I Need Some Advice On What To Do.

I need some advice on what to do here...?

Are you taking medication for your Bipolar illness? I think you should get that under control first. See a psychiatrist asap. Your psychiatrist can work with your ob/gyn to find a medication for your endometriosis that will not cause your bipolar illness to worsen.

I need advice with my life. What should I do now?

Step1— Set 2 goalsA long term goal (for a span of 5 years or more)- like you want to be a great engineer, doctor, actor, entrepreneur, salesman etc in next 5 yearsNow chose a day to day goal that can help you fulfill your long term goal -like working out for 8 hours a day to practice skills that can help you achieve your dreamNow my friend you have successfully set up your goal .Step2— Priorities- Now that you have your priorities set do that task daily for 8 hours a day before any other tasks . Work hard no matter what it takes. After successful completion of your task reward yourself with the things you love the most ( maybe you like to eat chocolate cakes)Step3—Stay committed - Daily commitment will get you going in the flow and it will become your habit .You will no longer have to be dependent on the daily motivation as it will be a part of your daily habit or routine and so you will definitely be able to see the results.Bonus tip-Stay relaxed , practise meditation,read self help books, develop a growing mindset ,learn from your mistakes and don't presume anything.You will achieve anything that you want , provided you are willing to work for it .Stay blessed,NamasteyANKIT CHAUHAN.

I need some advice on anorexia?

Okay, well the worst thing you can tell her is to "just eat." It sounds like you're a very nice guy and very sensitive so you probably wouldn't say that, but just FYI, please don't. It would really hurt her feelings and make her feel like a failure. Anorexia is not as simple as just eating. She is trying to control another issue in her life with lack of food.

You said you try to make her to to appointments for this. Do you mean appointments with a therapist? If so, that is awesome! Keep it up! Keep talking to her. Just don't let her shut you out. Is there any way you can go into the appointments with her? Make sure she likes the therapist she is seeing and that she's being honest. Otherwise it's just a waste of time and you need to keep looking.

Do her parents or her family know about this, or are you the only one? If she knows the rest of her loved ones are concerned, it might be extra help for you, and extra motivation for her to get better. But talk about it with her first...and with her therapist, if applicable. This is a tough position for you to be in and she is very lucky to have you. Good luck to you and don't give up!

I need some advice, Im feeling lost. What should I do?

It's ok. Just keep going. You can totally do this. We have all had times in our lives where things don't go as planned. You know what that tells you? That you're trying. And you know what that means? You're bound to succeed. Just keep trying. You can try the same things again, or try different things. You're practicing for success. Success will come. Get yourself ready by continuing to practice.

I need advice on what to do about my step daughter?

My step daughter started dating a girl awhile back.
My step daughter is 16, her girlfriend is 15.
Yesterday my step daughter had her girlfriend over, they went to her room. Nothing unusual. They were watching a movie and it was a bit too loud so i went to her room so i could ask them to turn it down. And I saw my step daughter holding her girlfriend on her bed. Her girlfriend had a pacifier in her mouth. And was holding a sippy cup. I didn't know how to react so I just left the room and went downstairs.
Should i tell my husband? Should I tell the girls parents? Is this a normal thing teens do? Should I just need bring it up at all?
I'm so confused.
My step daughter and I haven't talked since that happened.

I need some relationship advice?

I need help please!!I’m 19, my husband and I have been together for 1 year and 3 months, and been married for 6 months. I have made a mistake. I am absolutely miserable. He’s cheated on me in the relationship, and after forgiving him multiple times, he broke my trust in the marriage multiple times and done things he agreed and promised not to. We don’t see eye to eye on anything! We are complete opposites and it drives us crazy. Every day I feel like I’m screaming pulling my hair out because we are never on the same page. I truly believe I hate him.My problem is, I can’t get a divorce. I have a part time job and the cost of living is extremely high where I live and so I don’t have the means to independently support myself. Being 19 and married I also feel like EVERYONE told me not to do it, and it was a mistake (mostly my family). So if I go back to my family they’ll be like “I told you so” and I can’t face that. My entire family is extremely judgemental and I cannot let them know they were right with their judgements.Is my pride worth being miserable??

Trying to cross rate in navy... need some advice

In my opinion either rating you choose will give you an idea about civilian employment, but you'd also have to go through the civilian training for both jobs on the outside, either the police academy or paralegal school.

You have no choice but to go through your Chain of Command, including the CCC. The CCC will have to submit a 1306 and conversion package to NPC for initial approval then a command screening will need to be completed and signed off by the CO.

I know some CCC's seem to not be much help, so my advice is to read the link below, then read the appropriate articles in the MILPERSMAN to make sure you're even eligible to convert. If you have a Division/Dept CC, he/she should be involved in the process. Nothing will irritate a CCC more than a Sailor coming to them for help for something they can do on their own or the Division/Dept CC should be doing. Not all CCC's are like that, but if you're at a large command they're probably swamped with paperwork, thus the need for Division/Dept CC's who actually perform their collateral duty. If you need any help just e-mail me.

BTW, if you're an E-5 eligible for E-6, you may want to to consider NC also.

I need to create a name for an Advice Column, Do you guys have any Ideas?

My school is starting a School Newspaper, I've been elected to write in the Advice column. Ironically I need advice on what I should call it. This is for a high school Yearbook as well. I kind of like Mrs.KnowItAll however that one is actually used within a book series.