I Need Non-asinine Advice

Random asinine questions?

1) Although it was before my time, at least knowing the Jets won the AVCO Cup multiple times makes me feel better. They never won in the NHL, but they had a pretty damn good team at times, only having to play in the same division as the Flames and Oilers practically killed any chances of winning the Stanley Cup. So yes, I would take the AVCO Cup.

2) I have more self-respect to spit in the face of a man after I beat him, regardless of who it is. So I'd take the beating from a wimp ala the starting of the Gretzky on Broten fight.

3) I did not follow the Coyotes when the Jets left. I had no intentions of cheering for them. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, having my team relocate is like an ex-gf, you may still have feelings for her, but its best you cut all ties. The last Jets game I saw was against the Avs, and I started to like them then. The Wings eliminated the Jets in the playoffs, and I vowed whoever eliminated the Wings I would cheer for. The Avs came around and beat the Wings in 6, on route to the Cup. The rest is history. Once this Phoenix situation is dealt with, ask me again what my favourite team is.

4) Bob Saget, that man is hilarious. I'm not too sure though he'd give a **** about his job...

5) That reminds me of an old NHL commercial, I think some player washed their lucky socks in with the jerseys and all the white (then home) jerseys became pink. Anyway, I'd be a fan, and the them song would be "Fairies Wear Boots" by Black Sabbath. You gotta make the best of the situation right?

Need advice from an experienced Jehovah's Witness?

Take your problem to Jesus because only he can help you in the spiritual sense. But first you have to get saved for Jesus to truly help you.

The bible declares that we are all sinners and the penalty for unforgiven sin is a eternal torment in the lake of fire (hell ) after a person dies ( Rom 3:23, 6:23, Heb 9:27, Rev 20:15 ) yes hell is a real place.
read: (Luke 16:23 -24 )

To avoid going to hell you must trust Jesus in your heart by believing that he died on the cross for your sins and make him your Lord and Saviour ( 1Cor 15:1-4, Rom 10:9-10, Eph 2:8-9, and Tit 1:4 )

Jesus is God, this is why he could live a perfect and sinless life on earth and die on the cross and resurrect himself three days later ( John 1:1 and 2:19 ).

Also eternal life is a free gift from God by his grace through faith in Jesus not of works ( Rom 4:4-5, 11:6, Eph 2:8-9, and Tit 3: 5)

The watchtower society wont tell you this wonderful truth instead they want you to follow their set of rules which can never lead to eternal life. Even your personal problems will be treated with psychiatry methods by them or at worst accusing you as being tempted by the devil.

Read this verse from ( Rom 5:8 ) "But God commendeth his LOVE toward us, in that, while we were YET sinners, Christ died for us" ---- God knows we are sinners even after we are saved but he still loved us.

You know the truth now -- so trust Jesus today because salvation is for today ( Acts 16:31 and 2Cor 6:2 ) it will be too late after you die

In your opinion, what is the most tactful approach to rejecting advice?

Listen to them until they feel understood. Just listen. You don't have to say anything or give any indication of a what you're going to do or not do. It's your business. Don't give any feedback. Do what you want anyways. :)Most people just want their idea to be listened to. You take the wind out of controlling people's advice if you let them talk. They will just get more irritated and persistent in giving the advice if you brush them off or don't listen and interrupt. So, better to listen the first time so they calm down. They'll be pleased as punch feeling understood.

I really need help with this friend of mine?

You are wrong. You fight fire with fat when it comes to insults. You smack her with disses 'till she can't take no more. Some insults I love (I made some of them up):

-(insert name), you aren't allowed on farms because the male/female cows would try to mate with you

-Sorry, we have to send your birth certificate back, it was a mishap from one of the condom factories

-Yeah, yeah, keep talking, someday you might say something intelligent

-I had a nightmare. I dreamt I was you.

-calling you an idiot would be an insult to all of the stupid people

-Shut up, you'll never be the man your mother is

-Out of 100,000 sperm, you were the fastest?

