I Need Explanation Of The Words .

I am looking for a detailed explanation to the words: monetary determination.?

I found this on a Department of Labor F.A.Q. site, so it looks like "monetary determination" is simply the criteria that is used to determine whether or not a person will receive money:

Q: What is a Monetary Determination?

A: A monetary determination is a written notice issued by the state establishing your UC eligibility and your UC benefit entitlement. This information is given to you when you initially apply for state UC benefits. It includes your benefits year beginning (BYB) date, weekly benefit amount (WBA), Maximum Benefit Amount (MBA) payable and the number of benefit weeks allowed. You will need to provide this information when applying for a layoff benefit.

And another site:
Q: What is the Monetary Determination?

A: After you have completed the filing of your claim, you will be sent a Monetary Determination which shows your base period and the employers and wages used to determine if you have sufficient employment to establish a claim.

Q: What should I do if I disagree with the Monetary Determination?

A: If you qualify, the Monetary Determination will show your weekly benefit rate. You should complete the Request for Reconsideration included in the back of your Claimant Handbook only if the wages shown on the Monetary Determination are incorrect or to report missing employment in the base period used. Be sure to include proof of your employment and wages, such as a copy of pay stubs, or other proof, that total the amount of earnings you list on the form that cover the period in question, or explain why you have no proof of earnings. If you agree with the information shown on the Monetary Determination, you do not need to take any action.

If you do not qualify, the Monetary Determination will provide the reason(s) for your non-entitlement. Review the Monetary Determination form for accuracy. You should complete the Request for Reconsideration form if the wages shown on the Monetary Determination are incorrect or to report missing employment.

Reverse onus? I need explanation in more simple words, definition is given below?

It means that if a person is accused of having committed the crime, the person would have to prove that he did NOT commit the crime, rather than the prosecutor (or government) having to prove that he DID commit the crime.

Explain love in your own words?

Love... when you wake up and go to sleep with one person in mind. When you smile out of no where because you think of something they said or did earlier. Your heart breaks into little pieces everytimes you think of them and you miss them, but a simple hello from them puts it all back together. When you just know its gunna last forever. When you imagen your future and they're right there next to you. When you sing out of no where because youre just so happy.

Why is it hard to give an explanation of a word you know how to use?

As a teacher, I have found the hardest words for children to learn, even to spell them let alone understand them, are those abstract words that defy explanation. I’ve had students who can read five syllable long dinosaur names and get “the” wrong. Nouns are easiest, it would seem. Then come verbs. Adjectives aren’t bad if they describe something that can be perceived with the senses. Adjectives that describe character traits, like ‘insipid’ would prove difficult. Then there are adverbs. But pronouns, conjunctions, and articles; forget about it. What is the meaning of the word “and?” What is the meaning of “the?” They are too abstract. You can’t touch “and.” You can’t point to “the.” The most you can do is say what those words do in a sentence. They have no meaning themselves. So, the more abstract and nuanced a word is, the harder it is to define.

What is the definition of love in one word?

After reading this question, first word came in my mind is “MOTHER”Your mom is the only person who loves you more than anything. If you are not well then she’s the only one who cannot sleep for a single minute and spend whole night to take good care of you.When you come back home from office/shop/vacation/party etc then:Your father will ask you how much did you earn.Your wife will ask you why you didn’t call me or where were you.Your kids will ask you what did you bring for me.Only your mother will ask you, Did you eat something.Mother’s Love is incredible, everyone should respect her, touch her feet, hug her, spend time with her, ask her if she had her meal on time, sometimes bring ice cream, juice, chocolate or whatever she likes to eat. She don’t want anything from you except Love.Always Love your Mother because you will never get another.Here I’m posting few pictures of my first love.When we go Mathura Vrindavan every month:Some functions Pics:When I take her out for dinner:My first Love My World My Life My Everything.She always helped me to be a better person all the time, she even helped me throughout my breakup. You are the best mother and I’m literally feel blessed.Hope you like it. :)Cheers…!

I need sentences and definition for all these words?

