I Never Had Any Girlfriend Will I Have Or My Life =loner

30 Never had a girlfriend Loner for Life?

Im a 30 year old guy a complete loner living alone, that likes to isolate myself away from everyone. Im not social at all. No friends for about 4-5 years now and until the last couple days I was completely content never even thought about dating in the last 4-5 years. I usually spend the day working out than watching tv/games and maybe drinking here and there. But for some reason maybe its not enough sun idk, I have been thinking about it. It also doesn't help I looked back 8 years when I was 22 asking this question so will probably be asking again when I am 38. So How do i get these stupid thoughts out of my head and go back to my care free life????

Im 19, i have never had a girlfriend.... am i a loner?

Its actually rare to see a guy who hasn't boned every girl he possibly could, especially with how things are now. You see pregnant 12 year old kids or young teen adults all over the place its almost starting to seem...normal. Then you see someone like this, reserved, obviously respects yourself to not sleep around due to peer pressure and such. You aren't a loser you are actually unique and who you are, if someone were to call you a loser for not "losing" (ha see what I did there) your virginity then they think sleeping with some random girl they won't know for their whole life is cool...or tough? logic people...logic.

Now if you are worried about a girl thinking you're weird for not having friends then what type of girl are you looking for exactly? If you found a sweet girl who loves you for who you are then there will be no judgement. If you do however date one who judges you then maybe you should reconsider.

I've never been in a real relationship yet, I had one boyfriend in middle school but we were so shy that we barely spoke to each other as a real couple would lol, and currently I'm what people would say "internet dating" with a really sweet and awesome guy I met. I don't feel like a loser even though my sister and a few friends would sometimes make fun of me for it, they also make fun of me for being a virgin and I could see the look in their eyes when they talk about me like I'm a little kid still when I'm 18 years old...I mean if you haven't found the right one then there is no reason you should sleep with someone you don't love just to "get the deed done" as if being a virgin is something horrible.

If I'm a loner, will it be impossible to get a girlfriend?

Impossible would mean that there is an absolute zero chance that you don't get a girlfriend because you're a loner.I just got back from a quail farm and had a chat with the man who runs it. The conversation about his wife came up, because he was quite proud to show her off (adorable really). I asked how they met.World of Warcraft.Another mate just married a girl he met on Tinder.A girl I know married a guy 4 months ago because his boss, is her uncle, and thought the two of them would look good together.So, it's not impossible. You have a better chance of getting a girlfriend, than you do winning the lottery, dying because of an airplane crash, or being struck lightning several times and living.The when, is up to you, young Padawan.If you want a girl, go get her, they're all over; on the internet, at your local grocery store, the mall, at group gatherings or parties.Be yourself, but be intentional about the girl, if you find you fancy. If she likes you and then make moves. If it's obvious she doesn't, let her go, leave her alone, it won't end well if you pursue.Be ready to fail. You will, alot. Not every girl is going to accept you. Many reject you. But you get used to it.

Why im such a loner?I have no girlfriend:(?

Hey!Its my second year in high school.And idont have any friends...I have some friends but we are not close i mean they dont call me or text me or call me to hang out somewhere.I always think im ugly as ****!I dont have any girl number on my phone.I see girls are talking to boys they find attractive but i never faced with that situation.I cant look to their eyes or face cause i think im not in their level.I dont want to show my face to them.I see how they go somewhere together to hangout but im only going to home cause i have no one to hang out with.Im going to cinema alone.Seriously i feel really ugly and i know that im ugly i hate my eyes,nose,lips eyebrowsand my head shape i have kinda long hair but its not so long and im scared to cut it cause it will bring out my face more.And i have shitty grades im one of the worst students in the class.Im just a stupid worthless,ugly loser.How can i deal with it?By the way i never had any experience with a girl.I didnt date anyone just like i said i dont even have a girl number on my phone.

Am I a loser if I never had a girlfriend?

