I Play Football Soccer And I Want To Some Nutritions Tips.

I get tired easily when playing Football/Soccer.?

I get tired around 5-10 minutes into the game, many say that I sprint all the time rather than just run, but I honestly don't know what they mean. It feels like running to me. I usually need a small bottle of water and around a 5 minute break to recover. I'm fit, or at least I think I am. Any ideas or suggestions?

Thanks for your time, I appreciate it!

What is the best way to train for soccer if you've never played before?

Soccer involves a lot of running, so run around the block, or a long distance as many days as you can, and do sprints back and forth to build endurance. Practice ball handling by dribbling around and through cones, and practice shooting off the ground and not directly to the goalie. Look up the positions online, or get a book on soccer. Good nutrition is basically the same as always. Not too much sugar, and pasta is good before a game or practice. Remember to stay hydrated before and while you are running. Soccer is a really fun game, good luck! :)

What are good workout supplements for soccer players?

i have been reading online on what to take before a workout or before a game. I want to build muscle and have energy before a game. I was think of buying Animal Pak which is a multivitamin and then take Micronized Creatine to build muscle when work out.

What do scouts look for in a soccer tryout?

my dream is to be a professional soccer player an i wanted to know what qualities the look for

my dad and my coach say they mostly look for a person they can teach and make into a great player... are they right?

How to not get tired during soccer games?

you need to condition more. try walking a mile almost everyday, then jog a mile almost everyday then try 2 run it. if there r bleachers at ur school try 2 run up and down the stairs. mainly just try 2 get your body use to running and then you wont get so tired during games or practice. 8)