I Need Help Creating A Anti Hero

How can I create a good anti-hero character and a villain character for a comic/manga?

Starting with the obvious, no matter how messed up your antihero is- your villain is going to be worse... even if they do like puppies and walks in the park.So, what's your 'hero's goal? What's his motivation?What lines does he regularly cross but where does he draw the line?Most importantly, why is he going after your villain?For your villain, take those lines that your hero refuses to cross, and violate them.Show that maybe your hero could have turned into them with 'just one bad day'.Give your villain a goal that will cross paths with your antihero and let them clash.

What makes Satan an anti-hero?

satan is a hero in my eyes

What's the difference between an anti-hero and an anti-villain?

Anti-heroes are basically on the "good" side but still act in a way that isn't exactly heroic. So for instance, a hero who's on the good guy's side and fighting the bad guys, but using methods that would line up more with the bad guys, that's an anti-hero. James Bond in the new film series is a good example of this- he's fighting terrorism and saving the world, but he breaks the law, executes unarmed prisoners, treats just about everyone around him like dirt, and so forth. So that's a good example of the anti-hero.

Like many things in literature, anti-heroes vary. Some are basically likeable people who you can support, even if they don't always play by the rules, and some are only good in the sense that they are the designated good guy.

Anti-villains, meanwhile, are the reverse of that. They are people who are the enemy of the hero and doing the wrong thing, but still have some good traits about them. I remember learning about Long John Silver as the anti-villain in high school (do they still use Treasure Island in schools these days?). He was the bad guy, fought the heroes, but cared enough about the protagonist that he wasn't all bad. Another common example is in TV shows or movies where the heroes are criminals- often the cops who are after them are just regular cops trying to uphold the law. Once again, there can be some debate as to exactly where you draw the line between villain and anti-villain.

Anyway, as for your character, that's a pretty classic (if a little extreme) anti-hero. He's trying to do the best thing for the world, but his methods aren't that nice.

What is a good Anti-Hero name?

I'm currently in the works on writing a novel with many characters and such, but am stuck on creating a name for my anti-hero.

Here's the details that I can come up with at the moment. The anti-hero was born at the beginning of time with his brother, but during a great war was ensuing at the time, he gets kidnapped by the villains and is raised into a bad guy. Many years pass until finally he meets up with his brother and they do battle, which he eventually loses and joins with him. This anti-hero is somewhat of a Vegeta character (if y'all are dbz fans you'll know what I mean). For those who aren't, he's arrogant, full of pride and wishes to be the strongest person ever. He's also tries to make some amends for the horrible things in the past that he did, but feels that no matter what, he can never truly forgive himself. Like his brother, he tries to find his purpose in life. As the series comes close to an end, he and his brother fight 1 more time, since he feels that all he's done up to this point was a waste and wishes to be evil once again. But soon realizing the error of his ways, he goes out of his way to help his brother save the universe from an imminent threat, which they succeed. He and his brother finally settle their differences and the anti-hero has forgiven himself of all the bad things he's done. The rest of the series involves the hero, anti-hero, and the team defeating the last evil beings that are left out there to fight.

To sum things up, he has some qualities like Vegeta, strong-willed, arrogant, determined, never wanting to settle for 2nd best and such. He also controls the powers of darkness very well (which he comes to realize that darkness isn't truly evil,it's just how you use the darkness that determines if your bad or not). I'm debating whether to give him the power over lightning and thunder or not. He's an excellent fighter in hand-to-hand combat, weaponry, and can fly. If you have any other questions, just ask away. Also, 1 more thing. I don't want the name to be a title-type of name, like "The Executionor" or "The Annihilator" and others like that. Other than that, go for it. And Thanx

What is the best Anti - Elemental Hero deck build?

check out the card
Non-Fusion Area
Neither player can Fusion Summon.
its a Continuous trap card and you can put three in any deck
it makes any deck a anti fusion deck
good luck beating your friend