I Opened An Account Just For This. I Want To Find That Fricking Movie Help Me. So There Was

How can I stop getting scared after watching a horror movie?

Yes. I use these two techniques personally. I'm so shit scared that when I need to pee in middle of the night I probably need someone outside the bathroom door keeping a watch for me (just in case those fictional characters were real and would come to kill me at night while peeing. Haha yes, mind doesn't work by logic at night.)Technique No. 1 -So the technique number 1 is to watch it in mute. Unmute when dialogues are being said.But keeping it on mute will allow you to be not that scared when something or someone suddenly appears.Sound effects of these movies make it more scary.Another psychological hack with this is that watching it on mute won't let you completely submerge in the scary atmosphere, you'd be able to differentiate between what's a real world and fiction.Hence, you'd be way more less scared.Technique No. 2 —So this may sound stupid but it works. So be with me here. I use it. It does help.Step 1 - Make your friends or family watch it with you.Step 2 - When you start feeling scared, make jokes on the movie, make fun of it.The psychology behind this is to ridicule it that your brain knows it's not supposed to take the scary movie seriously. And hence, to not get scared.I hope this helped you. Happy Scary-loween!

I am freaking terrified of Gore in movies. How do I fix this?

Just watch a "behind the scenes" feature on a horror dvd. You'll see just how fake the blood and bones and guts are. Really fascinates you. And maybe make you laugh a bit to see just how silly it looks. Then watch those film scenes again. Still "terrified?" If so, I guess you need to test out a Psychology emotion theory. If you make yourself smile and laugh during those scenes, you may actually begin to actually enjoy it.

Idk what else though. lol.

Someone explain these things in the movie gravity to me?

There's a part where some Chinese dude is singing and she's in a space thing and then George clooney opens up the door and she had no space helmet on, so how did she survive that?! This movie is honestly so freaking annoying.. How did it get any oscars????

Jurassic Park movie questions?

I know it might be 3:30am where you are, but these questions are super easy. I haven't watch JP in 5 or more years and I could answer almost EVERY ONE of those questions - easy. You can do these questions yourself, just sit down and try.

I'll answer two tho, to get you started:
How are the "plants" affecting the Triceratops? The plants they have in the triceratops area are poisonous and they are making them (the triceratops) sick. That's why she (Dr. Sattler) stuck her hand in the mound of poop to see what the dinosaurs had been eating.

How are dinosaurs breeding and why is amphibian DNA significant? The dinosaurs are breeding because the scientists used an African (i think) frog's DNA to complete DNA strands they extracted from the fossilized mosquito. The frog DNA that they used (to complete the dino DNA strand) enables the dinosaurs to change sexes to preserve themselves. Basically, they made it possible for the girl dinosaurs to grow penises and thus = reproduce. It's explained in the movie that this was not intentional.

and - as an added help (and a way to teach you to do your own HW) - here's a link to the information you need on the Lysine Contingency:

Need some Horror movie ideas?

Make the movie using the ouija board in the beginning, and have it start spelling out scary stuff and have the people doing acting like they aren't controlling it (which they would be) and they could start freaking out ya know like it wasnt planned...and have other stuff like pounding on the windows or doors opening and have the actors in it acting like none of this was planned, like have another story line but the ouija board "actually" working makes the horror film begin to seem real ya know?

oH and have everyone in your group our in your class that are acting in it die off in some way, or vanish, and have the camera person drop the camera and start screaming and have the video cut, and when its time to turn it in, have like some one else deliver the tape and the vid that you made would play and the people in it wouldnt be in class that I dont know if you get what im saying,

but I hoped this helped

Can you get braces just for fun.?

Yes you can. Several adult film actresses have gotten braces so they can appear younger than they really are