I Need Some Help/advice

Hey,I need some advice for Yahoo 360,help please?

Hi everyone, (fans,friends,Y!A Answerers) I need some help with Yahoo 360. I made my Yahoo 360 page,but I can't seem to figure out how I can show the link to my page for everyone. I would really enjoy showing my 360 page to all my best buds & fans,can you help me please?

Sincerely, C to the O to the L to the E -

I need some career advice, can anybody help me?

I'm a graduate(mech) 2016 passed out with 70% and searched for job till 2017 I couldn't find a job so I got an offer letter in GIS field currently getting trained in it and my friend advised me to join him in sales marketing job where he's doing. And my financial problems are there so I need to support my family. So what to do is it okay with GIS or should I go with my friends suggestion ?

I Need some help/advice?

Im in a bad way at the moment. My school marks are dropping and my parents think that Im a dropkick already. There is a girl at school (college) who I REALLY like (more obsessed with), she is good looking+intelligent and there are many guys at school who like her too. She is in one of my classes and i swear we had a bit of an attraction going on despite her having a boyfriend in another state. The only reason i look foward about going to school is seeing her and possibly talking to her (have a couple of times) and it pains me when there is no interaction. I often come home and drink a lot just to clear my mind. There is only about 4 weeks left of school and I can see myself having regrets in the future if I dont take any steps. What should I do? Go for it (maybe with some dutch courage, i dont know) or focus on school as hard as it may be. I am just not interested in anyone else at the moment and she is easy enough to talk to. Wtf should I do?

Bush Pilots, I need some help & Advice please.?

For being a bush pilot, there is no real age limit to start and continue fly.

The other obstacles you are going to run into are huge though.

First, there are no jobs. No jobs for pilots 25 years your junior with no obligations other than to fly. I hear so many stories about pilots who go on 'road trips' here in Canada, to Northern Quebec, to North West Ontario, the Yukon, NWT, Nunavut, and don't get squat. The lucky ones get a dock/ramp position, fueling planes, cleaning moose guts, pumping floats, and rolling barrels... all with hopes to impress the chief pilot and get ready to slide into a seat should someone get fired or move on.

Second, even if you do beat the odds against the fresh and often delusional low timers, you will get no money. A typical pay rate equates to minimum wage and you are there 24/7, often in the middle of nowhere, so no chance to moonlight. Most young guys make it by either getting an allowance from their parents or living below the poverty line.

Third, this whole industry is going for a sh!te just like photography. You want an aerial view of the Earth? Google Earth. You want to track animals? Set up a bunch of wildlife cameras instead of invasive collars and expensive aircraft. Scenic flights and hunting/fishing charters cannot be replaced by technology, but they are the first things hit in a recession.

You as a low timer will not be able to set up a 'freelance' operation with your own aircraft. That is what is known as a 'chisel charter' and is illegal. The best thing you could hope for with your own plane is to lease it to a company with an operator certificate. Not the best way to make a lot of money, as the aircraft are capital and maintenance intensive and leased aircraft are often used as a last resort for peak times (otherwise the company would just buy a plane).

If I were you, I would either find another career or stick with what you have. If you retired today, you would probably be better off than if you tried to be a pilot at your age--it's that bad.

Just remember that with photography, creativity is the one thing that technology cannot replace.

I need some advice, Im feeling lost. What should I do?

It's ok. Just keep going. You can totally do this. We have all had times in our lives where things don't go as planned. You know what that tells you? That you're trying. And you know what that means? You're bound to succeed. Just keep trying. You can try the same things again, or try different things. You're practicing for success. Success will come. Get yourself ready by continuing to practice.

I need some relationship advice?

I need help please!!I’m 19, my husband and I have been together for 1 year and 3 months, and been married for 6 months. I have made a mistake. I am absolutely miserable. He’s cheated on me in the relationship, and after forgiving him multiple times, he broke my trust in the marriage multiple times and done things he agreed and promised not to. We don’t see eye to eye on anything! We are complete opposites and it drives us crazy. Every day I feel like I’m screaming pulling my hair out because we are never on the same page. I truly believe I hate him.My problem is, I can’t get a divorce. I have a part time job and the cost of living is extremely high where I live and so I don’t have the means to independently support myself. Being 19 and married I also feel like EVERYONE told me not to do it, and it was a mistake (mostly my family). So if I go back to my family they’ll be like “I told you so” and I can’t face that. My entire family is extremely judgemental and I cannot let them know they were right with their judgements.Is my pride worth being miserable??

Injured box turtle-Need help. Advice?

I found a box turtle in the road so I stopped and went running to get him. He's a cool little guy and is very friendly (he likes to be pet on his head and his neck).

Unfortunately he has a major health concern/injury that I'm attending to, but nonetheless, I went out and got all the gear to take him in and take care of him.

If anyone has any knowledge about box turtles, or knows of an exotic vet that I can send pictures or I can speak to for advice about the care of his injury and how to treat it, I could use the help and would be very appreciative. Thanks!

I know a good bit about regular care for box turtles, but not his injury..

Here is a picture of the injury..

It appears that it's pretty swollen. There is some scabs and abrasions as well. I have been keeping it clean with a solution vets use to clean the animals.

Soy or Nutramigen?? Need some help and advice please :)?

My little one is now two months old. I breast fed for 3 weeks while having to supplement with formula (enfamil lipil from the hospital). When I exclusively switched over to enfamil when my daughter was 3 weeks old she got a little constipated so her ped switched to good start. the good start made her throw up violently. so then our daughters ped suggested soy so we switched to similac isomil (the only formula my siblings and i could tolerate as infants). Our daughter has been SOOO happy, pooping normally and gaining weight. The only issue is that she is getting eczema on her face (cheeks, chin, behind ears and a little on her neck). I can tell it itches her sometimes but she is never miserable (this baby NEVER cries!!!!) So we switched all soaps and detergents to sensitive skin. However her ped thought she was having an allergic reaction to the proteins so suggested Nutramigen.It took our daughter a few days to get used to the taste but now everytime our daughter finishes a bottle of nutramigen, she screams like she is in agonizing pain for an hour. we tried the ready to feed and it is still the same. It did help a LITTLE with the eczema though.
So here is my question. Do I keep her on soy since she is happy and treat the eczema separately? or keep trying with the nutramigen even though she is in so much pain from it. How about trying alimentum?
Sorry its so long, im a first time mom and my husband and I have terrible allergies so we just feel so bad for our little girl.
And please no bad comments about not breastfeeding I tried all that I could to increase my supply including constant pumping, medications and help from lactation consultants but nothing helped.