-Shut up, you'll never be the man your mother is

-Why don't you check up on eBay and see if they have a life for sale.

(your smart "friend" will get this [hopefully])
-Your asinine simian countenance alludes that your fetid stench has anulled the anthropoid ape species diversity.
(it basically means: The stupid kind of monkey you are suggests that your stink killed the many other different kinds of monkey.)

That's all I got for now. If that doesn't stop him/her, just tell the principal or teacher.

Good luck!

I need hopeful words for a mother about her sick newborn baby. Any advice?

There are no encouraging words in this situation. There's nothing that will convey what you are trying to say without it sounding very tacky or condescending.

Simple congrats is all that is in order here. Your boss is wrong to try to think up something more to say in the card. Saying he's perfect in every way will either upset the parents, make the parents angry, or make the parents resentful. None of those are acceptable.

When you have a baby and it is born with a problem, my good friends had this happen just over a year ago, i can tell you that they got angry with hearing people talk about stuff they didn't have a clue about. I heard tale after tale about how stupid people were and how asinine they felt everyone was. At one point she told me she was only talking to me anymore as i didn't say all that other crap to them. Their child also has problems that will last a life time.

Explain to your boss that people in that situation, don't want encouraging words. They are handling it the best they can and dealing day by day. Just send the flowers and congrats and all will be well. Anything more, and expect the person to be upset.

best of luck.

Need some advice about Student Development Course?

I'm taking SDV at my local college. I'm taking 18 credits this semester so I felt like I could blow off SDV until the last minute...


Now I have a sinking grade in that class because I haven't turned in a few assignments. I completed them and tried to email them to her but she refused them saying "Oh you should know by know that you have to turn them in by paper".

Yeah I get that it's "college" and I gotta own up to my mistakes. I have the homework done and I will turn them in next week. But I"m mad. This class is the dumbest in my entire schedule. I have to drive a full blown 30 minutes in heavy traffic to get to the place and then I sit there for TWO BLOODY HOURS about how to budget my time and make schedules and also how to take notes. I mean what gives and the professor gives so much homework on such asinine stuff. I'm mad because I'm taking 6 advanced classes, work a part time job, am active in a church and i got to put up with some stupid **** from a dumbass SDV class.

Do I have to take the damn thing because I hate having a failing grade in a class and think **** am I going to fail SDV?

How does it happen that so many asinine questions are allowed to pollute this site?

Allowed?So it’s all the fault of the authorities, is it?Human beings … the vast majority of them, are asinine. Therefore most of the content of ANY public forum is asinine.Those of us who have a functioning brain have figured this out long ago … you will never change reality, so what you do is learn to deal with it … build mental filters that filter out the garbage and then you can see the gold that remains.Complaining about it won’t help … get in there and up-vote non-asinine questions and answers.

There is no passion to be found in settling for a life that is less than the life you are capable of living?

Sounds like individual limitations running into unrealistic life expectations.

Pressuring oneself to live beyond or above one's human limitations may seem like one is settling for a life less than ordinary, but what difference does it make if a person has already lived their life, taken enough risks, that they achieve a place in life where settling for less is not settling for less, it's settling for what presents a lower risk to life and limb in order to settle for a routine, boring less than exciting existence.

What's something that you find to be violently frustrating and asinine while also completely and utterly baffling?

The "Black Friday " SalesIt is every year ,the stampedes,the grabbing ,fighting and in America murder ,im not sure if this has happened in Britain but everything else has.So I go to the supermarket on what i later learned was black Friday and suddenly some moron grabs my basket out of my hand nearly dislocating my fingers in the process.What was in the basket you ask ?A 2 litre bottle of cola and a bag of sweets.I simply do,not understand why people feel a need to act like barbarians for what 50%Off ?.You get the equivalent at boxing day sales at least they last longer.Is this the world we live in today.The shallowness of consumerism and the repressed primal rage exploding together for one day a year ?