I Need To Write A Song For A Musical For A Love Scene And I

Good scene/punk songs..?

Ok. Im basically a scene/punk person. I dont like screamo,tho. But Never Shout Never... <3 is my favorite:D What are some good bands/songs/albums for me? Thanks xD

Why do people love Rap music so much?

i didnt even read anything you wrote but the question and i ask why do you have to gossip about something you dont like like we care

I am looking for a song featured in P.S I love you during the funeral scene. Sounds Irish .... HELP!!!?

Fairytale Of New York - The Pogues

It was christmas eve babe
In the drunk tank
An old man said to me, wont see another one
And then he sang a song
The rare old mountain dew
I turned my face away
And dreamed about you

Got on a lucky one
Came in eighteen to one
Ive got a feeling
This years for me and you
So happy christmas
I love you baby
I can see a better time
When all our dreams come true

Theyve got cars big as bars
Theyve got rivers of gold
But the wind goes right through you
Its no place for the old
When you first took my hand
On a cold christmas eve
You promised me
Broadway was waiting for me

You were handsome
You were pretty
Queen of new york city
When the band finished playing
They howled out for more
Sinatra was swinging,
All the drunks they were singing
We kissed on a corner
Then danced through the night

The boys of the nypd choir
Were singing galway bay
And the bells were ringing out
For christmas day

Youre a bum
Youre a punk
Youre an old slut on junk
Lying there almost dead on a drip in that bed
You scumbag, you maggot
You cheap lousy ******
Happy christmas your ****
I pray God its our last

I could have been someone
Well so could anyone
You took my dreams from me
When I first found you
I kept them with me babe
I put them with my own
Cant make it all alone
Ive built my dreams around you

Video Clip:

Why is Chinese pop music so terrible? I want to enjoy the uniqueness China can bring, but most unique things here seem to have a hard time getting traction.

I totally agree.  l was raised on Canto-pop, and I lived in China as a rock musician. I have to admit Chinese pop music is generally really really terrible.From a musical standpoint Chinese pop music is extremely simple (see Elliott Chen's answer to Chinese Music: How does modern Chinese pop music differ from American music in style, instruments, and chords/theory). The chords are the most basic I IV V VI combinations put together in uninspired ways. It focuses on clear vocal melodies, light instrumentation to not get in the way of the vocals, and insipid themes.Chinese pop music isn't built to challenge or break new ground. Chinese pop music largely borrowed from Japan prior to the 90s, rerecording many Japanese hits. More recently Chinese music has taken some R&B elements from the Korean wave of hip hop style. Yet stylistically Chinese listeners are simply not sophisticated or as knowledgeable about music as their foreign counterparts. More so than anywhere else I've been, Chinese countries have a low tolerance for "weirdness" in music. They like the music soft, the tempos moderate, the vocals simple. This lack of innovation is pretty staggering. The Taiwanese singer Jay Chou incorporated some bad rap and traditional Chinese instrumentation and created a bit of a ruckus for being a "musical genius" Similarly Faye Wong, the goddess of Chinese pop, basically ripped off the Cocteau Twins and Cranberries, and inspired an army of sensitive Chinese females for being so cutting edge. Faye Wong *inspiring* version of the Cranberries' DreamsGenerally the Chinese seek classical forms and are slow to accept newer challenging elements.  There's a reason why Chinese paintings basically looked like this for thousands of years:The Cultural Revolution didn't help things. But if we look to Taiwan and Hong Kong, their pop music isn't much better. I don't have any logical explanation why Chinese music tends to be so bad as a whole. But my honest opinion is that Chinese people just tend to have tacky taste in the arts and design. So the music reflects that. Japanese people have refined tastes, so their music reflects that. I'm Chinese and I really wish we wrote better songs.And if you disagree with my opinion then please go listen to some bad Chinese pop. La la la

How can I incorporate music into a story that I'm writing?

I'm sort of trying to make their speech song like. Like in a story, there are certain rules to follow when you're writing the dialogue. An example being how you always start a sentence with quotation marks and you separate the description of the story from things the characters say. For example,

The color of the walls inside the house was a yellow so bright, it would compete with the sun. It wasn't the prettiest of colors but I couldn't lie to the designer.

"I love this shade of yellow on the walls."

I want to write the story the same as any other story but in some parts, instead of the characters talking to each other, I want it to be them singing to each other. I'm just not sure how to convey that they are singing instead of talking and if I need to write the singing parts of the book the same way as the other dialogue. I hope this is better but I suck at getting my point across ha-ha.

DO you have to fight to listen to music?

Just keep fighting the good fight. Eventually, you will wear them down and they'll probably want to start marching to the Black Parade. I usually am the one that gets stuck driving so I run a dictatorship when it comes to the music. It works out extremely well.