I Need Advice From Girls

Girls I need your advice?

So I've been talking with this girl for a while, we've gotten to know each other some what well, she calls me, I call her, on valintines day I sent her a box of chocolate covered strawberries, because those are her favorite.the only thing, it's been kind of hard hanging out with her. She has a daughter so sometimes she has to cancel. Which I totally understand, her daughter comes first. I've talked to her about it, if shes no longer interested or just wants to be friends I told her to tell me, i don't want to waste her time and mine. But she keeps telling me no i want to hang out with you i want to meet you. Blah blah blah. The other day she told me her daughters grandpa had passed away. Shes been going through a lot. So on Friday I just wanted to talk with her. I asked her what she was doing this weekend, and she replied no I have too much going on right now. I texted her sorry I was just trying to make conversation with you. She apologized for assuming I was going to ask her out. And I just ignored her. She later on texts me sorry I didn't mean it in a bad way, I'm just shocked about what happened I don't know what I'm feeling right now. I told her dont worry about it. And she thanked me for understanding. I haven't talked to her since that day which was 1 day ago. My question is should I just delete her from my snapchat and her number and just move on? Or wait for her. I'm actually pretty hurt, but I'll live. Girls, should I move on?

I need girl advice?

No talk to her in person before DM her. DM a person is a weak move. All you have to do and believe me this will work. When you see her walk by her, stop, turn to her and say hey you look nice today. Wait for her to say thank you and you say your welcome. Now you can decide to just walk away after saying your welcome or continuing the convo and asking for her number. If that is too much then just leave after saying your welcome. Then you can DM her. Hope this helps. If you can please answer mines

Girls I need advice on what girls like?

I'll try to help you out

What I personally like is when they're sensitive, sweet and funny.
Gives you space, like they aren't ALWAYS around 24/7

Someone who ISN'T COCKY!
We hate cocky guys .

When you speak, DON'T try to act all Gangster .
That is so annoying .

Don't try to DRESS gangster with big baggy pants hanging down.

Make sure you smell good lmao :D
it's kinda funny, but girls gravitate toward guys who smell good, i do, you know, they just wanna be closer.

Little compliments, nothing perverted or creepy, just cute, and funny at times, good listener.

For someone reason I like it when guys have longish hair,
not too long. Or if they have short kinda spiky hair : )

And Straight teeth and pretty smile :D

Not too skinny, not too big .

Hope I helped



Im a 17 year old boy. So there's this girl I've known for 2 years. We always text and whatever all day and night. She always says how I'm cute and we flirt and a bunch too. When I see her at school, we just say hi or have 20- sec convos because we don't have any classes together. So anyways I took her out to a movie yesterday. Pretty sure it was considered a date right? I mean she sounded like she really wanted to go. And so did I. When we met up, we didn't hug because I didn't want it to get awkward, right? So we talked before the movie started. Before the movie, she checked to see if the armrest between us can go up and it could. So does that mean she wanted it up? Because I didn't really think much of it at the moment. Anyways I'm pretty sure it went great. But I didn't really flirt as much because it was our first time going out together. I did a little but in a friendly way. I treated her as I would to my friends. I didn't call her cute like I do in the texts. I gave her a rose I picked out from a bush. That was probably the most flirtatious thing that happened between us. When we went our desperate ways, I still didn't hug her. Did I make the right choice? Anyways when I got home, she texted me saying i was sweet and thanks for the movie. So I don't know what to think? Please help!

Need girl advice ASAP!!?

okay so theres this boy who is like 1 month older than me we both like each other...but he lives far away from here...i mean in a country not in usa. so yea..and the place that we both live in, in that country they spread so many you dont even know...but idk if i should go out with him?? bcuz wat if someone tells my mom ill get into 14 by the way!!

&& yea ive met him b4 he liked me for like 6 yrs now...and i started to like him 2 yrs ago. =/ =]

i knew him since we were both 5 yrs old ;]


I need some girl advice (girls only)?

I recently got rejected by the girl i liked, and it really got me down. She said that she liked me at one point but was interested in someone else.

