I Need A Way To Get Molly Out My System Befor 5 Pm Tommarrow

How long will it take MDMA (molly) to get out of my system, if I haven't used it in 4 days? It was before today and I only did about .1g?

MDMA is commonly known as Ecstasy, Molly or X. The effects of Molly last for three to five hours, but it can be detected in your system for a longer period of time. The drug typically stays in the body for up to four days after last use depending on a host of factors. The time it takes to leave your urine, saliva and hair varies.If you’re looking for the specifics for how long it can be detected in urine, blood, saliva or hair then you can find more information here: Ecstasy and Molly (MDMA)

How to weigh Molly (MDMA)?

I haven't tried molly yet, but I have about half a gram that I bought a while ago. I have read that an average dose is around .1 or .2, but I don't know how I'm going to weigh out a dose, since its in powder form and very light. I have a gram scale but its hard to weigh out accurately in milligrams. I just don't want to take too much (or not enough) since it's my first time. Any suggestions?
Also, if I rolled tonight, would it be safe for me to drive tomorrow early in the morning?

How do you get heroin out of your system faster?

I'm going to tell you about the time SWIM passed a drug test while they were high out of their mind. SWIM was at work, and SWIM had just accidentally backed his boss's truck into a piece of equipment. Guess what happens next?SWIM went to the guy he was working with, and he gave SWIM these specific instructions:1: Start drinking water. Don't stop until after you pee for your test. 2: You need to urinate at least THREE times before you pee for your test. Not less. More is fine.3: If you have to pee, pee. Don't hold it. The key here is to clean your system out so you pee mostly water during your test. 4: This is of utmost importance. Since you've consumed so much water, your pee is most likely going to be a slightly lower temperature than normal. So when you pee in your cup, hold the temperature strip TIGHTLY IN YOUR PALM. Do this until you hand the cup to the nurse. You shouldn't let her see what you're doing though. Be crafty. SWIM passed that test while SWIM was on 60mg of morphine. But learn your lesson, and stop doing heroin. It's not going to end well. You're going to be fucked eventually.

Is it safe to do any sort of drugs (weed, ecstacy, shrooms...alcohol) 24 hours before wisdom teeth surgery?

i really wouldn't. Maybe a few drinks, because thats out of your system in a few hours. I wouldn't do weed because of the excess dopamine levels in your brain and the general depressent nature causes combined with an anaethetic, or if they use morphene, which is also a depressent, is definatly not a good combination, could put you to sleep for a long time!!. Besides, if they do blood tests it will show up. Most of all do not take Ecstacy because you just dont know whats in it, MDMA probably wouldnt cause any lasting negative effects, but the pills are cut with all types of nasties and you just don't know how it will react with what they give you, it could severely screw you up...i dont know much about shrooms so i cant help you there...but honestly, you should be able to stay away from drugs for 24hours before surgery, it's not that hard.

How to lose weight FAST for prom in 2 days?

1. First start by getting up earlier than usual. Around 5:30 AM to do some of you workouts. Getting up early shocks your metabolism because the body needs more energy to get going. Right? This will start your system on the road to weight loss. That early start with about 10 minutes of stretching. Have a cup of coffee to get the blood going also.

2. Do all the sit-ups you can. Just do them. 15 or 20 whatever, we don't have a lot of time to work with. Rest 1 minute repeat, do this for 6 sets. Already you are breathing hard and feel worn, because the body is working extra hard at being up earlier and then going right into exercise. If the early morning hour lets you get your cardio in, go ahead and do it. 30 minutes.

3. Diet. Cut all current meal portions in half, just cut them in half, nothing fancy or complicated, CUT IN HALF! Cut out all bread products, all gravies, candies, chips, night snacks, etc. If you crave at night eat a banana, other fruit or best a non-fat yogurt. There are some tasty ones out there.

4. In the evening do another 6 sets of sit-ups maxing out each set. Cardio again. The trick is to stay with getting up earlier. Yes it’s hard, that’s why it is so effective. Why do you think the Army gets up so early, it is intense training to the max.

I used meth on Wednesday and have to test on Friday will I be clean?

The only way your gonna get clean is to take a hot shower. As far as your drug test goes there ain’t shit you can do about that. You may as well just face it just like all the other people that have asked the same question and got the same answers as you.Here’s the problem as I see it. People keep asking this same question over and over so what they are doing is thinking that the 10,000 people that told him/her that you can’t pass a drug test unless you are not doing drugs are just stupid and don’t know what they are talking about so they just keep reading and eventually they are going to come across that one person that figured out how to beat the system by swallowing bleach or some other idiotic answer and they are going to try that because they are so desperate for any answer that will get them off the hook they will risk killing themselves.These people are probably facing jail time and they know that they are going to have to quit doing the drugs then so they want the easy out. If killing yourself is the easy out then yo really need to get of whatever you’re on and clear your head.Brother/sister listen to me. I realize you have suffered and sometimes that emotional pain that is killing you a little each day and that temp respite that drugs gives you takes all that inner turmoil away but it keeps coming back. Self medicating is not the answer. Find a therapist that specializes in getting to the root of the core trauma that caused you to self medicate in the first place and remove it. When that has been done you will find that your addiction to drugs will end. It’s that simple.When will it sink in that people do not desire to become drug addicts, or falling down drunks or anything that controls their existence. This is a desire that the subconscious (ego) is telling you to do because it was trying to help you when you were young but no one could shut it off and here you are now dealing with it as an adult. You can handle this pain now but no one has told your ego that. Get into therapy and heal. When that is done you have no idea how great life will be. I wan’t to see you healthy because I love you. Yes I love all of you and even if you don’t get help now you will eventually it’s just a matter of time. Know that someone loves you out there and they always will. Do what is needed to heal my brother and you will love unconditionally to…peace!namaste