With her good looks her attraction and allure was obvious.
His argument was so strong that I had to acquiesce in the end and agree with him.
The wind was so strong it blew my hat to one side making it look a little askew.
The party was such good fun it filled me with a blithe sensation.
I found it hard to agree with him after he made such a contentious and difficult statement.
Although not one for envy I must admit that when Roger bought a new car it was something I couldn't help but covet.
She gazed upon the dinner she had burned with a crestfallen expression.
Running for the bus on such a hot day left my clothes in a definite disheveled mess.
As an experienced judge of dancing he was a true exponent when it came to assessing the performers.
She was so garrulous with her explanation of the party she had been to that i couldn't get a word in edge-ways
Although we played our best the other team was far better and, in my opinion, totally insuperable.
Our performance was so bad it was lamentable.
Although her name was Julie, I had thought it was Judy and calling her that was a complete misnomer.
Although I am not a true expert on antique furniture i do profess to know a little more than most.
After the long and arduous walk I was glad to sit under the shay tree for a little respite.
He played such a nasty trick on me that I decided to take retribution by not inviting him to the party.
The old man had kept fit all his life so that he was really sinuous when it came to touching his toes which he did with ease.
We rang the church bells and the sonorous sound could be heard for miles.
In the battle the commander picked his best platoon to be in the vanguard and lead the others to the skirmish.
His father was bitterly disappointed in his wastrel son who had spent all his money on gambling.

How do you explain democracy in simple words?

Democracy is the government of the people. In other words, a government in which everyone has a share. In democratic state any indivudual of that state has right to take part in governmental affairs. I think, democracy is the best form of goverment. It give us oppertunity to chose our own representative, according to our own will after every five years.The main beauty of democratic system of government is that everyone has right of thought, speech and expression. Everybody can praise and criticise governmental polices freely without any ristrictions. But, in modern democracy people are being deprived off thier that right. Now, almost each coutry of the world, except some certain countries, has democratic form of government. And people are ristricted to express their views about certain things. They are bound to abid by authorities orders blindly.Hence, democracy is the best form of government, but it needs some steps to enject real values of democrcy in the world.

What is a bigram and a trigram (layman explanation, please)?

People read texts. The texts consist of sentences and also sentences consist of words. Human beings can understand linguistic structures and their meanings easily, but machines are not successful enough on natural language comprehension yet. So, we try to teach some languages to machines like we do for an elementary school kid. This is the main concept; words are basic, meaningful elements with the ability to represent a different meaning when they are in a sentence. By this point, we keep in mind that sometimes word groups provide more benefits than only one word when explaining the meaning. Here is our sentence "I read a book about the history of America." The machine wants to get the meaning of the sentence by separating it into small pieces. How should it do that? 1. It can regard words one by one. This is unigram; each word is a gram. "I", "read", "a", "book", "about", "the", "history", "of", "America"2. It can regard words two at a time. This is bigram (digram); each two adjacent words create a bigram."I read", "read a", "a book", "book about", "about the", "the history", "history of", "of America"3. It can regard words three at a time. This is trigram; each three adjacent words create a trigram."I read a", "read a book", "a book about", "book about the", "about the history", "the history of", "history of America"

Do words have meaning? And if they don't, how can you answer this question?

Words have the meanings we assign. In other words the meaning is not inherent to the symbols themselves. Meaning is constructed in the minds of the people who use words to communicate.I can answer this question because I am able to deconstruct an understanding of your meaning from the symbols you use because we share a common mapping of those meanings which we call the English language.Many disagreements between people occur due to differences in their understanding of the meaning of words. It is not uncommon for people to map different meanings to the same symbol and then argue about what the "meaning of the word" is rather than clarifying their positions by using more words. I find these kinds of arguments kind of pointless, don't you?

Why do synonyms (words with the same meaning) exist?

There are no exact synonyms exist in this world !Read the following paragraph.All Italic words in that paragraph are labeled synonyms in almost all dictionaries.But When you check their definition,They Implies nuances in meaning.Here is the paragraph :Would you always want only to be able to walk somewhere? Sometimes I need to stride quickly, but other times I like to amble. At other times it's just a meander, especially if I'm not headed somewhere in particular and have no particular time to be there and I'm happy for things to potentially distract me. And sometimes I just feel like a stroll out in the garden or the park. Some people - would you believe it? - even like to wamble! And I know that armies and many groups of men in uniform adore to march from here to there and back again.Now Type the word ‘’Walk meaning’’ on google :(let me do it for you :-) )Here is the result :Does that mean all words have same meaning?No they aren't. Now it’s your turn.Check the meaning of all above listed synonyms.Let me give you that nuances of words in Italic in above paragraph :We often label as synonyms.But There is some hidden difference among them. It is also a fact that our all dictionaries don’t allow us to get clear pictures and nuances of all words.They give such difference for some words only.Thank you !Image source: Google obviously ! & one from Find out how strong your vocabulary is and learn new words at because of unavailability on google.