I don't care for sugar coating PCing stuff. I care about helping people, so my answer may sound harsh, but that's because telling you nice things isn't going to help.Yes, my friend, you are a loser with girls. And if you don't do something about it, you always will.I know you might have heard "just be yourself, the right one will show up." No, she won't. You've tried that for years and it hasn't helped. The first thing you have to do is to stop being a loser. See, beingĀ  a loser is a moral judgement that your putting on yourself. You're a loser because you think you should have had a girlfriend by now and you haven't. Well, yeah, you should damn well have, and you haven't. You are absolutely right. It's not common to reach 30 and have been longing for a girl for so long. But just because you're right, that doesn't mean that you should label yourself a loser, but you are, and because you label yourself a loser, well, girls will find you a loser. No girl wants to be with a loser.So, you have to figure out what hasn't been working? Are you too shy? Are you too wishy-washy? Are you lacking assertion, confidence, or money? Are you going after girls that are out of your reach? Are you neglecting to clean up your act? Are you being too much of a friend? The only one that can answer those questions is you. And for that, you might have to face one or more aspects of yourself that you don't want to face.Once you think you have figured something out, it's time to go out and test it. And yes, YOU WILL FAIL at the beginning. It's ok, it's called practice. It's about learning what works and what isn't. It's about becoming more confident. It's about learning not to care about rejection.May the force be with you.

Girlfriends' sister is a total loner, any way I can help?

I'm 21 I've been with my girlfriend for two years, we have our problems, but we do all right most of the time. Our relationship isn't the problem though. My girlfriends younger sister, is a complete loner. She is 19 years old, she has never had a boyfriend or even been out on a date, she had a few friends in high school, but she has completely lost touch since she graduated. In the five years I've known her she has only gone out on the weekend, without a family member, one time. All she does is got to school, volunteer a couple places, and watch TV. The thing is she doesn't seem all that unhappy with her life, she has openly stated that she doesn't want a boyfriend, and that she never wants kids or to get married, her life's aspiration is to have her own place by the time she's 30 and own a dog. If she is truly satisfied with her life, I understand that it's not my place to judge. I just don't understand how anyone could be happy, with no social interaction outside of immediate family, and having almost no goals in life. Is there anything I can do to help and is it even my place.

Can an ugly loner guy get a girlfriend?

Don't be so hard on yourself. Don't put it in negative like 'total loner' if you want to mention that you don't have many friends etc maybe put i prefer having smaller groups of friends or something.
Maybe then some girl would read it and be similar.

Anyone is capable of getting a partner. Sometimes you dont have to try so hard, sometimes it just happens and you meet someone and as the cliche goes'fall in love'

And dont go with any kind of girl for the sake of it, find someone with similair interests in films or music so you have more things to talk about etc.
If you want to be in a good relationship with someone you need foundations that arn't just based on physical attraction so don't think you're ugly either.
Women like men who are honest, caring, trustworthy etc.

i hope this helps some how.

Am i destined to never have a girlfriend, and always be alone?

I may only be 17, but I've never had a bf so I 1/2 way get where you're coming from. Everyone's telling you to "socialize!" but honestly it can be a bit intimidating. I'm the same way. I'm really quiet to begin with, but if I'm meeting someone new, I close up and barely say a word, even if I want to.
I did realize however that the times it was the least awkward to meet someone was when I was with just one other friend. A guy that she was friends with came over to talk to say hi, and she introduced us. It was so much better than being w/ a group of friends who would drag me over to a group of guys to introduce me to a bunch at once..which was terrible because I had nothing to say.
I'd say just get a pretty good friend of yours that could introduce you to one of his or her friends at a time, gradually getting more aquainted with more people. From there you can meet those people's friends, and although you may not be extremely close with many of them you'll have an easier time talking to these people as time goes on. Plus, someone's got to have a fairly attractive female friend they can introduce you to somewhere down the line =]