumb!

4. DON'T have dinner or supper!--you're not a car to "gas" at night to be able to operate next day. :) Whatever you eat at night, except for the juice, wil only contribute to increase your weight.

5. Don't drink any liquid with meals. Always drink it 1 hour before or 2 hours after. But drink plenty during the day!

6. Get yourself a Inositol supplement--2,500 mg per day will do it.

7. Eliminate vinegar, coffee, fried foods, refined foods, and milk and cheese until you get your goal fulfilled.

I now this will help you eliminate those extra pounds. It truly works!

God luck! :)

How can I lose 5-10 pounds fast in 2 weeks?

First, some info to help you meet your goal. Losing weight is hard, keeping weight off is harder, losing weight fast is hardest. There is no secret formula or pill. You have to eat less calories and exercise to expend more calories. To do this you really have to make your own food. It’s super tough to eat out and keep the calories low. Cut out easy stuff like soda and sweets. After all that is done, start exercising 30 minutes per day. The best exercise is the one you can keep doing. Don’t wreck your body going hard, just do something that is sustainable. Doing these things will give you the best shot at your goal (a lofty goal for sure). If this is for a weigh in or something, then you could consider low salt diet 3 days before and drinking less water 12–18 hours before weigh in. This is absolutely not a healthy thing todo long term or regularly!Whatever spurred you to post this question? Use that motivation to make change in your life to get a healthy body! I’ll have you know, that doctors really like to talk with people who are motivated to make change in their life. Sometimes we’ll walk out of the room and say “wow, I wish all my patients were like that!” Some docs even feel frustrated that they can’t help people make change. We constantly tell people to eat healthy, exercise, stop smoking, use condoms….. and sometimes it feels like it never happens. We really like to talk with motivated people! Make an appointment and your doc will likely be overjoyed to help you!This response has certainly been aimed at somebody who considers themselves overweight AND is actually above a healthy weight. I would like to acknowledge that lots of folks exist who consider themselves overweight but are actually very under-weight. This can be associated with poor self esteem and body image. If you think this could be you, please be careful, and I urge you to talk with a doctor about this.Anyways, that’s my spiel, hope it was useful for ya!Have fun and stay curious!C

How many pounds will I lose if I water fast?

On a water fast you will net about a poound a day in weight loss.That number will be higher during your first 4 days of te water fast but tat is mostly water weight.If you fast of mor than 7 days your daily loss might go a little below a pound per day.I highly endorse the practice of water fasting. I do it for 5 to 10 day stretches every few months. My priorities aredetoxautophagy (i.e. your body burns up the stuff that doesn’t belong threeMental calrity … I have no clue why it happens but I have a good deal more focus when I am fastingThe weigh loss is a nice side effect, but that is not the main driver for me.If you are really serious about water fasting. Start with a 3 or 4 day fast and work your way up to a longer fast. Also … do a bit of reading on the topic … that will help you understand how the process works.Angus

Is losing 2.5 pounds per week too much too fast?

It depends upon what you are losing for the first week or two, otherwise, if it keeps going at that rate it can be too much too fast.

Is it just water weight? If so, its no big deal as we fluctuate between 7 to 10 pounds of water weight every day, so that doesn't count as fat loss for the first 2 weeks.

The scale will not tell you how much fat loss you are losing. Do not confuse weight loss with fat loss. People who gain lean muscle and increase bone density after exercising for a while get discouraged when they use a scale, because it reads that they've gained weight even though they've lost fat. They are not paying attention to the decrease in fat around their middle or hips or thighs. So, a tape measure can only tell you that.

Fat is light and fluffy. Not heavy. 2.5 pounds lost per week will not be able to sustain and will slow down or come to a halt. It is about being lean and pounds lost will not measure fat loss.

How do I lose 10 pounds in 5 days?

I have the last 10 measly pounds to lose and they aren't coming off as quick as they should be! I exercise at least an hour and a half to two (depends on how energetic I feel that day) each day or at least 4 times a week and I eat a healthy, low carb vegetarian diet limiting sweets, soda etc. How do I lose the last 10 pounds by next Tuesday (5 days from today)? I know it's do-able and NO I won't put it back on. I've never lost weight and put it all back on. It might be 10 pounds of water weight shedding but still, anything is better than nothing! HELP!

How to lose 10 pounds in a week?

i am over weight and i wont to lose weight but i wont to start slow...and i wont to lose the weight...and more but i know it will take more then a i wont to lose a lot of weight by the time school starts!! Please help me!!!

How to lose 10 pounds in 4 days?

Im 18, & i fast 4 days out of the week. Nothing but water and no food, and exercise running for 2 hours. I have been doing this for 1 month in a half and in those 4 days i lost 20 pounds. Total 20 pounds a week. Still have the rock hard body ;) No wait gain or extra weight gain. Even after the fasting i didn't gain the weight back. I went to the doctor for a check up i went from 140 to 115, my doctor said i was healthy as a horse i even lost "fat", not just water weight & no diabetes. So when you hear someone saying its stupid to "starve yourself" it is but only if you do it constantly, do it 4 out of 7 days of the week. Food now a days contain things that make us gain weight, have high blood pressure, and retain fat. So for all who are reading this and saying its stupid, check again i have more energy and healthier clean blood, than i did when i was "eating" everyday.

Try it out:
Monday- Thursday NO FOOD. Water only (Cold Water)
Friday - Sunday Normal healthy food, continue working out.