I Really Need Help Sleeping Help

I really need help on this assignment, Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie?

K, so you need help writing a poem with the phrase "sleeping freshman never lie" ?

How long does it need to be?

*I'll edit in the poem that I come up with after these get answered :)*

Alrighty here you go :)

S- Studying all night
L- Laying around on the weekends
E- Even trying new things
E- Everything is crazy
P- Procrastinating home work to the last possible second
I- Is it illegal to Sleep in class?
N- Never back down
G- Go the farthest you can
F- Freedom aint nothing easy to come by
R- Remeber why you're here
E- Even when its hard
S- Stay away from the crowd
H- Highschool is just a huge version of the Wild
M- Mind you Manners
E- Earn your place in this world
N- Never quit
N- Not even when its tough.
E- End with a laugh
V- Very likely to succseed
E- Every cloud has its silver lining
R- Remember why you're here
L- Learn something new every day
I- in doubt, go left.
E- Everything that is highschool.

I've never been exremely good at these and I'm not even sure if i did it right, so let me know if its usable :)

Need help... can't sleep?

To help sleep:
make sure room is dark, don't go to bed hungry or just after eating (a small snack 1 hour before bed is good). Don't read or watch tv in bed, because this stimulates your thinker and you want to try and relax.
If u can't sleep because of lots of thoughts about your day, stress etc, try writing down what is bothering you, or what you're going to do about it the next day, this can help you relax a bit more.
Warm milk (sounds silly I know) helps sleep, and there's a natural herb you can take, called Valerian root. It helps relax muscles and induce sleep (not really medication, just a natural supplement so is not addictive and doesn't make you feel groggy upon awakening) Or you can try burning some essential oils, like lavender or peppermint.
If you're not getting any exercise, try going for a nice walk or something. And of course limit caffeine and sugary drinks. There's some herbal teas around that can help you sleep too, available at the supermarkets. Hope this helps, can't really help with the insomnia thing because I don't know enough about it. Good luck zzzzzzzzzz.

I really need help and can't sleep; I'm a bulimic and i can't sleep because too much...?

Anyone struggling with any type of eating disorder should seek professional help. They need a treatment team with a nutritionist, physician, therapist, and possibly a psychiatrist.
This is a really misunderstood disorder, it's a disease-not a choice.
My dietitian always told me that after an hour purging your food would be pointless, so to speak. And if you can get anything out after that, you need to see a GI doctor because something is wrong. Purging is REALLY dangerous! It screws up your potassium levels- not to mention you to go into cardiac arrest, or you can throw up blood, etc. Even just doing it ONE time. There are a bunch of reasons out there why it's medically horrible. And dying hanging over a toilet would not be the preferred choice to go for anyone.

Okay that being said, lol
I know how hard it is. Always thinking about it, it's totally a viscous cycle. But you have to do everything in your power not to purge. And it will be hard, and there will be times where you mess up, but keep working on it. I know there have been times where I just sat there crying because I wanted to throw up so bad after I ate...but reach out for support, and distract yourself. You gotta learn to feel the uncomfortable feeling. And find out what is triggering it. (That's where the professional help comes in to play). Because no one wakes up one day and decides to binge and then violently throw up their food, ya know what I mean?

Take care of yourself <3

Does listening to delta wave sleep music while sleeping really help you get deep NREM sleep or the so called slow wave sleep?

Studies have different responses to that. First of all, if you don’t have any severe sleep disorder you will achieve deep sleep (slow wave sleep) naturally. Secondly, during sleep our brain gets habituated to sounds, it means that after a short time you stop hearing them. Next, in slow wave sleep you won’t hear a thing. That’s why listening delta wave music while sleeping is useless.Delta waves are found most often in infants as well and young children. As we get older, we tend to produce less delta waves even during deep sleep. These waves are associated with the deepest levels of relaxation and healing sleep. Delta waves also play a role in unconscious bodily functions such as regulating heart beat and digestion. When there is abnormal delta activity, a person can experience learning disabilities or have difficulties maintaining conscious awareness. Delta waves range is 0 Hz to 4 Hz (Slowest)However, you can listen to delta wave music in a daily practice. Because it takes a month or two to see any changes. You can listen to them before sleep, to relax and fall to sleep more easily.You can read more about deep sleep here.

HELP i need sleep I have been so tired laterly?

Go to bed earlier.

How does sleep help you grow taller?

Get your best sleep ever with a wide selection of mattresses that cater to your needs.You hear it often, especially if you were a child that grew up within Filipino culture. Adults and even other kids tell you that you should get some sleep if you want to grow taller. Some even use it as a reason for you to go and nap in the afternoon. But is there any truth to this? Do you really grow taller only when youre asleep? Or is this merely a myth often used to trick children so that the adults can have some peace and quiet?Free book: How to Get Taller Faster at Any AgeScientifically speaking, it is a fact that your body releases its growth hormones during deep sleep. Your pituitary glands produce growth hormones and add them into your bodys blood stream. This causes your bones to thicken, strengthen, and lengthen little by little. From this point, its pretty quick to conclude that sleep indeed does play an important role in your physical growth and development. So yeah, it is true.It seems like a stupid question, but its pretty valid. Well first of all, its impossible for any human being to live long enough to see any growth if he doesnt sleep. This brings you back to the question: do you really grow taller only when youre asleep? Well, while it is a fact that you do grow when you sleep, it doesnt necessarily entail that you only grow when you do so. You grow more when sleeping than you do when awake. Simple as that.Almost all of it. When youre fully relaxed in deep sleep, you give your active bodily functions a chance to rest, allowing your body to tune up for the following day. Like with cars or other machines, you can only fully tune or fix it when its at rest.So in the end, regardless of purpose, sleep will always be good for you, though you wont get much if you get too much of it. You dont have to worry about whether or not you or a child will grow or not. Eventually, they just do, but that doesnt mean you have to stop encouraging yourself or others to sleep. Just dont give too much hope.