I Need To Lose Weight But I Can

Im 15 and need to lose weight!!!FAST?

I am with you here- trying to lose weight by the time school starts, it's what everyone wants, right?

Listen, the water weight means NOTHING. It won't make you ANY thinner. The water is not fat itself, so sleeping with bags and sweaters is just going to dehydrate you but you won't get in any shape or look any better.

If your portions are a little high, cut them all in half, or slowly start eating less.

Lay off the junk, eat smaller, more frequent meals. Nothing fried. But most importantly EXERCISE. Jog jog jog, jogging is your best friend, but u can really do any cardio u want. If you're a weak runner, jogger, etc, start with intervals. Run for 30 seconds or however long you can run for, then walk for 30, then run, walk, etc. until you can keep things at a steadier pace.

Also, change something to more healthy alternatives: Make all buns and bread whole wheat. Instead of frying, try baking or use olive oil. Drink fat free or organic lowfat milk. Instead of pigging out on something like a piece of cake, grab a nutrition bar- they make ones that taste great, trust me, it will feed your junk craving without actually feeding yourself JUNK!

It's really not that hard, just make small changes to your lifestyle and before you know it those pounds will shed. I'm 5'10 and weight 240 last year now i'm down to 196 with just small changes like that. Don't have to do anything drastic just keep moving and don't overeat. You have to get yourself into a rythm, esp with the exercise, so start slow.

One secret to being thin is, DON'T DEPRIVE YOURSELF COMPLETELY! Because then one day you will pig out on that chocolate or that pan of fries and you will be right back where you started. Just cut things smaller and only indulge, not gobble it all up! Maybe once a week, allow yourself a piece of chocolate or something that you normally can't have when trying to lose weight, so then you're not constantly thinking about having it. It's all about lifestyle changes, and you can't just not have your favorite burger your entire life!

Remember: the key is moderation..

How can I lose weight fast? Im 14?

Hey my names Megan. Uhmm well Im 14 and I wanna lose weight? Im 5'9" and I weigh 201 pounds.. I know I know Im WAY over weight and I know that its very unhealthy. Ive tried to lose weight before but I just kinda gave up. I started high school this year and Ive seen all of the stick skinny girls always get all the guys and stuff. All of my friends are skinny. Im going to an arts school so Im supposed to be auditioning for plays and things. And Ive seen all of the girls who get lead rolls are skinny. Im not comfortable with my body at all. I never wear shorts or skirts. I always just wear jeans. I have an audition for a play called Learned Ladies next week and I wanna lose maybe a couple pounds? But by the end of the year I wanna be down to 150. If thats possible. I know that Im gonna have to eat healthy and exercise. Im up for it. Please tell me exactly what I have to do?


Losing weight while pregnant?

You should not purposely cut calories to lose weight while pregnant, however you can indeed exercise while pregnant and it is very good for you. It will help you with labor and delivery as well as the growing demands your body is going to put on you as the pregnancy progresses.

I would eat as healthy as possible. You do not have to increase your calories until you reach the second trimester. At that point you only need approx 300 extra calories per day to gain a healthy amount of weight.

Stick to lots of fresh fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean protein and low fat dairy and you're baby and you will be healthy and you won't pack on too many additional pounds :)

I need to lose weight but I love chocolate. I have to have chocolate after I eat. How do I combat this?

Sweetie, I'm about to drop some mind blowing shit right now. People don't tell you this because A) If you knew this you wouldn't need to pay for someone for help, and B) Most people don't know what the fuck they're doing. It doesn't really matter what you eat, the only thing that really truly matters (when it comes to losing weight) is if you're in a caloric deficit by the end of the week. Meaning you're eating 100–500 calories less than your maintenance calories a day. So as long as you are hitting your deficit by the end of the week, drinking water, eating a sufficient amount of protein, healthy fats and fiber you can eat as much chocolate as you like DAILY. PEACE OUT GIRL SCOUT.EDIT; Guys, obviously I know that all calories are not equal. I always recommend eating 75%-95% “healthy” on a daily basis and the rest can be naughty foods. Like I said, you still need healthy proteins, fats and carbohydrates to provide your body with NUTRIENTS. What I’m saying is, is that you don't have to eat 100% clean in order to lose weight. Contrary to what many people believe, you can still enjoy the foods you love in moderation and lose weight. Many people who believe that you can't eat a certain type of food while dieting use this as an excuse not to be fit. When the truth is, people have gotten shredded while eating dirty. Is it ideal? No. Is it “healthy” for you? Most certainly not. But is it possible? Absolutely. I’m taking about LOSING WEIGHT not necessarily being “heathy”. This is why, being thin does not always equate to being healthy.In a nut shell; you should always try to eat whole foods to provide you body with nutrients but you can also still enjoy your life a look amazing.LET THEM EAT CAKE SHE SAID!!!!!

I want/need to lose weight, but I can't stop eating?

I'm fat. I know I am because I'm about 40-50 pounds overweight. I want to lose weight so bad and I try to eat well and exercise, but it's so difficult. The exercising part isn't too hard since I've found things I really like to do. But it's the eating that makes me so frustrated with myself.
For example, tonight at 10:30 I decided to eat a huge thing of nachos for no effing reason. I knew it wouldn't be a good idea, but the evil side of myself kept saying "don't worry, this will be the last time and you'll start eating good tomorrow". The moment I put the last chip in my mouth I absolutely regretted eating the nachos...
What can I do to stop this reoccurring cycle of bad eating habits?? This has been happening for the past 5 years and summer is approaching and I'm tired of seeing my downright ugly cottage cheese legs. Please, do you have any tips and suggestions? I really appreciate anything! And please don't just say "uh, just stop eating fatty". Trust me, I say that to myself everyday but it's obviously and sadly not working...

So i need to lose weight but my mom wont let me diet what should i do?

first, don't "diet" but eat healthy and watch portion sizes. Have a good diet filled with whole grains and fruits and vegetables and little to no refined sugars, flours, and salt and try to have lots of little snacks through the day (like a cup of yogurt and some granola, and then a piece of fruit a little later) instead of eating 3 big meals a day and snacking inbetween. If you can't do that then portion control will help. You don't want to feel full by the end of the meal. If you feel full you've had too much.

Drink lots of water, this really helps your system to flush out all the bad and helps to prevent water retention.

And then exercise, exercise, exercise. Aerobic seems best for loosing weight. Walking, swimming, jogging, just get your heart rate up and keep it there for a bit.

I'm 14 and weigh 235 lbs. how can i lose weight.?

run around the block a few like twice a day. everyday. drink water. ONLY water. i swear only drink water. do crunches and leg lifts. also, when ever you eat the meals breakfast lunch and dinner. try to eat half of what you usually eat. and thats it. if you eat alot of snacks. dont. everytime you think you want a snack drink water instead or eat crackers or soemthing. with no butter on them. just keep running.

My bf wants me to lose weight but I'm not fat?

I'm 5 feet tall and 42kg.
My bf showed me a picture of a girl with very tiny waist and I said "Oh she's so pretty!" but what my bf said hurt me.. he told me "Then lose your weight." with a cold looking face.
He never said that before.. and I didn't even want to be like the girl in the picture! I just said she was pretty and my bf tells me to lose weight.
I don't think I'm fat, but I'm kind of starting to see myself as fat...
I'm not sure if I should lose weight..

Can you gain stamina if u lose weight??/?

Not by losing weight but by doing cardio vascular activities

if you lose weight you'll sure run more longer
because you have less weight to carry around. And it makes it seem like you got more stamina but you didn't just that you carry less weight and it makes it seem like that