Ever since i have lost my touch with some conversation starters with girls, and knowing how to read them. So what i want to know for you girls, is what are the requirments for you to say yes to a guy who asked you out

What is the best advice for girls?

Being independent or not being independent is a girl’s choice, but when life forces you to be independent, do not take a step back.Learn to drive 2 wheeler and 4 wheeler with licence.Learn some basics of stitching (using a sewing machine).It is absolutely ok to cry, but do not create any mess with it (crying in solitude gives peace).Learn to do work using both hands (especially while doing household chores).Avoid carrying heavy weight. When needed balance weight using both hands.When you can afford to buy a pizza for 350 Rs, do not hesitate to buy a kg of Apple for 150 Rs.Do always carry a water bottle with you in your handbag.Take complete rest when you are sick.Avoid pain killers.Whatever you eat before the age of 30 is going to make you strong for the rest of your life, so eat properly.Do not skip breakfast.Fasting a while is good for health.Iron, calcium and protein are so important, so never skip anything rich in these.It is of no harm in being selfish, at least try helping people who helped you.It is give and take policy and not take and give policy.Have a good relationship with your neighbours and relatives (especially after marriage).Plan your future well (career+family).If your monthly cycle isn’t regular, visit a gynecologist at once.Treat your constipation problem or else it will turn into a serious health issue in future.Check your HB level once in 6 months.Learn Yoga and meditation.If wearing make-up gives you confidence, do not bother about others.Do not allow others to criticize you.Always take a stand for you in public (do not expect others to help you).Try to examine your physical body in front of a mirror. Do notify any small change or growth to your doctor.Do take care of your personal hygiene.Walking is a good exercise and do walk as much as you can.Talk to yourself, that can energize and motivate you well.And girls do understand this,When you are in a family, there are people to take care of you.When you make a family, there is no one to take care of you.EDIT 1Seriously don't know what to do with this kind of

I wish i was a teenage girl i need advice?

i am very jealous of girls because they get to have and wear skirts dresses have long hair paint their toenails wear a bra and thongs all of that good stuff i sometimes see myself as a guy but only because i was raised catholic and the religion frowns apon that stuff i am attracted to women but i get nervous and cant ask them out on a date ive never had a homosexually moment when i crossdress it feels normal and good however i get a erection sometimes and think to myself why do i have to be a guy i wish i could be a girl wear a bikini, mini skirt, dress, tight bluejeans, short shorts, sports bra, spandex shorts and have the better body parts and looks

girls you dont know how lucky you are

ps im a 17 year old guy and i want to be a teenage girl just to clarify

Need Advice! Girls Only! Please Answer!?

Here are my Miley Cyrus tips:
If you want to feel like a girl you might want to wear a girl wig so you can look like a girl,Next wear nice and matured make up so you will look like a girl,Next Wear high heels or flat shoes or sandals this will sure comfort you,Next go shopping this are what girls really love to do you might want to go shopping on weekdays or after school after you have studied,Next listen very well to my answer this should be your acting skills practice talking nicely girly matured then walking skills ask someone you really trust to help you and actly girly matured

Need advice on this girl I like. I think she might like me too. Could someone help me?

Alright here's some REAL advice from a actual girl. Of she likes you, sadly you have to do these thingsDress Nice, a little cologne won't hurtWalk up to her casually, but before think of what you'd say to start a conversation like ask what are your hobbies, and use words like “speaking of •blank• I do •something related to blank•”Act nice and genuine, if she drops something pick it up, if she give you something say thank you in a really nice way.Stand up for her, but not THAT much to where other people get suspicious (if your a younger age than I thought)Try to become friends, make up excuses to be with her, but do NOT pretend you don't like her if anyone asks just laugh it off and stuff like that or try to change the subjectTry to become friends! Sit next to her and make more excuses to be with her or to sit next to her like “I don't know anyone else here so might as well sit next to you”Be friends for a couple of days.. Maybe you could ask her for her email name or number or social media and a sly way to do this is to be like of you know she has a social media say “I have Snapchat, my names (name) what's yours?” So even if the whole thing doesn't work out you can keep in touch with her the whole summer.