I Put On 10 Ibs Of Muscle And I Want To Do Boxing How Do I Get Faster Punching Fast And Running

Does gaining muscle make you slower?

That’s pretty much the opposite. I don’t know why people keep believing this, but it is plain nonsense. Muscle is an active tissue that will allow you to contract harder and produce more force while performing any movement.NOw, how is that supposed to make you slower?I used to be a track and field athlete back in high where I specialized at the 200m and the 400m events. Particularly the half of our workout routine was lifting weights in an attempt to gain muscle in the hamstrings and glute area so we could maximize our explosiveness.This is the case with almost all track and field athletes, who are by the way the fastest humans in the planet. And if you take a good look at the Olympic events you will notice that most of the guys in the 100m and 200m are jacked. does that make them slower? hell no.Also, if you look through all sports like wrestling, boxing, and especially American football. For god sake, a guy like Heath Evans who is a beast who weighs over 250 lbs, can run his 40-yard dash in roughly 4.61 sec. That’s a great number even by track and field standards. So definitely his muscles didn’t slow him down that much.You have to keep in mind here that most of the muscles stimulated during heavy weighted movements are the type 2b fast twitch muscle fibers. Those fibers contracts explosively and they are designed for quick bursts of force production, so they are more suitable for anything speed related. So by developing those fibers, you won’t get low, actually, you will get faster.Hope you find my answer helpful, and if you are afraid to gain muscle just because you don’t want to lose your speed, forget about it, it will never happen.GOOD LUCK.

Can punching hard surfaces really help you punch harder?

no you will only hurt your hands. punching power comes from your hips and feet pivoting. your arms and hands are only an extension. twist your hips and pivot your feet and will punch harder. better technique = greater power, don't hurt your hands.

How do professional boxers build muscle mass?

Boxers build muscle mass by repetition they're not looking to have the biggest muscles they want to have compact fast muscles and they do that by repeating the same thing over and over again do you want to be able to hit harder you put on gloves do you put weights in your glove you work on the heavy bag you run you do sit-ups you have somebody hit you with a medicine bag throwing it into your gut. Boxing is cardio repetition learning how to use your legs properly not just your hands you want hand speed and quickness you want to be able to block a punch want to be able to catch a punch you want to be able to throw a punch you need muscle in your hands your fists are rocks you got to learn how to throw those rocks you got to get around your opponent's defenses and you got to defend yourself from your opponents attack and part of that is endurance a part of that is muscle. Endurance and muscle both come from calisthenics push-ups sit-ups reputation heavy bag jumping rope learning how to duck. handball throwing a ball at the wall and catching it working on your hand speed you want to be able to take a punch you want to be able to throw a punch you want to have the endurance to go ten rounds. Your strength from your arms comes from your legs if you're head dies your body dies if your body dies your head dies if you throw a lot of punches and you have weights in your hands it will build your arms push-ups work to. More reps less weight proper diet there's a time to work your muscles to the hardest and there's a time to let your muscles relax your muscles need time to build. Imagine the body you want and what you want to do with it and get busy.

Do steroids make you run faster... and if so which types?

The main thing steroids do is shorten your recovery time. That's why those monstrosities in bodybuilding look the way they do. They work hard and juice up so they can hit the gym again.

You want to increase your running time? You should drop some weight - at least 15 lbs, so you'll be carrying less weight with you. You can also use one day to do sprints, on a flat road, or sprint up a hill a few times.