I Need Help On A Math Equation Also How To Work It .

Math help! Quadratic Equations. Please show all work I really need this question!?

The height of a pebble dropped from a cliff 604 feet high is described by the formula h(t) = 604 -16t^2 How long will the pebble take to reach a height of 348 feet?

Maths linear equations. Help please!?

2(3x+1) + 2/4(x+2) = 60 ====> 6x + 2 + x/2 + 1 = 60

combine and subtract from both sides:


the other one works out the same way. The set up is:

4t + (t+3.5) = 110

Solve for t.

Keep in mind the second question is asking for the time she worked in the 5th week. This means when you slove for t you need to add 3.5 to the answer. Good luck!

Math help! y+4x=2 and -12x-3y=-6 I need to find the solution (ordered pair)?

I tried to solve it by graphing and got 2 for the y intercept and 1/2 for the x intercept in both equations. I also got -4 for the slope in both equations. Then the ordered pair I got was (1/2, 2)

But when I try to plug them back in the equations, it doesn't work. UGH, please help.

P.S. I am supposed to solve by graphing

I need help with a math question two step equations?


i know the answer is 9, but how would you solve for n with these sentence. Seven subtracted from the quotient of 18 and a number is 2.

Thank you i need to know the work not the answer

Help me with these Solving Rational Equations math problems please?? Im so lost?

What you have to do is make all of the fractions have a common denomenator, meaning, the same number at the bottom.

You can do this by multiplying the top number and bottom number in a fraction to get a higher number.

For example, the first one...

Your denomenators are 10, 5, and 8. The lowest common multiple of those three numbers (the lowest whole number that those can all go into easily) is 40. I did that by multiplying 8 by 5, and then it happened to also work for 10.

So, you then multiply Y by 4 (like you do the 10 to get 40), and the 2 by 8 (like you do the 5 to get 40) and the 3 by 5 (like you do the 8 to get 40). Since now all of your fractions have the denomenator of 40, the laws of algebra say that you can ignore the fraction, and just have 4*Y=16+15.... Solve for Y, and you get 31/4.

That method will work for all of those. Good luck.

Help with a math problem -- how do you solve an equation with a fraction -?

I have to work out this problem for class -
4c/12 + 2c = 20 - there are no parenthesis, just the fraction.

To solve the problem, I think I need to multiply the 4c/12 by 12 and also multiply 20 by 12, then add 4c plus 2c. My equation would then be 6c = 1440, so c would equal 240, but when I try to prove the answer, it doesn't work out.

Is my thinking correct here, or do I also need to multply the 2c by 12 as well? I didn't think I needed to since there were no parenthesis.

Any suggestions??

Thank you!

I have i math question i need help can anyone help me please!!!?

These are harder than regular systems of equations. The only way I know to do them is to think through them.


n - cost of a nibblet
w - cost of a wibbler
c - cost of a cibbler

Then, "Together they cost .40 cents":

n + w + c = 0.4

"A nibblet cost three times as much as a cibbler":

n = 3c

"6 cibblers cost more then one wibbler":

6c > w

"A nibblet plus 2 cibblers cost less then a wibbler":

n + 2c < w

It's easiest to work with the equations first, so take the 2nd equation and use it to plug in 3c for n in the first equation:

3c + w + c = 0.4

Which simplifies to:

4c + w = 0.4

Also, you can plug in 3c for n in the fourth equation:

3c + 2c < w

Which becomes:

5c < w

We also have w < 6c from the third equation.

If a wibbler were worth exactly 5 cibblers, then the first equation would be:

3c + c + 5c = 0.4
9c = 0.4
c = 0.0444

Which doesn't come out to be an even number of cents. But if a wibbler were equal to 6 cibblers, then we'd have:

3c + c + 6c = 0.4
10c = 0.4
c = 0.04

A cibbler would cost 4 cents. Then a nibblet would cost 12 cents, and a wibbler would cost 24 cents, and together they'd cost 40 cents.

So that's my guess. There's a little problem with it though. The sentence "6 cibblers cost more than one wibbler" isn't true; actually 6 cibblers cost exactly one wibbler.

However, any other way I try to work it out, I get decimals that are longer than 2 digits, so I'm going to stick with this answer.

How do people write mathematics equations on Quora?

How do you write math symbols in QuoraThe bar at the top of the answer box has options you can use to format your answer, like bold, italics and bullet points. You can even insert pictures.To get to math mode, click on “show more” (the three dots)and then click on “math” (the one with the [math]\Sigma[/math] symbol)You can also use the keyboard shortcut “ctrl, shift, L”, as shown in the image; this works the same as italics or bold does.Once you’ve done that, you can make mathematical formulae using [math]\LaTeX[/math] code. However, you will need to learn to use [math]\LaTeX[/math] first! It looks a bit intimidating, but it’s not that difficult, and you don’t have to learn everything at once; you can pick things up as you need them. This link will take you to a set of documentation about [math]\LaTeX[/math], and this link takes you to a site where you can draw math symbols and the machine will attempt to recognise them and give you the code to produce them.I’ll use the quadratic formula as an example. If you type:x = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a}
then you should get:[math]x = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a}[/math]

Please please help me with math!!!!!1?

Oh kay :) please help me everyone! please show me how to write an equation for the following question and show your work when solving it!! :)
Here's the problem--!!

Lamar's summer job is mowing lawns for a landscaper. His pay is $7.50/h. Lamar also makes $11.25/h for any time for 40 h that he works in one week. He worked 40 h last week plus 'n' overtime hours and made $339.38. How many hours overtime did he work?